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Keynote Lectures

Keynote Lecture invitations were made by the conference organizers or by the organizers of respective Minisymposia (MS).
The organizers of MS who are giving a Keynote Lecture were invited by the conference organizers to do so.

Vincent Acary: Numerical time integration schemes for nonsmooth multibody systems in the event-driven framework INRIA, Chile
Carlos Agelet de Saracibar: A Direct Elimination Algorithm (DEA) for full stick and frictionless, quasi-static and dynamic contact problems Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
David Amsallem: PDE-constrained optimization using hyper-reduced-order models Stanford University, USA
Diana V. Bambill: Free vibrations of Timoshenko micro beams using the modified couple stress theory Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina
Helene Barucq: Performance assessments of absorbing conditions for the reverse time migration Inria, France
Victor M. Calo
: High-performance phase-field modeling KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Oana Cazacu
: New features of the dilatational response of porous polycrystals with insensitive matrix displaying tension-compression University of Florida, USA
Francisco Chinesta
: MOR-based computational inelasticity Ecole Centrale Nantes, France
Maicon R. Correa
: An iterative algorithm for three-phase flow in porous media UNICAMP, Brazil
Alberto Cuitiño
: Computational strategies for predicting granular matter response under extreme compaction Rutgers University, USA
Carlos Garcia Garino
: A Hybrid Total-Updated Lagrangean Formulation for large strain problems Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina
Norbert Gebbeken
: Protective Structures - A challenge to computational engineering and testing University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany
Luis Godoy
: A penalty approach to obtain lower bound buckling loads of imperfection-sensitive shells Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina
Hong Hao
: Finite element analysis of structural insulated panel with OSB skins against windborne debris impacts Curtin University, Australia
Jose Herskovits
: A feasible direction algorithm for structural optimization with semidefinite constraints Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Hector Jensen
: The use of model reduction techniques for Bayesian finite element model updating Santa Maria University, Chile
Chris Kees
: Verification and validation of numerical models for air/water flow on coastal and navigation fluid-structure interaction applications US Army ERDC, USA
Seiichi Koshizuka
: Industrial application of Moving Particle Simulation method The University of Tokyo, Japan
Reuben Kraft
: Computational modeling of axonal injury using the embedded element approach Pennsylvania State University, USA
Adrián J. Lew
: Universal Meshes: High-order simulation of problems with evolving geometries Stanford University, USA
Christian Linder
: Phase field modeling of diffusion and fracture of silicon electrodes in lithium-ion batteries Stanford University, USA
Erdogan Madenci
: A peridynamic truss element for viscoelastic deformation University of Arizona, USA
Norberto Mangiavacchi
: Implementation strategies and applications of Finite Element Methods based on the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation to Environmental Flows State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Osvaldo Luis Manzoli
: A concurrent multiscale approach for modeling concrete and fiber reinforced concrete São Paulo State University, Brazil
Hermann G. Matthies
: To be or not to be intrusive? Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
Euclides Mesquita
: Vibrations of deeply embedded elastic plates UNICAMP, Brazil
Ralf Metzler
: Ergodicity violation and ageing: from granular gases to living cells University of Potsdam, Germany
Fabio Milner
: A two-strain spatio-temporal mathematical model of tumor growth Arizona State University, USA
Hervé Moulinec
: Comparison of different FFT-based methods for computing the mechanical response of heteregoneous materials CNRS, France
Dorival Pedroso
: On the solution of coupled porous media mechanics with hysteretic liquid retention behaviour The University of Queensland, Australia
Jean-Philippe Ponthot
: Multiscale modeling of the micro-plasto-hydrodynamic lubrication, a fundamental mechanism for friction in metal forming University of Liege, Belgium
Marta B. Rosales
: Dynamic behavior of timber beams with uncertain properties Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina
Sandra Rugonyi
: Characterizing embryonic cardiac hemodynamic conditions and their effect on heart formation Oregon Health & Science University, USA
Pablo Seleson
: A blending approach to concurrently couple peridynamics and classical continuum mechanics Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Ruben D. Spies
: Existence and stability of minimizers of mixed anisotropic BV-L2 Tikhonov-Phillips functionals: applications to image restoration IMAL-CONICET, Argentina
Domingo Tarzia
: Neumann solutions to fractional Lamé-Clapeyron-Stefan roblems with heat flux or convective boundary conditions CONICET and Univ. Austral, Argentina
Kenjiro Terada
: Two-scale analysis of composite plates with in-plane periodic heterogeneities Tohoku University, Japan
Rita Toscano
: Computational Modelling: a tool to add economic value to the industrial production SIM&TEC, Argentina
Marcos Valdebenito
: Application of Line Sampling for Reliability Sensitivity Estimation Santa Maria University, Chile
Mariano Vázquez
: Parallel monolithic implicit solver for compressible flows Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Vaughan R. Voller
: Solutions of geomorphic Stefan problems University of Minnesota, USA
Xiaohua Wu
: Bypass transition in the narrow sense revisited using very-large-scale direct numerical simulation Royal Military College of Canada, Canada
Eduardo N. Zapico
: Mathematical models for the attitude determination and control system of micro and nano satellites Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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