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Number of visits: 380678

Sunday, April 26

15:00 - 18:30
Room: Foyer de Buen Ayre

Monday, April 27

08:00 - 09:00
Room: Foyer de Buen Ayre

09:00 - 10:30
Opening Ceremony and Plenary Lectures I & II
Room: Buen Ayre A+B+C
Chair: Sergio Idelsohn

Plenary Lecturer: Thomas J. R. Hughes
Isogeometric analysis; ten years after

T. J. R. Hughes*

Plenary Lecturer: Peter Wriggers
Material modeling based on multiscale analyis

P. Wriggers*

10:30 - 11:00
Room: Foyer de Buen Ayre

11:00 - 13:00
1.8 MS: Computational Buckling Analysis of Thin-Walled Structures
Minisymposia organized by Luis Godoy and Rossana Jaca
Room: Buen Ayre C
Chair: Rossana Jaca
Co-Chair: Luis Godoy

Keynote Lecturer: Luis Godoy
A penalty approach to obtain lower bound buckling loads of imperfection-sensitive shells

L. A. Godoy*, R. C. Jaca, E. M. Sosa and F. G. Flores

Rigorous non-linear theory for buckling analysis of thin-walled restrained beam
A. Khelil*

A “worst” imperfection theory based on initial stiffness reduction
C. E. Jouglard*

Buckling of composite cross-ply sandwich panels using different finite element approximations
F. G. Flores*

Dynamic buckling criteria for shells under impulsive loads
M. P. Ameijeiras* and L. A. Godoy

Corrotational formulation of geometrically nonlinear element for Koiter‘s stability analysis
E. J. Barbero, A. Madeo*, G. Zagari, R. Zinno and G. Zucco

1.32 MS: Structural Analysis and Vibrations I
Minisymposia organized by Diana V. Bambill and Liz Nallim
Room: Buen Ayre B
Chair: Diana V. Bambill

Keynote Lecturer: Diana V. Bambill
Free vibrations of Timoshenko micro beams using the modified couple stress theory

G. I. Guerrero, D. V. Bambill* and D. H. Felix

Analysis of the behavior of an industrial building wih presence of vibrations due to machinery
N. L. Ercoli, M. H. Peralta* and L. O. Pico

A simplified numerical model for assessing the residual strength and deformation capacity of asymmetrically damaged ropes
J. F. Beltrán* and E. De Vico

Comparative analysis of new shear locking-free finite element with other commonly used approaches in vibration analysis of Mindlin plates
I. Senjanovic, N. Vladimir*, D. S. Cho, M. Jokic and T. M. Choi

Dynamic analysis by a new family of time-marching procedures with adaptive time integration parameters
D. Soares*

Finite element analysis of ceiling collapse during seismic excitation
D. Isobe*, T. Yamamoto, H. Tagawa, T. Yamashita and T. Sasaki

1.25 MS: Material Modeling with Multiscaling I
Minisymposia organized by Kenjiro Terada, Eduardo de Souza Neto, Pablo Blanco and Peter Wriggers
Room: Buen Ayre A
Chair: Julien Yvonnet
Co-Chair: Eduardo de Souza Neto

Filter-based computational homogenization
J. Yvonnet*, A.  Tognevi, G. Bonnet and M. Guerich

Multi-scale modelling of configurational forces at small strains
M. Klassen*, C. Kuhn, S. Staub, H. Andrä and R. Müller

Multiscale model of strength in single crystal tungsten under uniaxial and biaxial loading
D. Cereceda*, M. Diehl, F. Roters, D. Raabe, J. M. Perlado and J. Marian

On the virtual power principle for RVE-based multiscale models
P. J. Blanco*, P. J.  Sánchez, E. A. de Souza Neto and R. A. Feijóo

A FFT based mesoscopic approach for the compression and recovery simulation of structured nonwovens
S. Staub*, H. Andrä and M. Kabel

Study of crack propagation of graphene using atomic-scale finite element method
D. A. Damasceno*, M. A. N. Dewapriya, E. Mesquita and R. K. N. D. Rajapakse

2.19 MS: Free-Surface, Moving-Boundary and Multi-Phase Flows I
Minisymposia organized by Marcela Cruchaga, Mario Storti, Gustavo Buscaglia and Axel Larreteguy
Room: Quebracho A
Chair: Mario Storti
Co-Chair: Marcela Cruchaga

Implicit boundary and anisotropic mesh adaptation for multi-phase flows
T. Coupez*, L. Silva and P. Laure

Enhanced surface definition in free-surface flow simulation
M. Behr*, A. Stavrev, P. Knechtge, L. Pauli and S. Elgeti

Three-dimensional simulations of flows with moving boundaries with a local ALE Method
J. C. Heinrich* and D. B. Carrington

A fast parallel algorithm for direct simulation of particulate flows using conforming grids
J. Keating and P. D. Minev*

Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic and transport phenomena in intertidal coastal areas
I. Colominas*, F. Navarrina, M. Casteleiro, L. Cueto-Felgueroso, H. Gómez, J. Fe and A. Soage

2.5 MS: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Finite Element Methods: Formulations, Implementation Strategies and Applications I
Minisymposia organized by Lucia Catabriga and Sandra Malta
Room: Quebracho B
Chair: Sandra Malta

Keynote Lecturer: Maicon R. Correa
An iterative algorithm for three-phase flow in porous media

M. R. Correa* and M. A. Murad

Locking-Free Stabilized Hybridized FEM for incompressible and nearly incompressible elasticity
C. O.  Faria*, A. F. D.  Loula and A. J. B.  dos Santos

Construction of Hdiv finite element spaces for three-dimensional geometries
D. A. Castro, P. R. B. Devloo, A. M. Farias, S. M. Gomes* and O. D. Triana

Dynamic viscosity formulation for steady state and transient advection-diffusion-reaction problems
A. M. P. Valli, L. Catabriga*, I. P. dos Santos, R. C. Almeida and A. L. G. A. Coutinho

Scalar transport around a solid sphere falling in a stratified fluid
I. P. Santos*, E. Burman and E. Johnson

A Galerkin method with two-dimensional Haar basis functions for the computation of the Karhunen-Loève expansion
J. S. Azevedo*, S. P. Oliveira and F. Wisniewski

5.16 MS: Uncertainty Modeling and Quantification
Minisymposia organized by Rubens Sampaio, Marta Rosales and Marcelo Tulio Piovan
Room: Pacará A
Chair: Marcelo Tulio Piovan
Co-Chair: Marta Rosales

Keynote Lecturer: Marta B. Rosales
Dynamic behavior of timber beams with uncertain properties

D. A. García, M. B. Rosales* and R.  Sampaio

Parametric probabilistic analysis in the uncertain dynamics of magneto-electro-elastic beams resting on elastic foundations
M. T. Piovan*, J. F. Olmedo and R.  Sampaio

Dynamic analysis of a guyed mast with uncertainties on the stiffness and the nominal wind velocity
J. S. Ballaben*, M. B. Rosales and R.  Sampaio

Monte Carlo simulation vs Spectral Galerkin method: a numerical performance study
V. Papadopoulos*, G. Stavroulakis, D. G. Giovanis and M. Papadrakakis

Neural network-based reliability analysis using subset simulation: application in random fields
D. G. Giovanis* and V. Papadopoulos

3.3 MS: Algorithmic Aspects of High-Performance Computing for Mechanics and Physics I
Minisymposia organized by Santiago Badia, Victor Calo and Javier Principe
Room: Pacará B
Chair: Victor Calo

On a scalable multiphysics finite element framework
S. Badia*, O. Colomés, P. Kus, A. F. Martín, M. Olm and J. Principe

A variational flux recovery approach for elastodynamics problems with interfaces
P. Bochev* and P. Kuberry

Scalable solution of multiphysics MHD systems by approximate block factorization preconditioners
J. N. Shadid*, E. C. Cyr, R. P.  Pawlowski, E. G.  Phillips and L.  Chacon

Finite element methods at realistic complexities
W. Bangerth*

Hybrid direct and iterative solvers for h refined grids with singularities
M. Paszyński*, A. Paszyńska, L. Dalcin and V. M. Calo

A highly scalable implementation of balancing domain decomposition by constraints
J. Principe*, S. Badia and A. F. Martín

3.19 MS: Higher Order Finite Element Discretizations I
Minisymposia organized by Leszek Demkowicz, Jay Gopalakrishnan and Tan Bui-Thanh
Room: Alerce
Chair: Leszek Demkowicz
Co-Chair: Jay Gopalakrishnan

On a mixed least-squares formulation using different approximation spaces
K. Steeger*, J. Schröder and A. Schwarz

Application of discontinuous Galerkin adaptive mesh and order refinement method to energy transport and conservation equation in radiation-hydrodynamics
M. Holec*, M. Cotelo, P. Velarde and R. Liska

Norms in the analysis of the DPG method with optimal test functions
L. F. Demkowicz, N. Heuer*, M. Karkulik and F-J. Sayas

Hybrid Discontinuous Galerkin methods for solid mechanics and fluid dynamics
J. Schöberl*

Degree and wavenumber independence of a Schwarz preconditioner for the DPG method
J. Gopalakrishnan*

1.30 MS: Numerical Modeling of Damage Evolution and Propagating Discontinuities in Solids at Failure I
Minisymposia organized by Christian Linder and Ekkehard Ramm
Room: Jacaranda
Chair: Ekkehard Ramm
Co-Chair: Christian Linder

Keynote Lecturer: Christian Linder
Phase field modeling of diffusion and fracture of silicon electrodes in lithium-ion batteries

C. Linder* and X. Zhang

Ductile failure modelled by a non-local damage approach coupled with XFEM
M. R. R. Seabra and J. M. A. Cesar de Sa*

Understanding "phase-field" models of fracture
B. Bourdin*, J-J. Marigo and C. Maurini

The h-version of the method of auxiliary mapping for higher order solutions of crack problems
M. M. Chiaramonte*, Y. Shen and A. J. Lew

Blade cutting simulation with crack propagation through thin-walled structures via solid-shell finite elements in explicit dynamics
A. Ghisi*, F.  Confalonieri and U. Perego

3.25 MS: Mathematical and Computational Methods for Subsurface Modeling and Visualization I
Minisymposia organized by Victor Calo, Ignacio Muga and David Pardo
Room: Lenga
Chair: Ignacio Muga

Keynote Lecturer: Helene Barucq
Performance assessments of absorbing conditions for the reverse time-harmonic migration

H. Barucq*, M. Bergot, J. Chabassier and J. Diaz

Absorbing Boundary Conditions for 3D Tilted Transverse Isotropic media
H. Barucq, L. Boillot, H. Calandra and J. Diaz*

Diffusion flux in Sierpinski gasket as model of naturally fractured reservoir
J. M. Chaidez Félix* and J. X. Velasco Hernández

An axisymmetric DtN finite element method for problems in geophysics
E. Godoy* and M. Durán

Fast simulation of direct current (DC) borehole measurements using model reduction
I. Muga*, S. Ossandón and D. Pardo

A simple, stable and accurate nodal tetrahedral finite element for transient visco-/elastic-/plastic computations: current developments and future applications in geomechanics
G. Scovazzi*, X. Zeng and B. Carnes

3.30 MS: Model Order Reduction of Large-Scale Mechanical Systems I
Minisymposia organized by David Amsallem and Charbel Farhat
Room: Sauce
Chair: Charbel Farhat
Co-Chair: David Amsallem

