List of Minisymposia
The contents and objectives of the accepted Minisymposia are briefly illustrated in this list.
- MS11: Advanced materials: computational analysis of properties and performance

Vadim V. Silberschmidt and Valery P. Matveenko
- MS12: Inverse problems

Guillermo Rus and Roberto Palma
- MS13: Computational modeling in mechanobiology and tissue engineering

Paulo Fernandes, María José Gómez Benito, Guillermo Rus, Enrico Dall‘Ara, Zohar Yosibash and Uwe Wolfram
- MS16: Multiscale computational homogenization for bridging scales in the mechanics and physics of complex materials

Julien Yvonnet, Kenjiro Terada, Peter Wriggers and Marc Geers
- MS17: Real-time simulation, visualization and image processing in engineering science

Joăo M. Tavares, Renato N. Jorge, Yongjie Jessica Zhang, Adrian R.G. Harwood, Petra Wensich, Timoleon Kipouros, Mark Savill and Alistair J. Revell
- MS18: Modelling of heterogeneous media - multi-scale approaches and inelastic behaviour

Hermann G. Matthies and Adnan Ibrahimbegovic
- MS19: Coupled problems in optimization, control, and uncertainty quantification

Hermann G. Matthies, Roger Ohayon and Kwan-Chun Park
- MS24: Advances in the modelling of multi-scale, multi-physics and multi-uncertainty problems

Chenfeng Li and Francisco M. Pires
- MS25: Recent advances in immersed boundary and fictitious domain methods

Ernst Rank, Alexander Düster, Jamshid Parvizian, Fehmi Cirak, John E. Dolbow, Thomas-Peter Fries, Isaac Harari, Mats G. Larson, Isabelle Ramiere, Martin Ruess and Dominik Schillinger
- MS27: Progress in CFD for wind and tidal offshore turbines

Esteban Ferrer and Adeline Montlaur
- MS29: Verification and validation in computational fluid dynamics and mechanics

Filipe S. Pereira, Luís Eça, Guilherme Vaz, Ryan G. McClarren and William J. Rider
- MS30: Isogeometric methods

Alessandro Reali, Yuri Bazilevs, David J. Benson, René De Borst, Thomas J.R. Hughes, Trond Kvamsdal, Giancarlo Sangalli and Clemens V. Verhoosel
- MS33: High-order methods for under-resolved turbulent flows

Esteban FERRER, Eusebio VALERO, Vincent COUAILLIER and David A. KOPRIVA
- MS34: Advanced variational discretizations for simulations of complex systems in complex geometry

Guglielmo Scovazzi, Antonio J. Gil and Mario Ricchiuto
- MS35: Recent developments in high-order mesh generation

David Moxey, Michael Turner and Joaquim Peiró
- MS38: Computational modelling of damage and fracture

Leong Hien Poh, Ron Peerlings, Milan Jirásek and Anna Pandolfi
- MS40: Recent advances in enriched finite and boundary element methods

Heiko Gimperlein, M. Shadi Mohamed and Omar Laghrouche
- MS43: Advanced modelling and optimization of straight-fibre and tow-steered composite structures

Anita Catapano, Marco Montemurro, Alfonso Pagani, Philip Bussetta, Nuno Correia and Philip Harrison
- MS46: Biomechanics of the eye

Anna Pandolfi, Rodolfo Repetto, Peter Stewart and Jennifer H. Tweedy
- MS48: Model reduction, big data and dynamic data-driven systems

Francisco Chinesta, Elias Cueto, Charbel Farhat, Matthew J. Zahr and Pierre Ladeveze
- MS49: Fourier-based methods for computing the behavior of heterogenous materials: developments, extensions and applications.

