
Wednesday, 13 June 2018 08:30 - 10:30
Computational modelling of beams on foundation with application to rail tracks I

Minisymposium organized by António Pinto da Costa and Fernando Simões
Room: Rockall CPH
Chair: António Pinto da Costa

A procedure to determine the critical speed of railway tracks based on the Winkler‘s hypothesis and static FEM simulations
Jose Estaire, Ines Crespo-Chacon and Maria Santana

Dynamic responses of asymmetrical turnout bearers to coupling vertical and lateral forces in railway switches and crossings
Sakdirat Kaewunruen, Ayoub Rachid and Keiichi Goto

Effect of extreme climate on wheel-rail interaction over rail squats
Sakdirat Kaewunruen, Andris Freimanis and Makoto Ishida

Indirect monitoring of railway bridges by direct integration
Jennifer Keenahan, Eugene J. OBrien and Yifei Ren

Wednesday, 13 June 2018 11:00 - 13:00
Computational modelling of beams on foundation with application to rail tracks II

Minisymposium organized by António Pinto da Costa and Fernando Simões
Room: Rockall CPH
Chair: António Pinto da Costa

Stability of a beam on elastic foundation under dynamic load
Piotr Kędzia, Iwona Wstawska and Krzysztof Magnucki

A semi-analytical solution for the problem of a load moving in an underground tunnel
Mingjuan Zhao, Karel N. van Dalen and Andreiv. Metrikine

Analytical investigation of a beam on elastic foundation with asymmetrical properties
Iwona Wstawska, Piotr Kędzia and Krzysztof Magnucki

Green’s function method for analysing the response of an infinite Euler-Bernoulli beam on inhomogeneous elastic foundation interacting with a moving oscillator
Traian Mazilu, Andrei B. Fărăgău, Tao Lu and Karel N. van Dalen