Keynote Lecturer: David Amsallem
PDE-constrained optimization using hyper-reduced-order models

D. Amsallem*, M. Zahr, Y. Choi and C. Farhat

Discrete optimality in nonlinear model reduction: analysis and application to computational fluid dynamics
K. Carlberg*, M. Barone and H. Antil

Projection-based model reduction for contact problems
M. Balajewicz*, D. Amsallem and C. Farhat

Reduced order modelling for cardiovascular flows in parametrized settings: focus on Coanda Effect in Mitral Valve Regurgitation
G. Pitton, A. Quaini* and G. Rozza

Global reduced-order model adapted to the low- and medium-frequency analysis of complex dynamical structures
O. Ezvan*, A. Batou and C. Soize

Robust model reduction by L1 minimization: application for linear and non linear hyperbolic problems
R. Abgrall* and D. Amsallem

2.8 MS: Computer Methods for Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Minisymposia organized by Angel N. Menéndez, Renato Elias and Kazuo Kashiyama
Room: Alamo
Chair: Kazuo Kashiyama
Co-Chair: Angel N. Menéndez

Simulation and visualization of tsunami using virtual reality technology
K. Kashiyama*, G. Ling, T. Fumuro, T. Kawabe , J. Matsumoto, S. Tanaka, S. Takase and K. Terada

Parallel computations for many floating objects transported by tsunami flows
K. Aoki, S. Ushijima, H. Itada* and D. Toriu

Finite element method applied to sea bed morphodynamics due to sediment transport
R. N. Elias*, J. J. Camata and A. L. G. A. Coutinho

Practical criteria for numerical modeling of water quality in coastal zones
A. N. Menéndez*, N. D. Badano, E. A. Lecertúa and M. Re

Contributed Session on Advanced Methods in Computational Solid Mechanics I MoM13
Room: Araucaria
Chair: Carlos Agelet de Saracibar

Computation of effective coefficient of thermal expansion of nodular cast iron
F. J.  Rodríguez, A. D. Boccardo*, P. M. Dardati, D. J. Celentano and L. A. Godoy

Apparatus system for quality control in investment casting of aircraft engine critical parts
M. Kwiatkowski*, K. Zaba, S. Nowak and M. Nowosielski

Vibration analysis and human comfort assessment of steel-concrete composite floors subjected to human rhythmic activities
C. M. R. Gaspar and J. G. Santos da Silva*

Shear-wall mock-up subjected to monotonic loading with concrete-steel bond model
C. Mang*, L. Jason and L. Davenne

Delay in crack initiation due to carbon nano-particle reinforcements
A. Sharma and D. Harursampath*

On the use of Timoshenko beams theory for Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing
J. L.  Raffo* and R. O.  Grossi

Contributed Session on Industrial Applications MoM14
Room: Paraiso
Chair: Norberto Nigro

Numerical simulation of a regenerative cooling system for a rocket engine
E. Fernández Babaglio*, A. Scarabino and F. Bacchi

A coupled high-order continuous/discontinuous Galerkin formulation for simulation of 3D fluid-driven crack propagation
A. Rosolen*, M. Hautefeuille and R. Radovtizky

On the development of a hydraulic fracturing simulator
J. Hasbani, R. Toscano, S. Dengra, M. Goldschmit, E. N. Dvorkin*, M. Sánchez, G. Villafines, A. Rosolen, M. Hautefeuille and A. Jean

Modelling and experimental validation of SG cast iron solidification for different cooling rates
A. A. Escobar, J. M. Catalán*, D. J. Celentano and M. A. Cruchaga

Expert system of operational control and improvement of special processes in aircraft engine critical parts investment casting
M. Kwiatkowski, K. Zaba*, S. Nowak, D. Pociecha, A. Sury, M. Wojtas and B. Swiatek

Preliminary design of a piezoelectric energy device for energy recovery in transport vehicles
C. D.  Gatti*, M. Febbo and S. P. Machado

13:00 - 14:30
Lunch time

14:30 - 16:00
Semi-plenary Lectures I & III MoS01
Room: Buen Ayre C
Chair: Victorio Sonzogni

Semi-Plenary Lecturer: Alberto Cardona
Nonsmooth generalized-alpha scheme for the simulation of flexible multibody systems with impacts

A. Cardona*, F. Cavalieri, O. Bruls and V. Acary

Semi-Plenary Lecturer: Javier Oliver
Multiscale modelling of propagating material fracture. A continuum approach.

J. Oliver*, M. Caicedo, E. Roubin and A. E. Huespe

Semi-plenary Lectures II & IV MoS02
Room: Buen Ayre A+B
Chair: Marcela Cruchaga

Semi-Plenary Lecturer: Gustavo C. Buscaglia
Finite elements for soft interfaces

G. C. Buscaglia*, R. F. Ausas, F. Mut and D. S. Rodrigues

Semi-Plenary Lecturer: Frédéric Valentin
Multiscale hybrid-mixed Finite Element Methods

F. Valentin*

16:00 - 16:30
Room: Foyer de Buen Ayre

16:30 - 18:50
1.29 MS: Nonlocal Models for Mechanics and Diffusion I
Minisymposia organized by Pablo Seleson, Diego Del-Castillo-Negrete and Michael Parks
Room: Buen Ayre C
Chair: Pablo Seleson

Keynote Lecturer: Ralf Metzler
Ergodicity violation and ageing: from granular gases to living cells

R. Metzler*

Stochastic models for anomalous diffusion processes
G. Pagnini, P. Paradisi* and D. Molina Garcia

Nonlocal models of anomalous transport in bounded domains
D. del-Castillo-Negrete*

Computational studies of nonlocal and local models related to Peridynamics in a generalized finite element setting
M. A. Schweitzer and S. Wu*

Reduced order model for fracture propagation in viscoelastic materials for high speed propagation and subject to strong nonlocal resistance force
Y. Braiman*, B. Neschke and J. Barhen

Fast and faithful numerical methods for fractional differential equations and related nonlocal models on composite meshes
H.  Wang*

A sensitivity study for critical traction in quasi-static Peridynamics simulations
P. Diehl* and M. A. Schweitzer

1.32 MS: Structural Analysis and Vibrations II
Minisymposia organized by Diana V. Bambill and Liz Nallim
Room: Buen Ayre B
Chair: Diana V. Bambill

Direct assessment of interlaminar stresses in composite multilayered plates using a layer-wise mixed finite element model
R. S. Carnicer *, B. A. Desía and R. A. Schwarz

Mechanical simulation of the Concrack Benchmark RG8 test with a filament beam model since early ages
M. D. Crespo*, D. Ferreira, J. Bairán and A. Marí

Free vibrations of an axially functionally graded beam with a concentrated mass
G. J. Gilardi, D. V. Bambill and C. A. Rossit*

Towards a new joint element which incorporates bolt looseness and nonlinear contact behaviour
F. del Solar Dorrego* and S. D‘hers

On the nonlinear dynamics of network structures under stochastic excitation
W. de Cerqueira Leite* and R. M. L. R. F. Brasil

Numerical model for transmission of vibration from distant source
J. P. Ascheri* and O. Möller

1.25 MS: Material Modeling with Multiscaling II
Minisymposia organized by Kenjiro Terada, Eduardo de Souza Neto, Pablo Blanco and Peter Wriggers
Room: Buen Ayre A
Chair: Jörg Schröder
Co-Chair: Pablo Blanco

Keynote Lecturer: Kenjiro Terada
Two-scale analysis of composite plates with in-plane periodic heterogeneities

K. Terada*, S. Matsubara and N. Hirayama

Computational characterization of magneto-electric composites: the role of ferroelectric pre-polarization
J. Schröder*, M-A. Keip, M. Labusch and D. C. Lupascu

Homogenization of soft interfaces in time-dependent hydrodynamic lubrication
I. Temizer* and G. Kabacaoglu

Validation of multiscale model for heat generation in hardening concrete
W. R. Leal da Silva, V. Šmilauer and Z. Bittnar*

Computational material modeling of hydrated cement paste calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) chemistry structure - influence of magnesium ion exchange on mechanical stiffness: C-S-H Jennite
R. V.  Mohan*, W. D.  Hodo, B.  Adebiyi, J. Rivas and A. Mohamed

A multi-scale electro-chemo-mechanical analysis of solid oxide fuel cell considering evolution of microstructure in porous electrode
M. Muramatsu*, S. Takase, K.  Yashiro, T.  Kawada and K. Terada

2.19 MS: Free-Surface, Moving-Boundary and Multi-Phase Flows II
Minisymposia organized by Marcela Cruchaga, Mario Storti, Gustavo Buscaglia and Axel Larreteguy
Room: Quebracho A
Chair: Axel Larreteguy
Co-Chair: Marcela Cruchaga

On the second-order accuracy of volume-of-fluid interface reconstruction algorithms
E. G. Puckett*

Numerical model for local sedimentation and scour with moving mesh
N. D. Badano* and A. N. Menéndez

Numerical solutions to free- and moving-boundary problems using universal meshes
E. S. Gawlik* and A. J. Lew

A generalized diffuse interface method for accurate simulations of multicomponent flows with immiscible fluids
Z. Li and D.  Livescu*

Numerical simulation of the Weissenberg effect
R. A. Figueiredo, C. M.  Oishi and J. A. Cuminato*

XFEM modelling of hydraulic fracturing
J. B. Lucero, M. Luege, A. Orlando* and C. Torrijos

A MPFA-diamond method coupled to a very higher order multidimensional upstream scheme for the solution of two-phase flows in heterogeneous and non-isotropic petroleum reservoirs
M. Souza, F. Contreras, P. Lyra* and D. Carvalho

2.5 MS: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Finite Element Methods: Formulations, Implementation Strategies and Applications II
Minisymposia organized by Lucia Catabriga and Sandra Malta
Room: Quebracho B
Chair: Lucia Catabriga

Keynote Lecturer: Norberto Mangiavacchi
Implementation strategies and applications of Finite Element Methods based on the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation to environmental flows

N. Mangiavacchi*, J. Pontes and G.  Rabello dos Anjos

The construction of Multiscale Hybrid-Mixed (MHM) finite elements spaces using the object oriented computation library NeoPZ
P. R. B. Devloo*, A. M. Farias, S. M. Gomes, D. Paredes and F. Valentin

Scalable octree-based mesh generation for finite element computations
I. T. Ghisi, J. J. Camata* and A. L. G. A. Coutinho

Penalty-finite element approximations of slip boundary conditions
J. M.  Urquiza* and I. Dione

CFD applications on the design and analysis of aeronautical products at FAdeA SA
G. Mognol and D. M. Carrasco*

Comparison between the drag polar curves using analytical and numerical methods in controlled radio airplane
A. P. Almeida, L. M. Pereira, C. C. G. Santos and L. S. Machado*

High order solver for the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations based on homotopy and perturbation techniques
J. M. Cadou*, Y. Guevel and G. Girault

1.34 MS: Structures under Extreme Loads I
Minisymposia organized by Daniel Ambrosini and Bibiana Luccioni
Room: Pacará A
Chair: Bibiana Luccioni

Keynote Lecturer: Norbert Gebbeken
Protective Structures - A challenge to computational engineering and testing