Matthias Kabel, Heiko Andrä, Hervé Moulinec and Lionel Gélébart
- MS50: Multi-scale models of interfacial layers

Frédéric Lebon and Raffaella Rizzoni
- MS51: Computational Structural Stability

Herbert A. Mang and Yeong-Bin Yang
- MS52: Multiscale modeling of concrete and concrete structures

Herbert A. Mang, Yong Yuan and Bernhard Pichler
- MS53: Time integration methods for single and multi-physical problems

Stefan Hartmann and Detlef Kuhl
- MS54: Computational multi-scale modeling and design of new engineering materials

Xavier Oliver, Tadeusz Burczyński , Alfredo E. Huespe and Maciej Pietrzyk
- MS55: Meshfree and particle methods: theory, formulation and applications

Jorge Belinha, R.M. Natal Jorge and G.R. Liu
- MS56: Computational Methods For Structural Dynamics

Andreas E. Kampitsis and Ioannis C. Dikaros
- MS58: Experiments and modeling of smart active materials with electro- and magneto-mechanical coupling

George Chatzigeorgiou, Kostas Danas, Antonio J. Gil, Mokarram Hossain, Marc-André Keip, Dennis M. Kochmann, Paul D. Ledger, Prashant Saxena and Jörg Schröder
- MS59: Advances in the material point method for solid mechanics

Charles E. Augarde, Willam M. Coombs and Michael A. Hicks
- MS61: New challenges on computational contact mechanics and interface models

Alfredo Gay Neto, Alexander Popp, Ajay Banga Harish, Peter Wriggers and Evgeny Petrov
- MS62: Nonlocal Models and Methods for Material Failure and Damage Simulation

Adair R. Aguiar, Mahmoud Mousavi, Erkan Oterkus, Pablo Seleson, Paul Steinmann, Andrew McBride and Ali Javili
- MS64: Mathematical aspects of isogeometric analysis

Carla Manni and Hendrik Speleers
- MS65: Computational modelling of beams on foundation with application to rail tracks

António Pinto da Costa and Fernando Simőes
- MS66: Recent progress and trends in high-order CFD methods

Z.J. Wang, Chongam Kim, H.T. Huynh, Matania Ben-Artzi and Jean-Pierre Croisille
- MS67: Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Mechanics: Probabilistic and Non-traditional Approaches

Hector A. Jensen, Michael Beer, Edoardo Patelli and Marcos A. Valdebenito
- MS68: Current trends in modelling and simulation of turbulent flows

Suad Jakirlic
- MS69: Structure-preserving methods for the dynamics and optimal control of structures and multibody systems

Peter Betsch, Sina Ober-Blöbaum, Sigrid Leyendecker and Ignacio Romero
- MS71: Computational soft tissue cardiac mechanics

Xiao Y. Luo, David A. Nordletten, Boyce E. Griffith, Gehard A. Holzapfel and Ray W. Ogden
- MS72: Numerical methods for multiscale materials modelling

Lukasz Madej, Waclaw Kus, Marc Bernacki and Gottfried Laschet
- MS73: Numerical Methods For Multi-Material Flows

Nathaniel R. Morgan, Mikhail Shashkov and Andrew Barlow
- MS75: Complex Fluid Flows in Engineering: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization

Marek Behr and Stefanie Elgeti
- MS76: Multiphysics of fibrous materials

Catalin Picu, L.A.A. Beex, Jean-Francois Ganghoffer , Laurent Orgeas, Emanuela Bosco and Artem Kulachenko
- MS80: HPC-Based simulations for the wide industrial realm: aerospace, automotive, bio, construction, heavy…

Makoto Tsubokura, Mariano Vázquez, Takayuki Aoki and Andreas Lintermann
- MS81: Numerical design with polymorphic uncertain data

Michael Kaliske, Wolfgang Graf, Sigrid Leyendecker and Stefanie Reese
- MS83: Computational experiment in aeroacoustics (MINI-CEAA)

George N. Barakos, Charles Hirsch, Sergey Karabasov, Tatiana K. Kozubskaya and Ulf Michel
- MS84: Modelling of Interface Behaviour in Composites

Jana Wilmers, Swantje Bargmann, Ali Javili and Andrew T. McBride
- MS85: Young Investigators Minisymposium

