Thursday, 14 June 2018 08:30 - 10:30 Shells and thin-walled structures I Minisymposium organized by Manfred Bischoff, Kai-Uwe Bletzinger, René De Borst and Martin Ruess |
MS207A Room: Alsh 2 Chair: Martin Ruess |
On the computational modeling of cellular membranes using isogeometric shell elements (Keynote Lecture)
Isogeometric stability analysis of thin-walled structures for trimmed nurbs models
Isogeometric multiresolution shape optimisation of lattice-skin structures
Exact geometry elements for seven-parameter shell model with implicitly defined reference surface
A scaled boundary isogeometric shell formulation for nonlinear thickness deformations
Thursday, 14 June 2018 11:00 - 13:00 Shells and thin-walled structures II Minisymposium organized by Manfred Bischoff, Kai-Uwe Bletzinger, René De Borst and Martin Ruess |
MS207B Room: Alsh 2 Chair: Martin Ruess |
Intrinsically locking-free shell formulations (Keynote Lecture)
Classical shell analysis in view of tangential differential calculus
Shear correction factors of plate model
A new conforming finite element for non polar models: the Kirchhoff plate case
Solid-shells based on reduced integration - geometrically non-linear analysis of layered structures
Thursday, 14 June 2018 16:30 - 18:30 Shells and thin-walled structures III Minisymposium organized by Manfred Bischoff, Kai-Uwe Bletzinger, René De Borst and Martin Ruess |
MS207C Room: Alsh 2 Chair: Manfred Bischoff |
Efficient solid shell element for the coupled thermo-mechanical stability analysis of thin-walled structures (Keynote Lecture)
Elastoplastic and nonlinear analysis of functionally graded axisymmetric plate-shell structures
Efficient modelling for the shape optimisation of shells and stiffened structures
A shell model for layered structures with variationally embedded interlaminar stresses
Motion of a friction belt drive with transverse deflections and evolution of contact zones at mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian kinematic description
On axially symmetric shell problems with reinforced junctions
Friday, 15 June 2018 11:00 - 13:00 Shells and thin-walled structures IV Minisymposium organized by Manfred Bischoff, Kai-Uwe Bletzinger, René De Borst and Martin Ruess |
MS207D Room: Alsh 2 Chair: René de Borst |
Enriched beam finite element with warping for the dynamic analysis of thin-walled structures
Mass scaling for hierarchic shear deformable, rotation-free Timoshenko beam elements
Semi-analytical method for vibration of general rotating shells of revolution
Elastic and Vibrational characteristics of functionally graded graphene-silicon nanocomposites reinforced with prestressed single layer graphene sheet
Multiparametric shell eigenvalue problems