N. F. J. Gebbeken* and T. Bermbach

Structural analysis of the CAREM25 nuclear power plant subjected to the design basis accident
D. Ambrosini*, O. Curadelli, R. H. Codina and C. A. Martínez

New friction damper for seismic vibration control
C. A. Martínez*, O. Curadelli and M. E. Compagnoni

Experimental reliability based assessment of the effectiveness of friction dampers in structures under seismic excitations
O. Curadelli*, C. A. Martínez and M. Amani

Non-linear dynamic analysis of a reinforced concrete frame
M. Domizio*, D. Ambrosini and O. Curadelli

Experimental and numerical evaluation of base shear response of cylindrical steel tanks
M. E. Compagnoni*, O. Curadelli, D. Ambrosini and C. A. Martínez

The analysis of splice joint behaviour in heavily loaded tensile chords of warren trusses
L. Ozola*

3.3 MS: Algorithmic Aspects of High-Performance Computing for Mechanics and Physics II
Minisymposia organized by Santiago Badia, Victor Calo and Javier Principe
Room: Pacará B
Chair: Javier Principe

Keynote Lecturer: Victor M. Calo
High-performance phase-field modeling

P. Vignal, A. Sarmiento, A. M. A. Cortes, L. Dalcin, N. Collier and V. M. Calo*

Efficient simulations of fluid flow coupled with poroelastic deformations in pleated filters
V. M. Calo, D. Iliev, O. Iliev, R. Kirsch, Z. Lakdawala and G. Printsypar*

Performance analysis of FEM algorithms on GPU and many-core architectures
R. Khurram* and S. Kortas

On the performance of fully-coupled algebraic multigrid preconditioning at large-scale: application to FEM CFD/MHD
P. T. Lin*, J. N. Shadid, J. J. Hu, E. C. Cyr, R. P. Pawlowski and A. Prokopenko

Domain decomposition algorithms for fluid-structure interaction problems
X-C. Cai*

Parallel alternating direction preconditioner for isogeometric simulations of explicit dynamics
M. Łos, M. Woźniak*, M. Paszyński, L. Dalcin and V. M. Calo

Coupled flow and geomechanics modeling for fractured poroelastic reservoirs
M. F. Wheeler*, G. Singh and T. Wick

3.19 MS: Higher Order Finite Element Discretizations II
Minisymposia organized by Leszek Demkowicz, Jay Gopalakrishnan and Tan Bui-Thanh
Room: Alerce
Chair: Leszek Demkowicz
Co-Chair: Jay Gopalakrishnan

High order discontinuous Galerkin methods on pyramidal elements
J. Chan* and T. Warburton

Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin (DPG) method with optimal test functions for space-time discretizations of compressible Navier-Stokes equations
L. F. Demkowicz* and T. Ellis

One-dimensional fully automatic hp-adaptive isogeometric Finite Element Method package
P. Lipski*, M. Paszyński and V. M. Calo

Multi-frontal multi-thread direct solver with GALOIS system for adaptive finite element method
A. Paszyńska, K. Jopek*, M. Woźniak, M. Paszyński, D. Nguyen, A. Lenerth and K. Pingali

Some recent advances in hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
T. Bui-Thanh*

Use of maximum entropy shape function within a strong meshfree formulation
F. A. Marchant* and F. O. Perazzo

Isogeometric contact analysis using a third medium
N. Nguyen-Thanh, L. de Lorenzis and P.  Wriggers*

1.30 MS: Numerical Modeling of Damage Evolution and Propagating Discontinuities in Solids at Failure II
Minisymposia organized by Christian Linder and Ekkehard Ramm
Room: Jacaranda
Chair: Christian Linder
Co-Chair: Ekkehard Ramm

Stability and error estimate of a cohesive zone model implemented using the augmented lagrangian method
N. A. Labanda*, S. M. Giusti and B. M. Luccioni

Arbitrary crack propagation analysis in polycrystalline materials affected by chemical environment
Y. Shintaku*, M. Muramatsu, S. Takase, S. Tsutsumi and K. Terada

Dynamic fracture of materials and structures: transition from ductile to brittle fracture
J. Ožbolt*, B. Irhan and D. Ruta

Failure zone development in high-cut slopes under strong ground motion dynamic load in different beddings: Numerical Simulation with Discontinuous Deformation Analysis (DDA)
L. Liu*, A. C. Bagtzoglou and S. A. R. Beyabanaki

A phase field method for microcracking simulation in concrete microstructure models obtained from microtomography images
T. T. Nguyen*, J. Yvonnet, M. Bornert, C. Chateau and Q. Zhu

Multi-region Boundary Element Method and Tangent Operator Technique applied to crack propagation modelling in concrete structures
S. G. F.  Cordeiro* and E. D. Leonel

3.25 MS: Mathematical and Computational Methods for Subsurface Modeling and Visualization II
Minisymposia organized by Victor Calo, Ignacio Muga and David Pardo
Room: Lenga
Chair: Ignacio Muga

Complex frequency-domain seismic computation for modelling and inversion; Elastic isotropic full waveform inversion via quantitative stability estimates
F. Faucher*, J. Shi, M. V. De Hoop, H. Calandra and H. Barucq

Dimensionally adaptive simulation and inversion of magnetotelluric measurements
J. Alvarez-Aramberri*, D. Pardo and H. Barucq

Numerical propagation of elastic waves in fractured media
J. D. De Basabe*, M. K. Sen and M. F. Wheeler

Fast practical inversion of multi-well induction resistivity measurements
D. Pardo*, S. Bakr and C. Torres-Verdín

Goal-oriented adaptivity using unconventional error representations
V. Darrigrand*, D. Pardo and I. Muga

Helmholtz Equation in Highly Heterogeneous Media
H. Barucq, H. Calandra, T. Chaumont-Frelet* and C. Gout

Unstructured moving grids for large relative body motion
M. Falsafioon, S. Arabi, R.  Camarero* and F. Guibault

3.30 MS: Model Order Reduction of Large-Scale Mechanical Systems II
Minisymposia organized by David Amsallem and Charbel Farhat
Room: Sauce
Chair: David Amsallem
Co-Chair: Charbel Farhat

ALP method for non-linear non-polynomial models
J-F. Gerbeau, D. Lombardi* and E. Schenone

Reduced basis method for variational inequalities in contact mechanics
Z. Zhang* and K. Veroy

Essential boundary conditions and k-compressibility in Hyper Reduced Order Models
A. Cosimo, A.  Cardona* and S. R. Idelsohn

Constitutive law nonlinearity and Model Order Reduction
F. Casciati* and L.  Faravelli

Stabilization of projection-based reduced order models via optimization-based eigenvalue reassignment
I. Tezaur*, B. van Bloemen Waanders, S.  Arunajatesan, M. Barone and J. Fike

Reduced order models for the damped linearized response of a deformable structure containing a liquid
J-S. Schotté* and R. Ohayon

1.13 MS: Computational Geomechanics
Minisymposia organized by Dorival Pedroso, Jose E. Andrade and Patricia Faria
Room: Alamo
Chair: Dorival Pedroso

Keynote Lecturer: Dorival Pedroso
On the solution of coupled porous media mechanics with hysteretic liquid retention behaviour

D. M. Pedroso*

Interaction between soil and buried pipeline
S. M. F. S. Melo*, L. M. da Costa and I. Pontes

Finite element analysis of mechanical deformation processes in sedimentary basins
A. Brüch* and S. Maghous

Stochastic heterogeneous continuum modeling of a granular medium. Application to large-scale wave propagation in a ballasted railway track
R. Cottereau*, L. de Abreu Correa, J. C. Quezada, S. Costa d‘Aguiar and C. Voivret

A non-isothermal consolidation model for gradient-based poroplasticity
J. L. Mroginski*, G. Etse and M. Ripani

Modelling fluidisation and sedimentation using material point method
M. Martinelli* and A. Rohe

Contributed Session on Advanced Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics I MoA13
Room: Araucaria
Chair: Mario Storti

Ventilation system for drying out walls after a flood: influence of the composition of the walls
I. Torres* and Ó. Lopez

Modelling the air-fuel mixture in an atmospheric burner
A. C. Sá, S. F. Teixeira and J. C. Teixeira*

Computational fluid dynamic analysis of olive oil in different induction pots
J. P. Kastillo*, J. Martinez, A. J. Riofrío, S. Villacis and M. Orozco

A Finite Volume Method for the mixture model of incompressible multiphase flows
S. Márquez Damián*, N. M. Nigro and G. C.  Buscaglia

Numerical studies of Paraguayan Chaco natural gas in a counterflow diffusion flame
H. A. Maldonado*, D. A. Alviso, M. A. Mendieta and J. C. Rolon

Contributed Session on Modeling and Simulation of Process and Manufacturing MoA14
Room: Paraiso
Chair: Jose Cesar de Sa

Effect of laser beam incident angle on the absorption coefficient for graphite-coated surfaces
F. I. Cook and D. J. Celentano*

On using Petri nets to model and simulate processes with uncertainty
C. M. Ribeiro*, A. C. Lisboa, C. A. Maia and R. R. Saldanha

Internal Traverse Grinding – from single grain models to macroscopic process simulations
R. Holtermann*, A. Menzel, S. Schumann and D. Biermann

Reverse engineering and forming simulation of indoor of an austenitic dishwasher
J. C. Cisneros*, J. L. Macías and E. Royo

Development of the modeling strategy for the steel deformation in semi-solid state – thermal model for macro scale analysis
M. Hojny*

Computer and experimental modeling of flow forming process
K. Zaba, M. Hojny, D. Wozniak and M. Nowosielski*

Non-ionizing radiation mapping based on Geographical Information Systems
O. Valencia, J. Huiza, M. Pohl and E. Amaya*

Application of numerical simulation to reduce the flash of a hot forged automotive piece
G. Abate*, D. Perez, F. Riu and D. Martinez Krahmer

19:00 - 20:30
Welcome Cocktail
Room: Sala Atlantico A+B+C

Tuesday, April 28

08:30 - 10:30
8.5 MS: CFD in Engineering and Technology of Nuclear Installations
Minisymposia organized by Juan Carlos Ferreri and Alejandro Iván Lazarte
Room: Buen Ayre C
Chair: Juan Carlos Ferreri
Co-Chair: Alejandro Iván Lazarte

Calculation of pressure drop in a nuclear fuel element spacer grid
J. D. Jiménez Díaz, A. I. Lazarte* and J. C. Ferreri

Applications of CFD for nuclear reactor safety
J. Stokes* and T. Frank

On the inverse stratification due to the closure flow in open pool reactors with upward coolant flow
N. Ruiz-Esquide*

Toward an UMAE-like methodology for CFD uncertainty quantification in nuclear safety related applications
F. Moretti* and F. D‘Auria

Advancements and challenges of CFD in nuclear reactor regulation at the US-NRC
C. Boyd*

CFD-based multiscale and multiphysics tools for nuclear applications and needs for high fidelity experimental data
V. Petrov* and A. Manera

1.32 MS: Structural Analysis and Vibrations III
Minisymposia organized by Diana V. Bambill and Liz Nallim
Room: Buen Ayre B
Chair: Diana V. Bambill

Formulation of a macro hierarchical finite element for the analysis of thick laminated beams
L. G. Nallim, F. J. Bellomo, R. F. Rango* and S. Oller