Joan Baiges, Ludovic Chamoin, Stefanie Elgeti, Frans P. van der Meer, Alexander Popp and Jaan-Willem Simon
- MS86: Advances in numerical methods for linear and non-linear dynamics and wave propagation

Alexander Idesman
- MS87: Mathematical and computational modelling of fluid flow and transport in the brain and spinal cord

Marie E. Rognes and Kent-Andre Mardal
- MS88: Computational Electro-Magneto-Thermo-Mechanics

Tobias Gleim and Detlef Kuhl
- MS89: Multi-physics & Multi-scale Methods in Granular Materials Modeling

Alex X. Jerves, Carlos F. Ávila and Sergio A. Galindo-Torres
- MS90: CFD-based Design Optimisation Methods

Harvey M Thompson and Zinedine Khatir
- MS91: Inertial Microfluidics

Tomasz A. Kowalewski and J. Maciej Floryan
- MS92: Computational mechanics for energy harvesting and storage

Alberto Salvadori and Robert McMeeking
- MS94: Optimisation of heat transfer and fluid-based problems

Joe Alexandersen, Kurt Maute and Ole Sigmund
- MS95: Strength, fatigue and stability of composite structures

Giovanni Garcea, Raimund Rolfes, Martin Ruess, Kaui-Uwe Schröder, Claudio Balzani, Eelco Jansen Jansen and Raimund Rolfes
- MS96: Mechanical and physical properties of cellular/porous/fibrous materials

Hanxing Zhu and Philip Harrison
- MS99: Numerical methods for coupled problems involving fluids and solids

Martina Bukac and Catalin Trenchea
- MS101: CFD methods in combustion, pollutant formation

Thomas Lauer
- MS102: Computational mechanics of wood, wood-based products and timber structures.

Josef Füssl, Josef Eberhardsteiner, Erik Serrano and Michael Kaliske
- MS103: Advances and challenges in flow control.

Aki Grönman and Jonna K. Tiainen
- MS105: Computational methods for inverse problems: theory and applications.

John C Brigham, Ankush Aggarwal and Wilkins Aquino
- MS106: Advanced numerical methods for the modeling of coupled systems dynamics

Antoine Legay, Andreas Zilian, Martin Buchschmid and Jean-François Deü
- MS109: Multibody system dynamics and nonlinear transient dynamics with FEM: Methods and applications

Marko K. Matikainen, Alfredo Gay Neto and Ajay B. Harish
- MS110: Advances in CFD methods for Aeroelastics

Simăo Marques and Sebastian Timme
- MS111: Computational modeling and experimental investigations of metallic materials across scales

Benjamin Klusemann and Franz Roters
- MS113: Advances in computational methods for environmental flows

Pablo Ortiz and Joanna Szmelter
- MS114: Numerical simulation of self-healing processes in cementitious materials

Anthony D. Jefferson, Liberato Ferrera and Giovanni Di Luzio
- MS116: Exascale algorithms and software techniques for computational fluid and solid mechanics

Stefan Turek, Axel Klawonn and Uli Rüde
- MS117: Advanced models for large-eddy simulation of wall-bounded turbulent flows

F.Xavier Trias and Roel Verstappen
- MS118: A Unifying Methodology for Robust High Order CFD: Summation-by-Parts

Andrew Winters, David C. Del Rey Fernández, Gregor J. Gassner and Jason E. Hicken
- MS119: impact of Surface Imperfections on the Transition Process of Laminar Boundary Layers

Heinrich Luedeke and Ulrich Rist
- MS120: Adaptive engineering structures

Malte von Scheven, Walter Haase, Werner Sobek and Manfred Bischoff
- MS122: Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures - In Memory of Christian Miehe (1956-2016)

Manfred Bischoff, Christian Linder, Ekkehard Ramm and Jörg Schröder
- MS124: Computational analysis and methods for solids and structures within generalized continua

Jarkko Niiranen, Josef Kiendl and Antti H. Niemi
- MS125: Modeling and discretization approaches for slender continua and their interaction.

