
Tuesday, 12 June 2018 11:00 - 13:00
Multibody system dynamics and nonlinear transient dynamics with FEM: Methods and applications I

Minisymposium organized by Marko K. Matikainen, Alfredo Gay Neto and Ajay B. Harish
Room: Orkney CPH
Chair: Alfredo G Neto

RIGID body formulation in a geometrically-exact finite element environment with contact interaction (Keynote Lecture)
Paulo R. R. Campos and Alfredo Gay Neto

Efficient impact analysis using reduced flexible multibody systems and contact submodels
Stephan Tschigg and Robert Seifried

Incorporation of reduced isogeometric finite-element-models in flexible multibody simulation
Alexander Held, André Hildebrandt and Robert Seifried

Biomechanical multibody model with refined kinematics of the Elbow
Stephanie L. Kahmann, Stephan Uschok, Kilian Wegmann, Lars-Peter Müller and Manfred Staat