Analysis of structures subjected to external loads using the continuous wavelet transform and energy parameters
M. Varanis*, R. Pederiva and R. Gregolin

Size-dependent dynamic analysis of Timoshenko microbeam using the finite element method
D. H. Felix*, G. I. Guerrero and D. V. Bambill

A stress analysis app
S.  Gallegos Cázares* and A. Balderrama López

Use of computational fluid dynamic to compare the pressure loss between a parallel flow field plate and a parallel-baffle flow field plate in a direct ethanol proton exchange membrane fuel cell
J. Vicente, G. Benetti, M. Forte, G. Heusy*, E. Mathias and P. Belchor

Use of computational fluid dynamic to compare the pressure loss between a parallel-baffle flow field plate and a fractal parallel-baffle flow field plate in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell
M. Toigo*, F. Breyer, R. Proinelli, G. Benetti, M. Forte, G. Heusy, J. Vicente, P. Prado and P. Belchor

5.13 MS: Robust, Performance-based and Reliability-based Optimization under Uncertainty I
Minisymposia organized by André Beck, Marcos Valdebenito and Rafael Holdorf Lopez
Room: Buen Ayre A
Chair: André Beck
Co-Chair: Marcos Valdebenito

Keynote Lecturer: Hector Jensen
The use of model reduction techniques for Bayesian finite element model updating

H. A. Jensen*

Reliability-based design of large scale structural models under stochastic excitation
H. A. Jensen, A. Muñoz* and M. A. Valdebenito

Logistics of transition from working stress to limit states design in foundations engineering
K. G. Ashkinadze*

A general approach for decoupling RBDO problems
A. J. Torii, R. H. Lopez* and L. F. F. Miguel

Effect of expected consequences of failure on optimal structural design
T. G. Pedrosa and A. T. Beck*

2.19 MS: Free-Surface, Moving-Boundary and Multi-Phase Flows III
Minisymposia organized by Marcela Cruchaga, Mario Storti, Gustavo Buscaglia and Axel Larreteguy
Room: Quebracho A
Chair: Gustavo Buscaglia
Co-Chair: Marcela Cruchaga

CFD simulation of primary atomization for engine applications
N. M. Nigro*, J. Gimenez, S. Márquez Damián, H. Aguerre and D. Ramajo

Modelling of cavitation within highly transient flows with the volume of fluid method
J. M. Brethour*

A fictitious domain approach to fluid-solid solid interaction including free surface flows
B. Ducassou*, S. Abadie, M. A. Cruchaga and J. Nunez

Turbulence model influence in the breaking of a dam problem
P. A. Caron*, M. A. Cruchaga and A. E.  Larreteguy

Global Method of Approximate Particular Solutions for solving the rectangular two-sided lid-driven cavity problem for two-dimensional and incompressible flow
J. M. Granados*, C. A. Bustamante, H. Power, W. F. Florez and C. Nieto

Interaction between a rigid body and an incompressible liquid with free surface using the finite element system EDGECFD-ALE
T. Miras*, F. A. Rochinha, R. N. Elias, J. L. D. Alves, C. E.  Silva and A. L. G. A. Coutinho

4.1 MS: Advances in Computational Biomechanics I
Minisymposia organized by Daniel Hurtado and Reuben Kraft
Room: Quebracho B
Chair: Daniel Hurtado
Co-Chair: Reuben Kraft

Keynote Lecturer: Reuben Kraft
Computational modeling of axonal injury using the embedded element approach

H. T. Garimella and R. H. Kraft*

Fracture networks in the human calcaneus due to impact loading
R. A. Fielding and R. H. Kraft*

Performance evaluation of Hartree-Fock program developed by Ruby scripting language
H. Honda*, Y. Inadomi and J. Maki

Computational mechanical modeling in the human heart
D. Nordsletten, M. Hadjicharalambous* and L. Asner

Combined finite element and musculoskeletal models for analysis of pelvis throughout the gait cycle
E. P. Ravera*, M. J. Crespo, F. A.  Guarnieri and A. A. Braidot

A dimensionally heterogeneous coupled HPC cardiac-vascular model using black box decomposition approach
A. Santiago*, M. Vázquez, P. J. Blanco, G Houzeaux, S. Watanabe, J. Aguado Sierra, M. Lopez Yunta and M. Rivero

5.12 MS: Optimization and Computational Mechanics
Minisymposia organized by Alfredo Canelas, Jose Herskovits Norman, Sandro Mazorche and Mario Tanaka Filho
Room: Pacará A
Chair: Jose Herskovits Norman
Co-Chair: William Martins Vicente

Keynote Lecturer: Jose Herskovits
A feasible direction algorithm for structural optimization with semidefinite constraints

J. Herskovits*, J. R. Roche, E. Bazán and A. Zúñiga

Comprehensive comparison of performance of elite-induced evolutionary algorithm for multi-objective analysis
Y. Shimizu* and R. Nakamura

Concurrent topology optimization for minimizing frequency responses of multiscale systems
W. M. Vicente*, Y. M. Xie, R. Pavanello and R. Picelli

Structural health monitoring via metaheuristic optimization tools
S.  Casciati* and L. Elia

High order shape sensitivity analysis of weighted residual methods
F. Navarrina, J. París, H. Gómez, X. Nogueira, I. Colominas and M. Casteleiro*

Thermal-economic design of a micro-gas turbine CHP system using a multi-objective optimization approach
A. C. Ferreira*, A. I. F. Vaz, S. F. Teixeira and J. C. Teixeira

3.17 MS: High Performance Computing and Related Topics I
Minisymposia organized by Ryuji Shioya and Daisuke Tagami
Room: Pacará B
Chair: Daisuke Tagami

High-accuracy analysis of finite element electromagnetic field using anatomical human models
A. Takei* and K.  Murotani

Study of effects of blood amino acid and hormone level for controlling triglyceride accumulation in the liver of rats using Self-Organizing Map
M. Masuda*, Y. Nakabayashi, R. Shioya, H. Nishi, S. Takahashi and F. Hakuno

Accelerated multi GPU tsunami run-up simulation
S. Furuyama*, Y. Maihara and T. Aso

A new bottleneck in large-scale numerical simulations of transient phenomena, and cooperation between simulations and the post-processes
T. Kobayashi*, Y. Morie, H. Jitsumoto, T. Takami and M. Aoyagi

Performance and memory usage evaluations for channel interface of Advanced Communication Primitives library
H. Honda, T. Nanri* and Y. Morie

8.10 MS: Industrial Applications of Computational Mechanics I
Minisymposia organized by Marcela Goldschmit and Jose Risso
Room: Alerce
Chair: Marcela Goldschmit

Keynote Lecturer: Rita Toscano
Computational Modelling: a tool to add economic value to the industrial production

R. G. Toscano*, M. Goldschmit, S. Tempone and E. N. Dvorkin

Numerical simulation applied to the tire industry
J. Kuster*, B. A. Toscano, G. N. Curtosi and T. Arechaga

Nucleoelectrica Argentina S.A. perspective on numerical methods applications to solid mechanics in the nuclear industry
J. E. Ramos Nervi, F. Schroeter*, C. Antonaccio and G. Moliterno

Effect of crystallographic texture on the thermoelastic properties of Zr alloys for cooling channels
J. E.  Ramos Nervi* and M. I.  Idiart

Evaluation of piezo-electric energy harvesting from rotating environments
S. P. Machado*, M. Febbo, J. M. Ramírez and S.  Bellizzi

A review on the nonlinear dynamics of pendulum systems for energy harvesting from ocean waves
F. E. Dotti*, F. Reguera and S. P. Machado

1.28 MS: Multiscale Computational Design of Engineering Materials I
Minisymposia organized by Alfredo Edmundo Huespe, Pablo Sánchez, Guillermo Etse and Xavier Oliver
Room: Jacaranda
Chair: Alfredo Edmundo Huespe

Keynote Lecturer: Osvaldo Luis Manzoli
A concurrent multiscale approach for modeling concrete and fiber reinforced concrete

O. L. Manzoli*, E. A. Rodrigues, L. A. G. Bitencourt Jr. and T. N. Bittencourt

Semi-concurrent two-scale model for material failure based on the cohesive crack concept
S. Toro, P. J. Sánchez*, P. J. Blanco, E. A. de Souza Neto, A. E. Huespe and R. A. Feijóo

Localized versus diffused failure modes in concrete subjected to high temperature
S. M. Vrech, M. Ripani* and G. Etse

Structural efficiency of multiscale topology optimization of cellular materials using Bi-directional Evolutionary Structural Optimization
T. K. L. Calixto* and R. Pavanello

Computational design of microstructure for the optimization of the temperature-dependent macroscopic response
V. D. Fachinotti, S. M. Giusti, F. Bre and A. E. Huespe*

Computational design of microstructure for structural optimization
V. D. Fachinotti, S. Le Corre*, L. Orgéas and A. E. Huespe

3.14 MS: Free Boundary Problems: Theory, Numerical Analysis and Applications I
Minisymposia organized by Domingo Tarzia
Room: Lenga
Chair: Fabio Milner

Keynote Lecturer: Domingo Tarzia
Neumann solutions to fractional Lamé-Clapeyron-Stefan problems with heat flux or convective boundary conditions

D. A. Tarzia*

Keynote Lecturer: Vaughan R. Voller
Solutions of geomorphic Stefan problems

V. R. Voller*

Determination of two unknown thermal coefficients through a mushy zone with a convective overspecified boundary condition
A. N. Ceretani* and D. A. Tarzia

PDE-constrained optimization problem for a tumor invasion in 2D using Adaptive Finite Element Method
C. Turner*, A. A. I. Quiroga, D. R. Fernández and G. A. Torres

3.2 MS: Advanced Numerical Strategies for the Design of Materials, Structures and Processes
Minisymposia organized by Francisco Chinesta, Elias Cueto and Antonio Huerta
Room: Sauce
Chair: Elias Cueto
Co-Chair: Francisco Chinesta

Keynote Lecturer: Francisco Chinesta
MOR-based computational inelasticity

F. Chinesta*, J. V. Aguado, E. Cueto, D.  González, I. Alfaro and A. Huerta

Effect of the separated approximation of input data in the accuracy of the resulting PGD solution
P. Díez*, S. Zlotnik and A. Huerta

Computational vademecums for real-time surgery
C. Quesada, I. Alfaro, D. González, E. Cueto* and F. Chinesta

Model order reduction of parametrized structural dynamics equations
J. V. Aguado*, S. Montagud, F. Chinesta, E. Cueto and A. Huerta

Real-time simulation of haptic collision between nonlinear solids
D. González*, I. Alfaro, C. Quesada, E. Cueto and F. Chinesta

3.1 MS: A Priori and A Posteriori Error Analysis in Finite Element Methods I
Minisymposia organized by Ricardo Duran
Room: Alamo
Chair: Ricardo Duran

The plane wave virtual element method for the Helmholtz problem
I. Perugia, P. Pietra* and A. Russo

C0 interior penalty methods for fourth order elliptic variational
S. C. Brenner*

Finite element methods for a fourth order curl operator on planar domains
L. Y. Sung*

Ritz–Volterra reconstructions and a posteriori error analysis of finite element method for parabolic integro-differential equations
G. M. M. Reddy* and R. K.  Sinha

Polynomial-degree-robust a posteriori estimates in a unified setting for elliptic problems
A. Ern* and M. Vohralik