Christoph Meier, Damien Durville, Olivier Brüls, Johannes Gerstmayr and Joachim Linn
- MS126: Reduced order modeling with error control and adaptivity

Felix Fritzen, Ralf Jänicke and Fredrik Larsson
- MS127: Multi-Physics Simulations with the Coupling Library preCICE

Benjamin Uekermann and Miriam Mehl
- MS128: Multiscale in-silico modelling of cancer biophysics and therapy

Vasileios Vavourakis, Hector Gomez, Miguel O. Bernabeu, Kristen L. Mills, Helen Byrne, Philip Maini, Mark Chaplain and A. Caiazzo
- MS129: Isogeometric boundary element methods

Robert N. Simpson, Jon Trevelyan, Panagiotis Kaklis, Trond Kvamsdal and Jon Vegard Venas
- MS130: Advances in reduced basis techniques for flow problems in analysis, control and optimization

Gianluigi Rozza, Simona Perotto, Annalisa Quaini and Marco Fossati
- MS131: Instabilities in thermomechanics

Jerzy Pamin, Andreas Menzel, Laurent Stainier, Magnus Ekh and Sebastien Mercier
- MS132: Advances in computational methods for complex liquid-vapor flows

Rémi Abgrall, Pietro M. Congedo, Marica Pelanti and Maria Giovanna Rodio
- MS134: About the modelling of low-Reynolds number fluid-structure interactions

Luca Biancofiore, Carmine Putignano and Daniele Dini
- MS135: Discontinuous Galerkin methods: new trends and applications

Nicoletta Franchina, Sonia Fernandez-Mendez and Ruben Sevilla
- MS136: Monotonicity preserving finite element methods for transport equations and hyperbolic systems

Santiago Badia, Dmitri Kuzmin and John N. Shadid
- MS137: Uncertainty quantification in the computational design and analysis of offshore wind farms.

Barry Koren and Benjamin Sanderse
- MS140: Stability in mathematical models for engineering

Juha M. Jeronen and Tero T. Tuovinen
- MS141: Advances in Computational Models and Applications for Multiphysics High-Enthalpy Flows

Marco Fossati and Thierry Magin
- MS143: Numerical Modelling of Water Entry Flows

Alessandro Iafrati, David Le Touzé and Thomas Rung
- MS144: Fracture-resistance characterisation of structural interfaces using cohesive zone models

Leo Škec, Giulio Alfano, Roberto Serpieri and Gordan Jelenić
- MS146: Non-newtonian fluid flows: numerical methods and applications

Monica S. N. Oliveira, Robert J. Poole, Manuel A. Alves, Nigel Mottram, Markus Rütten and Olaf Wünsch
- MS147: European Materials Modelling Council: Training for Translators

Natalia A. Konchakova, Denka Hristova-Bogaerds, Daniel Höche and Tom Verbrugge
- MS149: Model order reduction for multiscale problems in geo-engineering

Laura Iapichino, Harshit Bansal, Wilhelmus H. A. Schilders and Barry Koren
- MS150: Uncertainty Quantification Methods for Fluid Flow Simulations and Models

Olivier P. Le Maitre, Pietro M. Congedo, Omar M. Knio and Gianluca C. Iaccarino
- MS152: Recent developments in matrix assembly and iterative solution techniques for FEA and IGA

Matthias Möller and Bernd Simeon
- MS155: Unfitted Finite Element Methods for Complex Flow Problems

Andre Massing, Dominik Schillinger, Anna Scotti and Sara Zahedi
- MS156: Adjoint Methods for Optimisation, Mesh Adaptation and Uncertainty Quantification

Jens-Dominik Mueller, Tom Verstraete and Kyriakos Giannakoglou
- MS159: Innovative Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction

E. Harald van Brummelen, T. Kvamsdal and R. Ohayon
- MS161: Computational Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures - A symposium in Memory of Nenad Bicanic

