
Tuesday, 12 June 2018 16:30 - 18:30
Numerical Methods For Multi-Material Flows I

Minisymposium organized by Nathaniel R. Morgan, Mikhail Shashkov and Andrew Barlow
Room: Boisdale 2
Chair: Nathaniel Morgan

Relaxation of high-order curved meshes in the remesh phase of BLAST
Veselin Dobrev, Tzanio Kolev, Patrick Knupp, Robert N. Rieben and Vladimir Tomov

High Order direct ALE methods for multi-phase flows
Walter Boscheri, MIchael Dumbser and Maurizio Righetti

The Effect of an Isentropic Correction on a Collocated Lagrange-Remap Scheme
Christina Paulin, Jean-Philippe Braeunig and Renaud Motte

Consistent high resolution interface-capturing finite volume scheme for compressible multi-material flows
Qiuju Wang and Ralf Deiterding

Thermodynamical effects of the GRP solver and its application for compressible multi-fluid flows
Jiequan Li, Jin Qi and Yue Wang

Wednesday, 13 June 2018 08:30 - 10:30
Numerical Methods For Multi-Material Flows II

Minisymposium organized by Nathaniel R. Morgan, Mikhail Shashkov and Andrew Barlow
Room: Boisdale 2
Chair: Walter Boscheri

Advances in modeling voids in staggered multi-material arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian hydrodynamics
Matej Klima, Mikhail Shashkov and Andrew Barlow

An interface-aware subscale dynamics closure model for voids and solids
Andrew Barlow, Mikhail Shashkov and Matej Klima

A sharp diffuse-interface approach to compressible multi-fluid flows
Chao Zhang and Igor Menshov

A projected Ghost Fluid Method for a mimetic approach to extreme contrast interfaces in multiphase flows
Nicolas Valle, Francesc X. Trias, Jesús Castro and Asensi Oliva

Explicit partitioned methods for interface coupling
Kara J. Peterson, Paul A. Kuberry and Pavel B. Bochev

Wednesday, 13 June 2018 11:00 - 13:00
Numerical Methods For Multi-Material Flows III

Minisymposium organized by Nathaniel R. Morgan, Mikhail Shashkov and Andrew Barlow
Room: Boisdale 2
Chair: Andrew Barlow

Numerical analysis of a class of staggered finite volume schemes for lagrangian hydrodynamics
Nicolas Therme, Isabelle Bertron and Pierre-Henri Maire

A compatible Lagrangian discontinuous Galerkin hydrodynamic method for 2D and 3D gas dynamics
Donald Burton, Nathaniel Morgan and Xiaodong Liu

Multidimensional staggered grid residual distribution scheme for Lagrangian hydrodynamics
Rémi Abgrall and Svetlana Tokareva

A subcell method for stable mesh motion with lagrangian hydrodynamic methods on quadratic elements
Nathaniel Morgan, Xiaodong Liu and Donald Burton

Exploration of Godunov-like cell-centered schemes and frame indifferent limitation procedure for solving updated Lagrangian hydrodynamics equations
Rémi Chauvin, Isabelle Bertron, Pierre-Henri Maire and Bernard Rebourcet

A higher-order Lagrangian discontinuous Galerkin hydrodynamic method for elastic-plastic flows
Evan J. Lieberman, Nathaniel L. Morgan, Darby J. Luscher and Donald E. Burton

Wednesday, 13 June 2018 16:30 - 18:30
Numerical Methods For Multi-Material Flows IV

Minisymposium organized by Nathaniel R. Morgan, Mikhail Shashkov and Andrew Barlow
Room: Boisdale 2
Chair: Igor Menshov

A new approach for multi-material cells in cell-centered hydrodynamics
Vincent Chiravalle and Nathaniel R. Morgan

A multi-directional HLLC-type Riemann solver for unstructured meshes for compressible hydrodynamics
Jianzhen Qian

HFVS: High order flux vector splitting scheme for multi-materials flows
Yibing Chen and Song Jiang

A robust Lagrange-Projection splitting scheme for compressible multiphase flows with viscous and heat conduction effects : application to the melting process
Simon Peluchon, Gérard Gallice and Luc Mieussens