Contributed Session on Advanced Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics II TuM13
Room: Araucaria
Chair: Ignasi Colominas

A novel algebraic extra-stress model and its analytic solution for fully developed laminar flows
G. S. Paulo*, G. Mompean, C. M. Oishi and M. F. Tomé

Large eddy simulation of turbulent compressible flows using the characteristic-based split scheme and synthetic inflow boundary conditions
R. V. Linn* and A. M. Awruch

Solution of two-dimensional Shallow Water Equations by a localized Radial Basis Function collocation method
C. A. Bustamante*, H. Power, C. Nieto and W. F. Florez

Numerical modeling of heterogeneous media for the compressional wave using High-Order Finite-Differences
A. Guillen*, F. H. Cabrera, J. A. Torres and J. E. Duran

Numerical analysis on the lighthill sound sources of oscillating jet
S. Iwagami*, G. Tsutsumi, K. Nakano, T. Kobayashi, T. Takami and K. Takahashi

Contributed Session on Optimization Problems I TuM14
Room: Paraiso
Chair: Philippe Devloo

Thermomechanical Multiobjective Bidirectional Evolutionary Structural Optimization using weighted sum method for mean compliance and heat conduction problem
S. Q. Rodríguez* and R. Pavanello

Integrating evolutionary optimization, statistical classification and analysis of reliability, costs and technical losses into a computational system for optimal design and diagnosis of electric power distribution grids
D. L. C. E Silva*, F. P. B. Zauli, W. F. Cancian, R. R. Saldanha, D. A. G. Vieira and A. C. Lisboa

Differential evolution applied to mooring optimization of offshore floating systems based on an integrated design methodology
B. F. Monteiro*, M. H. A. Lima Jr., B. M. Jacovazzo, C. H. Albrecht, B. S. L. P. Lima and B. P. Jacob

Optimization of the handling and ride behaviour of a bus
W. J. Paucar Casas*, A. V. B. da Silva, E. D. Savi and L. Pavan

On the performance of the Harmony Search algorithm in the optimization of laminated composite plates
F. S. Almeida*

10:30 - 11:00
Room: Foyer de Buen Ayre

11:00 - 13:00
Plenary Lectures III, IV & V
Room: Buen Ayre B+C
Chair: Alvaro Coutinho

Plenary Lecturer: Klaus-Jürgen Bathe
Some advances in finite element procedures

K-J. Bathe*

Plenary Lecturer: Ekkehard Ramm
Advances in Isogeometric Analyses – (a) contact, (b) beams and shells

M. E. Matzen, B. Oesterle, E. Ramm* and M. Bischoff

Plenary Lecturer: Eugenio Oñate
A Particle-Discrete-Finite Element Method for analysis of particulate flows and their interaction with structures

E. Oñate*, M. A. Celigueta, G. Casas, R. Rossi, F. Zárate, P. Becker and S. R. Idelsohn

13:00 - 14:30
Lunch time

14:30 - 16:00
Semi-plenary Lectures V & VII TuS01
Room: Buen Ayre C
Chair: Juan Carlos Heinrich

Semi-Plenary Lecturer: Eduardo N. Dvorkin
Structural models and mechanical tests in the development of a communications spacecraft

S. Tempone, M. Franceschini and E. N. Dvorkin*

Semi-Plenary Lecturer: Abimael F. D. Loula
On hybrid and mixed finite element methods for Stokes and Darcy flows

A. F. D. Loula*

Semi-plenary Lectures VI & VIII TuS02
Room: Buen Ayre A+B
Chair: Francisco Chinesta

Semi-Plenary Lecturer: Antonio Huerta
Model reduction for decision-making in simulation-based engineering: real-time, inverse and optimization in real engineering problems

A. Huerta*

Semi-Plenary Lecturer: Mario Storti
Advances in the solution of incompressible Navier Stokes equations on GPU hardware using a semi Lagrangian approach

M. A. Storti*

16:00 - 16:30
Room: Foyer de Buen Ayre

16:30 - 18:50
1.29 MS: Nonlocal Models for Mechanics and Diffusion II
Minisymposia organized by Pablo Seleson, Diego Del-Castillo-Negrete and Michael Parks
Room: Buen Ayre C
Chair: Diego Del-Castillo-Negrete

Keynote Lecturer: Pablo Seleson
A blending approach to concurrently couple peridynamics and classical continuum mechanics

P. Seleson*, D. Littlewood and S. A. Silling

An optimization-based local-to-nonlocal coupling method
M. D‘Elia* and P. Bochev

A multi-time-step method for partitioned time integration of peridynamics
P. Lindsay, M. L. Parks* and A. Prakash

On a position aware viscoelastic (PAVE) model for peridynamics
J. A. Mitchell*

On a linear constitutive model in peridynamics
A. R. Aguiar* and R. Fosdick

Peridynamic modelling of ruptures in lipid membranes
M. Taylor*, I. Gözen, S. Patel, A. Jesorka and K. Bertoldi

4.3 MS: Computational Mechanics in Biology and Medicine
Minisymposia organized by Sandra Rugonyi and Suvranu De
Room: Buen Ayre B
Chair: Sandra Rugonyi

Keynote Lecturer: Sandra Rugonyi
Characterizing embryonic cardiac hemodynamic conditions and their effect on heart formation

V. K. Chivukula, M. Midgett, S. Goenezen and S. Rugonyi*

Reduced order modelling of complex systems
S. Wang*

A coupled CFD-lumped parameter analysis of the circulation in infants after the hybrid Norwood palliation for Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
A. Ceballos*, L. Blanchette, E. Divo, R. Argueta-Morales, A. Kassab and W. M. DeCampli

CFD study of abdominal aortic aneurysms to predict risk of rupture - the role of porosity of the thrombosis
O. Altwijri* and M. Al-Qahtani

A finite element method for discoidal lipoprotein particles
D. S. Rodrigues*, F. Mut and G. C.  Buscaglia

A novel iterative predictor-corrector approach for modeling coulomb friction in real-time surgical simulations
V. S. Arikatla* and S. De

Numerical simulation of cooling and freezing processes for the cryopreservation of biological material in liquid nitrogen
M. V.  Santos*, M.  Sansinena, J.  Chirife and N. Zaritzky

5.13 MS: Robust, Performance-based and Reliability-based Optimization under Uncertainty II
Minisymposia organized by André Beck, Marcos Valdebenito and Rafael Holdorf Lopez
Room: Buen Ayre A
Chair: André Beck
Co-Chair: Marcos Valdebenito

Keynote Lecturer: Marcos Valdebenito
Application of line sampling for reliability sensitivity estimation

M. A. Valdebenito*, H. A. Jensen and L. Mehrez

Uncertainty quantification in linear structural systems applying a reduced basis method
J. I. Correa* and M. A. Valdebenito

Mechanical and reliability analyses of reinforced concrete structures subjected to corrosive effects caused by chloride ions penetration
G. P. Pellizzer*, E. D. Leonel and C. G. Nogueira

Application of intervening variables in a bilinear approach for fuzzy structural analysis
C. A. Pérez* and M. A. Valdebenito

Probability estimation of uncertain linear dynamical systems
J. P. Oyarzún* and M. A. Valdebenito

Surrogate modelling techniques in solution of structural reliability problems
H. M. Kroetz* and A. T. Beck

SFEM using a volumetric-deviatoric split of the elasticity tensor
I. Caylak*, R. Mahnken and A. Dridger

1.23 MS: Large Deformation Problems. Fundamentals and Applications I
Minisymposia organized by Carlos Garcia Garino, Jean-Philippe Ponthot and Anibal E. Mirasso
Room: Quebracho A
Chair: Carlos Garcia Garino
Co-Chair: Jean-Philippe Ponthot

Keynote Lecturer: Jean-Philippe Ponthot
Multiscale modeling of the micro-plasto-hydrodynamic lubrication, a fundamental mechanism for friction in metal forming

Y. Carretta, R. Boman, N. Legrand, M. Laugier and J-P.  Ponthot*

Keynote Lecturer: Oana Cazacu
New features of the dilatational response of porous polycrystals with insensitive matrix displaying tension-compression

O. Cazacu* and J. L. Alves

Atomistic study of the mechanical properties of a sintered bulk metallic glass (Nanoglass)
F. Ardiani*, A. A. Manelli, C. J. Ruestes, C. A. Careglio and E. M. Bringa

Mechanical properties of a Cu46Zr54 bulk metallic glass with embedded crystalline nano particles
A. A. Manelli*, F. Ardiani, C. A. Careglio and E. M. Bringa

A comparative study of finite strain formulations in the buckling of cruciform columns
C. A. Careglio*, C. Canales, C. G. García Garino, F. Gabaldón, J-P. Ponthot and A. E. Mirasso

Plastic behavior of a commercially pure titanium: mechanical characterization, modeling and validation using bulge tests
B. Revil-Baudard* and E. Massoni

4.1 MS: Advances in Computational Biomechanics II
Minisymposia organized by Daniel Hurtado and Reuben Kraft
Room: Quebracho B
Chair: Reuben Kraft
Co-Chair: Daniel Hurtado

A computational model for biomechanical analysis of bone formation in the cranial vault
C. Lee*, J. T. Richtsmeier and R. H. Kraft

Mechanical properties of foot tendons – In vitro study
E. Morales-Orcajo*, R. Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, M. Losa-Iglesias and J. Bayod

Experimental and computational approaches to explore the mechanisms of blast-induced brain injuries
N. Chandra*, B. Pfister, J. Haorah and M. Skotak

Mechano-electric feedback and initiation of cardiac arrhythmias
A. V. Panfilov*, L. D. Weise and M. P. Nash

Using 1D-IRBFN method for solving high-order nonlinear differential equations arising in models of active-dissipative systems
D. V. Strunin*, D. Ngo-Cong and R. P. Bhanot

1.34 MS: Structures under Extreme Loads II
Minisymposia organized by Daniel Ambrosini and Bibiana Luccioni
Room: Pacará A
Chair: Daniel Ambrosini

Keynote Lecturer: Hong Hao
Finite element analysis of structural insulated panel with OSB skins against windborne debris impacts

H. Hao*, W. Chen, S. Chen and Q. Meng

Dynamic response of composite plates subjected to blast load
F. M. de Borbón*, D. Ambrosini and R. H. Codina

Dynamic response of RC columns subjected to blast loading
R. H. Codina*, D. Ambrosini and F. M. de Borbón

Numerical assessment of damage produced by blast loads on masonry constructions
B. M. Luccioni*, R. H. Codina and D. Ambrosini

Debris hazard of an earth-covered arch shelter subjected to internal explosion
S. C. Fan*, X. Liang and Q. J. Yu

Concrete fire protection with lightweight aggregate concrete
G. Ruano*, G. Aráoz and B. M. Luccioni

Ultimate loading capacity of RC columns under fire: Comparison of ACI and Eurocode Models
H. Barros*, C. Ferreira and V. D. Silva

3.17 MS: High Performance Computing and Related Topics II
Minisymposia organized by Ryuji Shioya and Daisuke Tagami
Room: Pacará B
Chair: Amane Takei

A scalable parallel eigensolver for large-scale NVH problems on petascale computing environment
T. Sakurai*, Y. Futamura, T. Ide and K. Toda

An iterative domain decomposition method for eddy current problems with the gauge condition
D. Tagami*