René de Borst, Herbert Mang and Guenther Meschke
- MS162: Modelling of the (micro-) structural components of biological connective tissues

Marlene Mengoni, Alison C. Jones and Tom Shearer
- MS164: Scalable solution methods and enabling software technologies for large-scale and advanced fluid flow simulations

Paul Lin and Alvaro L. G. A. Coutinho
- MS165: Near wall reactive flows: simulation, modelling and validation

Amsini Sadiki, Suad Jakirlic, Andreas Dreizler and Johannes Janicka
- MS166: Recent Advances in Simulation of Flow in Deformable Porous Media

Markus Bause and Florin A. Radu
- MS168: Advanced Computational Modeling of Batteries - Merged with MS185: Computational modelling of lithium-ion battery cells and modules

Edwin Knobbe, Wolfgang A. Wall and Vivian Tini
- MS169: Non-conventional methods for solid mechanics (NMSM)

Wojciech Sumelka, Tomasz Blaszczyk, Jarosław Jędrysiak, Jacek Leszczyński and Agnieszka Malinowska
- MS172: Biomechanics of organs and tissues connected to the vascular system – computational modeling and experimental validation

Tim Ricken and Markus Böl
- MS173: Numerical Tools for Marine Renewable Energy

Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud and Pal Schmitt
- MS175: Interfacial fluid flow simulation

Mostafa S. Shadloo and Mehmet Yildiz
- MS176: Benchmarking hydraulic fracturing: theory and numerical simulation

Lorenzo Benedetti, Brice Lecampion, Panos Papanastasiou and Gennady Mishuris
- MS178: Finite-strain plasticity and viscoelasticity: Modelling approaches and numerics

Bernhard Eidel, Alexey V. Shutov and Ralf Landgraf
- MS179: Discrete simulations of granular materials

Stefanos-Aldo Papanicolopulos, Daniel Barreto, Kevin J. Hanley and Thomas Shire
- MS180: Combined experimental and computational methods to understand soft biological tissue behavior

Johannes Weickenmeier and Sandra Loerakker
- MS181: Phase-field models for cracking in complex materials

Hüsnü Dal, Marc-Andre Keip and Charlotte Kuhn
- MS182: The unsteady aerodyamics of small wings at moderate Reynolds numbers

Ignazio M. Viola and Elias Balaras
- MS183: Computational Multi-Fluid Dynamics Models for Multiscale and Multiphysics Problems: Methods, Algorithms, Challenges and Perspectives

Jeff Gomes, Marcus Bannerman and Jos Derksen
- MS184: Unstructured high-order methods for scale- resolving simulations

Koen Hillewaert, Corentin Carton de Wiart and Scott Murman
- MS188: Multifidelity Uncertainty Quantification Strategies for Computational Fluid Dynamics Applications

Gianluca Geraci, Michael S. Eldred and Gianluca Iaccarino
- MS191: Moving interface problems in computational fluid dynamics

Jooyoung Hahn and Robert Kloefkorn
- MS194: Next generation digital mock-UPS for multi-physics simulation

Flavien Boussuge, Cecil G. Armstrong and Jean-Claude Léon
- MS196: Design optimisation with multiscale or multiphysics considerations

Xiao-Yi Zhou and H. Alicia Kim
- MS197: PDE Eigenvalue problems: computational modeling and numerical analysis

Jeffrey S. Ovall and Stefano Giani
- MS199: Development and design of open scientific software libraries

Łukasz Kaczmarczyk and Garth N. Wells
- MS200: Coupled hydro-mechanical processes in geomaterials

Peter Grassl and Thomas Shire
- MS207: Shells and thin-walled structures

Manfred Bischoff, Kai-Uwe Bletzinger, René De Borst and Martin Ruess
- MS222: Direct and inverse methods for cardiovascular and pulmonary biomechanics

Wolfgang A. Wall, C. Alberto Figueroa, Marek Behr and Raoul van Loon