A parallel additive Schwarz preconditioner for the Poisson equation based on an SIP subdomain solver
H.  Wang*, L. E. Holmedal and X.  Cai

Varying the block size on block conjugate gradient: comparison of strategies
P. J. Torres*, C. E. Schaerer and A. Bhaya

8.10 MS: Industrial Applications of Computational Mechanics II
Minisymposia organized by Marcela Goldschmit and Jose Risso
Room: Alerce
Chair: Marcela Goldschmit

Analysis of self-balanced thermal stresses in long flat rectangular isotropic plates
T. S. Mendonça*, G. O. Ribeiro and M. A. Vecci

Numerical simulation for identification of free spans in submarine pipelines
B. M. Jacovazzo, B. F. Monteiro*, M. H. A. Lima Jr., J. S. Baioco, F. N. Corrêa and B. P. Jacob

On the seismic response of fractures and induced anisotropy in fluid-saturated porous media
R. Martínez Corredor, J. E. Santos, P. M. Gauzellino* and J. M. Carcione

An harmonic 1D-element for nonlinear analysis of axisymmetric structures: the case of hot rolling
D. Benasciutti, F. De Bona* and M. Gh. Munteanu

Creation of new graphene-like materials by means of the hybrid parallel evolutionary algorithm
T. Burczyński*, W. Kuś and A. Mrozek

Geometry and material optimization of bioscaffolds with use of multiscale modelling and parallel evolutionary algorithm
W. Kuś* and P. Makowski

1.28 MS: Multiscale Computational Design of Engineering Materials II
Minisymposia organized by Alfredo Edmundo Huespe, Pablo Sánchez, Guillermo Etse and Xavier Oliver
Room: Jacaranda
Chair: Alfredo Edmundo Huespe

Keynote Lecturer: Hervé Moulinec
Comparison of different FFT-based methods for computing the mechanical response of heteregoneous materials

H. Moulinec*, F. Silva and P. Suquet

Application of a Fast Fourier Transform Method to the characterization of the elastic behavior of trabecular bone
L. Colabella*, A. P. Cisilino and P. Kowalczyk

A generalized-secant homogenization scheme for viscoplastic polycrystalline solids under imposed deformations
M. I. Idiart* and P-G. Vincent

Study of plastic-yield behavior of trabecular bone under twisting and bending moment stresses using a 3-D microstructural model
I. Goda* and J-F. Ganghoffer

Continuous microplane theory and interface approach for failure form analysis of steel fiber reinforced concrete
S. M. Vrech*, A. Caggiano and G. Etse

Proposal of an interpolation function between the compressive and tensile meridians of failure and yielding concrete surfaces based on Bezier curves
P. Folino* and D. Smilovich

3.7 MS: Computational Methods for Kinetic Collisional Transport
Minisymposia organized by Irene M. Gamba and Thierry Magin
Room: Lenga
Chair: Irene M. Gamba

Simulations for Vlasov-Maxwell-Landau systems
I. M. Gamba* and C. Zhang

Comparison of accuracy and computational cost of numerical methods for solving the Boltzmann Equation
E. Torres*, A. Munafò, P. B. Clarke, P. L. Varghese, D. B. Goldstein, J. R. Haack, I. M. Gamba and T. E. Magin

The Kolesnikov effect in plasma flows
T. E.  Magin*, J. B.  Scoggins and C. Knisely

The discrete velocity method for solving the Boltzmann equation with quantized internal energy
P. B. Clarke*, P. L. Varghese and D. B. Goldstein

A conservative spectral-Lagrangian Boltzmann solver for multi-component and multi-energy level gases
A. Munafò*, J. R. Haack, I. M. Gamba and T. E. Magin

Ideal strength of methane hydrate using density functional theory
Z. M. Jendi, A. D. Rey* and P. D. Servio

Spectral-Hermite approximation of the linearized Boltzmann collision
M. Torrilhon* and Z. Cai

2.27 MS: Numerical Modeling of Flooding Areas and Erodible Bathymetry
Minisymposia organized by Pablo Ortiz and Joanna Szmelter
Room: Sauce
Chair: Pablo Ortiz
Co-Chair: Joanna Szmelter

Discrete numerical modelling of particle sediment transport on inclined landforms
R. Bravo*, P.  Ortiz and J. L. Pérez-Aparicio

Advancing Front Mesh Algorithm with Pseudo Islands for domains with very large wetting/drying areas
A. Mazzolari and A. Trigo-Teixeira*

Coupled dynamics of drying-wetting areas and erodible beds by a continuous FEM model
P.  Ortiz*, J. Anguita and M. Riveiro

Non-oscillatory Forward in Time model for wetting-drying areas
J. Szmelter*

Model reduction for shallow water flows
M. W. Farthing*, C. E. Kees and A. Lozovskiy

A new numerical method to solve the bidimensional flooding control problem using shallow water equations
A. Fraidenraich*, E. Mocskos and F. R. de Andrade Lima

3.1 MS: A Priori and A Posteriori Error Analysis in Finite Element Methods II
Minisymposia organized by Ricardo Duran
Room: Alamo
Chair: Ricardo Duran

Estimates and corrector based mesh adaptation
G. Brèthes*, A. Loseille, F. Alauzet and A. Dervieux

Adaptive finite element approximation of clusters of eigenvalues
D. Boffi*

Convergence analysis of the finite element Immersed Boundary Method with distributed Lagrange multiplier
L. Gastaldi*

Contributed Session on Advanced Methods in Computational Solid Mechanics II TuA13
Room: Araucaria
Chair: Elias Cueto

Reduced model for the crash simulation
T. T. T. Vuong*, L. Jezequel and Y. Tourbier

Implementation of pseudospectral method for the solution of the wave equation in acoustic media and comparison with finite-difference method
A. Lopez*, F. H. Cabrera, J. A. Torres and J. E. Duran

Hypar type roof structure modeling in a unpublished project by Feliz Candela in Cali (Colombia)
J. J. Duque, D. A. Rodríguez*, J. A. Galindo and J. A. Paredes

Mesomechanic modelling of steel-concrete bond mechanisms in Pull-Out test at different strain rates
R. H. Lorefice* and M. B. Rizo Patron

Differential complexes in continuum mechanics
A. Yavari* and A. Angoshtari

Zero-thickness interface formulation for fracture analysis of self-healing concrete
A. Caggiano*, V. Krelani, L. Ferrara and G. Etse

Contributed Session on Optimization Problems II TuA14
Room: Paraiso
Chair: Paulo Lyra

3D hydrodynamic modelling to optimize the hydraulic efficiency of the weirs and turbines intakes of the Néstor Kirchner dam in Santa Cruz, Argentina
H. D. Farias*, P. Gyssels and M. Corral

On accelerating evolutionary algorithms applied to physically based approximation of experimental and numerical data
J. E. Orkisz and M. A. Glowacki*

Shape optimization using estimation of distribution algorithms and the Gibbs sampler
N. Faurrieta, S. I. Valdez*, S. Botello and J. L. Marroquìn

Parallel genetic agorithms for the design of MIMO control systems
P. P. Oteiza, D. A. Rodríguez and N. B. Brignole*

A novel strategy to optimize shapes using Genetic Algorithms and the Finite Element Method
V. Cardoso*, S. I. Váldez, S. Botello and A. Hernández

Extended layerwise optimization for vibration and buckling design of laminated composite plates
Y. Narita*

Optimal sizing and placement of inflatable stiffeners in high altitude airships using finite element and asymptotic modeling
J. Thomas, R. G. Burela and D. Harursampath*

Wednesday, April 29

08:30 - 10:30
2.12 MS: Coupled Problems and Free Surface Flows
Minisymposia organized by Facundo Del Pin and Rodrigo Paz
Room: Buen Ayre C
Chair: Facundo Del Pin

Keynote Lecturer: Chris Kees
Verification and validation of numerical models for air/water flow on coastal and navigation fluid-structure interaction applications

C. E. Kees*, A. J. Ahmadia, M. W. Farthing, A.  Dimakoplous, E. S. Zve and G. Cuomo

2D numerical simulation of the fluid-structure interaction of long-span bridges
H. G. Castro*, R. R. Paz, M. A. Storti and V. E. Sonzogni

Coupled conjugate heat transfer and electromagnetism analysis for cooling problems
F. Del Pin*, P. L‘Eplattenier, I. Çaldichoury and R. R. Paz

Free surface liquid films of binary mixtures: structuring and stability of stationary solutions
S. Madruga*, F. Bribesh and U. Thiele

Free surface flow of viscous fluids in technical apparatus
J. Gundlach, M. Lübke and O. Wünsch*

Computational method for interactions between compressible fluids and solids with thermal conductivity
D. Toriu* and S. Ushijima

3.33 MS: Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations in Continuum Mechanics and Electromagnetism I
Minisymposia organized by Rodolfo Rodriguez
Room: Buen Ayre B
Chair: Rodolfo Rodriguez

Optimal preconditioning of adaptive FEM-BEM couplings
M. Feischl, T. Führer*, D. Praetorius and E. P. Stephan

Direct solution of partial differential equations using the Wavelet-Galerkin Method
R. B. Burgos*, M. A. Cetale Santos and R. R. Silva

Lower bounds for principle eigenvalues of elliptic operators
I. Sebestova* and T. Vejchodsky

Nonsymmetric coupling of boundary elements and ultraweak finite elements and DPG method with optimal test functions
N. Heuer and M. Karkulik*

A mixed finite element method for a vorticity-velocity-pressure formulation of the Brinkman problem
D.  Mora*

8.2 MS: Aerospace Technology I
Minisymposia organized by Sergio Elaskar and Eduardo Zapico
Room: Buen Ayre A
Chair: Sergio Elaskar
Co-Chair: Eduardo Zapico

Flight dynamics parameter estimation of a rotary wing aircraft using the output error minimization with natural and meta heuristic methods
I. Y. Sumida, H. F. de Campos Velho, E. F. P. Luz, R. V. Cruz and L. C. S. Goes*

Solid propellant rocket nozzle design and validation using Finite Difference Method and CFD technique
G. Imbrioscia, L. F. Barceló*, P. Vilar and M. Acuña

Assessment of openFoam solvers in aerospace applications
L. F.  Gutiérrez*, J. P.  Tamagno and S. A.  Elaskar

Reinjection probability density function for type-II and type-III intermittencies with Lower Boundary of Reinjection and noise
S. A. Elaskar* and E. del Río

1.23 MS: Large Deformation Problems. Fundamentals and Applications II
Minisymposia organized by Carlos Garcia Garino, Jean-Philippe Ponthot and Anibal E. Mirasso
Room: Quebracho A
Chair: Jean-Philippe Ponthot
Co-Chair: Carlos Garcia Garino

Keynote Lecturer: Carlos Agelet de Saracibar
A Direct Elimination Algorithm (DEA) for full stick and frictionless, quasi-static and dynamic contact problems

C. Agelet de Saracibar* and D. Di Capua

Keynote Lecturer: Carlos Garcia Garino
A Hybrid Total-Updated Lagrangian Formulation for large strain problems

C. G. García Garino*, D. J. Celentano, C. A. Careglio and A. E. Mirasso

Numerical prediction of resulting rollover shapes and sheared edges after sheet metal blanking process
C. Canales*, R. Boman, P. Bussetta and J-P. Ponthot

A thermo-elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model for residual stresses in FSW
P. Bussetta* and J-P. Ponthot

Numerical simulation of elastic springback in problems including large elastic-plastic strains
W. B. Castelló* and F. G. Flores

1.18 MS: Computational Methods in Seismic Engineering
Minisymposia organized by Miguel Eduardo Tornello, Oscar Möller and Francisco J. Crisafulli
Room: Quebracho B
Chair: Miguel Eduardo Tornello
Co-Chair: Oscar Möller

Time integration in systems with instabilities
I. Stanciulescu* and Y. Chandra

Structural behavior of unreinforced masonry piles of different thicknesses subject to compression loads
N. D. Agüera*, M. E. Tornello and C. D. Frau

Influence of the parameters characterizing the near-fault earthquake in the seismic response of base isolation structures
M. E. Tornello*, C. D. Frau and D. Pagano

Performance-based design optimization of structures under seismic demands, incorporating passive control devices
O. Möller*, R. O. Foschi and J. P. Ascheri

Concepts of dampers for earthquake protection of existing buildings and for displacements restraints in seismically isolated buildings
M. G. Melkumyan*

Alternative forms of considering shear deformation in axially loaded Timoshenko beams
R. B. Burgos* and L. F. Martha

5.17 MS: Uncertainty Quantification and Inverse Problems I
Minisymposia organized by Hermann G. Matthies, Youssef Marzouk, Habib Najm, Alireza Doostan and Sondipon Adhikari
Room: Pacará A
Chair: Habib Najm

Keynote Lecturer: Hermann G. Matthies
To be or not to be intrusive?

H. G. Matthies*, L. Giraldi, A. Litvinenko, D. Liu and A. Nouy

On model error and statistical calibration of physical models
H. N. Najm*, K. Sargsyan and R. G. Ghanem

High-dimensional non-Gaussian Bayesian inference using transport maps
A. Spantini and Y. M. Marzouk*

Application of Bayesian filters and thermogravimetry analysis to determine the kinetics of oil shale pyrolysis
M. S. Klippel*, A. C. dos Anjos, M. F. Martins and W. B. Silva

3.20 MS: HPC Techniques in Computational Mechanics I
Minisymposia organized by Mariano Vázquez, Alvaro Coutinho and Mario Storti
Room: Pacará B
Chair: Mariano Vázquez
Co-Chair: Alvaro Coutinho & Mario Storti

Keynote Lecturer: Mariano Vázquez
Parallel monolithic implicit solver for compressible flows

M. Vázquez*, M. Pérez Larrañaga, M.  Moragues and G.  Houzeaux

A trade-off analysis between high-order seismic RTM and computational performance tuning
D. L. Costa*, A. L. G. A. Coutinho, B. S. Silva, J. J. Silva and L. Borges

Combinatorial optimization technicques applied to a parallel preconditioner based on the SPIKE algorithm
B. A. Lugon, L. M. Lima*, M. T. P. Carrion, L. Catabriga, M. C. S. Boeres and M. C. Rangel

A new parallel numerical model for multiple collisions
R. Leon*, L. Salinas, C. Torres and G. Hernandez

Parallel Delaunay tetrahedrization of a given discrete point set constrained by an imposed boundary mesh
P. J. Novara* and N. A. Calvo

2.15 MS: DNS/LES of Turbulent Wall-Bounded Flows
Minisymposia organized by Xiaohua Wu and Guillermo Araya
Room: Alerce
Chair: Xiaohua Wu
Co-Chair: Suad Jakirlic

Keynote Lecturer: Xiaohua Wu
Bypass transition in the narrow sense revisited using very-large-scale direct numerical simulation

X. Wu* and P. Moin

Parallel anisotropic 3D mesh adaptation for unsteady turbulent Flows
L. Billon*, Y. Mesri and E. Hachem

Direct numerical simulation of an oscillating turbulent Couette flow
L. E. Holmedal*, H.  Wang and D. Myrhaug

RANS-based modelling of turbulence in LES-related flow-simulation methods
S. Jakirlic*, C-Y. Chang, G. John-Puthenveettil, B. Kniesner, L. Kutej, I. Maden, R. Maduta and M. Ullrich

PANS vs. LES for computations of fluid flow and conjugate heat transfer in a matrix of surface mounted cubes
B. Basara*

6.5 MS: High Order Methods with Applications to Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics
Minisymposia organized by Joao Luiz Azevedo and William Wolf
Room: Jacaranda
Chair: Joao Luiz Azevedo
Co-Chair: William Wolf

Preconditioned implicit Runge-Kutta schemes for unsteady simulations of low Mach number compressible flows
L. S. D. B. Alves*

High-fidelity studies of unsteady aerodynamics, acoustics and flow control for airfoils in transitional flow regimes
V. V. Golubev*, L. D. Nguyen and R. R. Mankbadi

Numerical investigation of turbulent channel flows using a semi-spectral code
L. A. C. A. Schiavo*, A. B. Jesus, J. L. F. Azevedo and W. R. Wolf

A numerical study of the effects of trailing edge bluntness on airfoil tonal noise
W. Arias-Ramírez and W. R. Wolf*

On the development of large eddy simulation tools for compressible jet flow configurations
C. Junqueira-Junior, S. Yamouni* and J. L. F. Azevedo

Predicting offshore wind farm cluster performance using RaNS-based actuator disc Wind Turbine model
V. M. M. G. da Costa Gomes and J. M. L. M. da Palma*

3.14 MS: Free Boundary Problems: Theory, Numerical Analysis and Applications II
Minisymposia organized by Domingo Tarzia
Room: Lenga
Chair: Domingo Tarzia

Keynote Lecturer: Fabio Milner
A two-strain spatio-temporal mathematical model of tumor growth

R. L. Álvarez, F. A. Milner* and J. D. Nagy

Keynote Lecturer: Adrián J. Lew
Universal Meshes: High-order simulation of problems with evolving geometries

A. J. Lew*

Cumulative nutrient uptake by roots of crops as simulated by fixed and moving boundary models. Corrections and improvements
J. C. Reginato*, J. L. Blengino and D. A. Tarzia

Mechanism for streamwise localisation in 2D plane-Poiseuille flow
F. Mellibovsky* and A. Meseguer

3.12 MS: Finite Element Methods for Multiscale Problems I
Minisymposia organized by Frédéric Valentin and Alexandre Madureira
Room: Sauce
Chair: Frédéric Valentin

A two-level algorithm for the solution of heterogeneous Helmholtz problems
V. Dolean*, L. Conen, R. Krause and F. Nataf

Multiscale Hybrid-Mixed method for porous media problems
D. Paredes*, F. Valentin and C. Harder

Hybrid methods for multiscale problems
A. L. Madureira*

A new multiscale simulation of water flows in heterogeneous porous media
A. Francisco*, J. Trujillo and L. Sacramento

4.8 MS: Numerical and Computational Methods in Analysis and Design of Biomedical Devices
Minisymposia organized by José Di Paolo, Marcelo E. Berli and Miguel Cerrolaza
Room: Alamo
Chair: Javier Dottori
Co-Chair: Fernanda Gentil

Dynamic study of the middle ear using a total ossicular replacement prosthesis
F. Gentil*, M. Marques, M. Parente, C. Santos and R. Natal Jorge

Complex variable sensitivity analysis of the radio frequency ablation process for cancer treatment
J. F. Monsalvo S.* and M. J. García R.

Effect of pore size on mechanical attributes of bone mimicking biomaterial via computer simulation model
M. Al-Qahtani*, O. Altwijri and E. H. Mirza

Noise reduction with laminated double-panel structure
W. Larbi*, R. Assaf and F. Guillemard

Lattice-Boltzman modelling of porous medium: application to modelling Flow Diverter stents
G. A. Boroni, J. A. Dottori*, A. Clausse and I. Larrabide

Contributed Session on Advanced Numerical Methods WeM13
Room: Araucaria
Chair: Manuel Casteleiro

An application of generalized differences to unsteady heat problems subject to mixed boundary conditions
F. J. Domínguez-Mota*, J. G. Tinoco-Ruiz, F. O. Guillén-Reyes, G. Tinoco-Guerrero and A. Valencia-Ramírez

Consistent, accurate and stable meshfree Galerkin methods based on the virtual element decomposition
A. Ortiz-Bernardin*, A. Russo and N. Sukumar

A study of the impact of using different DEM-CFD models in a real case industry simulation
R. B. Medeiros*, L. C. Almeida, J. Aguirre and A. Potapov

10:30 - 11:00
Room: Foyer de Buen Ayre

11:00 - 13:00
Plenary Lectures VI, VII & VIII
Room: Buen Ayre B+C
Chair: Adrian Lew

Plenary Lecturer: Luis Caffarelli
The porous media equation: local and non local

L. Caffarelli*

Plenary Lecturer: Olivier Pironneau
Fluid-Structure Interaction algorithms

O. Pironneau*

Plenary Lecturer: Charbel Farhat
ECSW: An energy-based structure-preserving method for the hyper reduction of nonlinear finite element reduced-order models

P. Avery, T. Chapman and C. Farhat*

13:00 - 14:30
Lunch time

14:30 - 16:00
Semi-plenary Lectures IX & XI WeS01
Room: Buen Ayre C
Chair: Hermann G. Matthies

Semi-Plenary Lecturer: Leszek F. Demkowicz
Recent developments for the Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin (DPG) method with optimal test functions

L. F. Demkowicz* and J. Gopalakrishnan

Semi-Plenary Lecturer: Alberto Cuitiño
Computational strategies for predicting granular matter response under extreme compaction

A. Cuitiño*, M. Gonzalez and B. Yohannes

Semi-plenary Lectures X & XII WeS02
Room: Buen Ayre A+B
Chair: Domingo Tarzia

Semi-Plenary Lecturer: Rodolfo Rodriguez
Finite element computation of force-free Beltrami fields

R. Rodriguez*

Semi-Plenary Lecturer: Irene M. Gamba
Deterministic schemes to non-linear collisional Boltzmann and Landau type models in gas dynamics and plasma simulations

I. M. Gamba*

16:00 - 16:30
Room: Foyer de Buen Ayre

16:30 - 18:50
1.29 MS: Nonlocal Models for Mechanics and Diffusion III
Minisymposia organized by Pablo Seleson, Diego Del-Castillo-Negrete and Michael Parks
Room: Buen Ayre C
Chair: Michael Parks

Direct numerical simulations in solid mechanics with comparisons to homogenization theory
J. E. Bishop*, J. M. Emery and A. B. Baines

Fractional decay bounds for nonlocal zero order heat equations
J. D. Rossi*

On the variational limit of some nonlocal functionals
T.  Mengesha* and Q. Du

A nonlocal biharmonic operator and its connection with the classical bilaplacian
P. Radu*, D. Toundykov and J. Trageser

Regularity results for solutions to nonlocal problems motivated by peridynamic models
M. Foss* and P. Radu

Large time behaviour for a nonlocal diffusion operator with absorption and bounded initial data: the subcritical case
J. Terra*, A. Salort and N. Wolanski

3.33 MS: Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations in Continuum Mechanics and Electromagnetism II
Minisymposia organized by Rodolfo Rodriguez
Room: Buen Ayre B
Chair: Rodolfo Rodriguez

Analysis of an augmented mixed-FEM for the Navier-Stokes problem
J. Camaño*

Multiple traces formulation for high-frequency scattering
C. Jerez-Hanckes*, J. Pinto and S. Tournier

HDG approximation of boundary value problems on curved domains by extensions from polygonal subdomains
M. E. Solano*, B. Cockburn and W. F. Qiu

Numerical simulation of ultrasonic wave propagation using higher order methods in space and time
J. F. Unger*

8.2 MS: Aerospace Technology II
Minisymposia organized by Sergio Elaskar and Eduardo Zapico
Room: Buen Ayre A
Chair: Carlos Sacco

Development of a new high-performance code for hypersonic flow simulations
J. Saldía*, S. A. Elaskar and J. P. Tamagno

Steady and unsteady analisys of aerodynamics wing sections at ultra-low Reynolds numbers (Re < 10000)
D. P. Antonelli*, C. G. Sacco and J. P. Tamagno

Controlable planar nozzles for micro thrusters
P. H. Pedreira*, J. R. Lauretta and S. D‘hers

Computational fluid dynamic analysis of a supersonic turbine
F.  Bacchi and A. Scarabino*

Application of Partially-Averaged Navier Stokes simulations for bluff body aerodynamics
S. Krajnovic* and M. Mirzaei

5.6 MS: Inverse Problems and their Applications
Minisymposia organized by Ruben D. Spies
Room: Quebracho A
Chair: Ruben D. Spies

Keynote Lecturer: Ruben D. Spies
Existence and stability of minimizers of mixed anisotropic BV-L2 Tikhonov-Phillips functionals: applications to image restoration

G. L. Mazzieri , R. D. Spies* and K. G. Temperini

A method for atoms selection applied to screening for sleep disorders
R. E. Rolon*, L. E. Di Persia, H. L. Rufiner and R. D. Spies

Ad-hoc Gaussian dictionaries for sparse representation of Evoked Related Potentials
V. Peterson*, H. L. Rufiner and R. D. Spies

Local edge-preserving image inpainting with mixed weighted anisotropic regularization methods
F. J. Ibarrola* and R. D. Spies

Implementation of an Implicit Algorithm to obtain the concrete thermal parameters during the hydration process through the solution of the associated Inverse Problem
A. Correa, A. Aquino, R. López*, S.  Kirchhofer and O. Quintana

3.5 MS: Boundary Element Techniques
Minisymposia organized by Euclides Mesquita, Luis Tavara and Adrián Pablo Cisilino
Room: Quebracho B
Chair: Luis Tavara
Co-Chair: Adrián Pablo Cisilino

A BEM implementation of topological-shape sensitivity method for acoustics
A. Sisamón, A. P. Cisilino*, S. C. Beck and S. Langer

Boundary Element Method with NURBS-geometry and independent field approximations in plane elasticity
E. Atroshchenko*, X. Peng, J. S. Hale, S. K. Tomar, G. Xu and S. P. A. Bordas

BEM modelling of fibre-matrix debonds in a composite material
L. Távara*, E.  Graciani, V. Mantič and F. Paris

Level set analysis of topology optimization in 2D structures using Boundary Element Method
P. C. Vitorio Junior* and E. D. Leonel

5.17 MS: Uncertainty Quantification and Inverse Problems II
Minisymposia organized by Hermann G. Matthies, Youssef Marzouk, Habib Najm, Alireza Doostan and Sondipon Adhikari
Room: Pacará A
Chair: Youssef Marzouk

Computer predictive models for particle laden flows: parametric and structural uncertainties
F. A. Rochinha*, G. M. Guerra, F. Horta, M. Mattoso, R. N. Elias, A. L. G. A. Coutinho and H. Ferreira da Costa

High-dimensional sparse surrogate construction via Bayesian compressive sensing
K. Sargsyan*, C. Safta, H. N. Najm, B. Debusschere, D. Ricciuto and P. Thornton

Polynomial chaos-based metamodeling for solving inverse heat conduction problems
J. B. Nagel and B. Sudret*

Dimension-independent likelihood informed MCMC
T. Cui, K. J. H. Law* and Y. M. Marzouk

Numerical modelling of flow-induced vibrations on structures with uncertain input parameters
G. M. Guerra* and F. A. Rochinha

Particle swarm optimization algorithms for solving large systems of nonlinear equations
R. N. Machado*, L. G. Lopes and G. P. Dimuro

3.20 MS: HPC Techniques in Computational Mechanics II
Minisymposia organized by Mariano Vázquez, Alvaro Coutinho and Mario Storti
Room: Pacará B
Chair: Mariano Vázquez
Co-Chair: Alvaro Coutinho & Mario Storti

Assessment of Edge-based Finite Element technique for geophysical electromagnetic problems: efficiency, accuracy and reliability
O. Castillo Reyes*, J. de la Puente, V. Puzyrev and J. M. Cela

Performance of hierarquical parallel preconditioners for the finite element solution of level set problems
D. R. de Bruycker, J. J. Camata and A. L. G. A. Coutinho*

Construction of school timetable with emphasis in minimization of twinned lessons and windows
M. I. S. Mikuska, C. E. Galvão Rosa *, A. R. T. Góes and S. Scheer

Generation of particle packs at high paking ratios for DEM simulations of granular compacts
K. R. Cassares and E. M. B. Campello*

3.37 MS: Recent Advances in Meshfree and Particle Methods
Minisymposia organized by Seiichi Koshizuka, Kazuo Nishimoto and Liang-Yee Cheng
Room: Alerce
Chair: Liang-Yee Cheng
Co-Chair: Seiichi Koshizuka

Keynote Lecturer: Seiichi Koshizuka
Industrial application of Moving Particle Simulation method

S. Koshizuka*, K. Shibata, K.  Murotani and T.  Fujisawa

Smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for fluid-structure interaction analysis - elastic-plastic analysis of structure -
S. Hagihara*, T. Shirahama, S. Taketomi, Y. Tadano and S. Tanaka

The influence of geometrical parameters on the performance of perforated breakwater
R. Augusto Amaro Junior*, L-Y. Cheng and K. Nishimoto

Boundary tracking method based on the weighted relative distance for particle methods
M. M. Tsukamoto, L-Y. Cheng* and F. K. Motezuki

Fundamental study of Moving Particle eXpricit (MPX) method
T. Tamai*, K. Murotani and S. Koshizuka

Numerical simulation of vortex interactions using a fast multipole discrete particle method
T. R. Ricciardi*, A. M. Bimbato and W. R. Wolf

Discrete Element Modelling of a charging program in a scaled bell-less top blast furnace model
T. Mitra* and H. Saxén

3.26 MS: Mathematics and Algorithms for Advanced Numerical Simulations
Minisymposia organized by Rodolfo Araya, Carlos Conca, Pascal Frey and Olivier Pironneau
Room: Jacaranda
Chair: Olivier Pironneau

Numerical simulation method of compressible gas-liquid two phase flows
Y. Tamura* and T. Matsuo

Some standard finite element discretizations violate, nodally, Clausius Postulate of the Second Law of Thermodynamics
A. C. Limache*

Numerical analyses for cardiovascular problems with risk assessments
H. Suito*, K. Takizawa, V. H. Q. Huynh, T. Ueda and T. E. Tezduyar

Mathematical models for the spatio-temporal spread of infectious disease
W. E. Fitzgibbon*, J. Morgan and G. Webb

Dynamic programming for mean-field type control: a numerical study with applications
O. Pironneau* and M. Laurière

Droplet in micro-channels: a numerical approach using an adaptive two phase solver
J-M. Fullana*, Y. Ling, S. Popinet and Ch. Josserand

1.33 MS: Structural Integrity – Fracture Mechanics
Minisymposia organized by Hiroshi Kawai and Hiroshi Okada
Room: Lenga
Chair: Hiroshi Okada
Co-Chair: Hiroshi Kawai

AutoMT: Domain Specific Language and matrix tensor library for solid mechanics
H. Kawai* and R.  Shioya

Tools for random fatigue analysis applied in offshore systems
W. J. Paucar Casas*, R. F. Leuck Filho, E. M.  Cesconeto, W. W. F. Pinheiro and A. V. B. da Silva

3D fracture software system based on ordinary finite element method with minimal meshing effort
Y. Wakashima, H. Okada* and H. Kawai

Hydraulic fracturing simulations using a homogenized continuum approach
P. H. E. Cheroto*

Implicit yield function formulation for ceramic materials
A. Piccolroaz*, S. Stupkiewicz, R. Denzer and D. Bigoni

Computational modeling of vehicle-irregularity-bridge dynamic interaction by damage mechanics
T. D. O. Abeche*, R. D. Machado, F. L. M. Beghetto and L. A. F. de Souza

3.12 MS: Finite Element Methods for Multiscale Problems II
Minisymposia organized by Frédéric Valentin and Alexandre Madureira
Room: Sauce
Chair: Alexandre Madureira

On the best constant matrix approximating an oscillatory matrix in divergence-form operators
C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and S. Lemaire*

MHM Methods for time dependent propagation of electromagnetic waves
S. Lanteri, D. Paredes, C. Scheid* and F. Valentin

Stability and convergence results for Algebraic Flux Correction schemes
G. R. Barrenechea*, V.  John and P.  Knobloch

Measurement and modeling of the micromechanics of the internal bond in wood plastic composites
M. Schwarzkopf, L. Muszynski*, J. A. Nairn and C. Hammerquist

Realistic CFD simulation of compressible flow inside the core of the pebble bed reactor HTR-10
L. Y. Rojas Mazaira, D. S. Dominguez*, C. R. G. Hernandez, A. Gámez Rodriguez and C. Alberto Brayner de Oliveira Lira

1.3 MS: Advances in Numerical Methods for Multibody Systems
Minisymposia organized by Alberto Cardona, Olivier Brüls and Martin Pucheta
Room: Alamo
Chair: Alberto Cardona

Keynote Lecturer: Vincent Acary
Numerical time integration schemes for nonsmooth multibody systems in the event-driven framework

M. Haddouni, V. Acary*, S. Garreau, J-D. Beley and B. Brogliato

Method of coupling linear solutions for large-scale vibration systems with clearances
N. Vrankovic* and M. Stegic

Analysis of the oscillation of a self-excited pendulum due to varying length
M. C. Pereira* and H. I. Weber

Simulation of an active suspension using PID control
D. F. Sousa* and S. M. Avila

Synthesis of multi-fingered robotic hands
A. Perez Gracia*

Enumeration of planar non-fractionated kinematic chains
M. A. Pucheta* and A. Cardona

Contributed Session on Geometrical and Material Non-linear Problems WeA13
Room: Araucaria
Chair: Gustavo Buscaglia

Relaxation damping in oscillating contacts
M. Popov, V. L. Popov and R. Pohrt*

Approach to enhance computational robustness of frictional contact analysis
M. R. Gurvich*

A DEM - FEA methodology for the estimation of the Young´s modulus of metallic foams obtained by powder metallurgy
L. Pérez*, I. Alfonso, D. Estay , S. Lascano and C. Aguilar

Impedance functions for axial symmetric foundation in layered half-space by fundamental solution method
G-S. Liou*

A new form of finite element method for plane stress/plane strain problems in reinforced concrete considering material nonlinearity and cracking
K. G. Ashkinadze*

20:00 - 23:00
Congress banquet
Room: Señor Tango Restaurant
Bus departure from Hilton Hotel at 19:30