
Monday, 11 June 2018 11:00 - 13:00
Discrete simulations of granular materials I

Minisymposium organized by Stefanos-Aldo Papanicolopulos, Daniel Barreto, Kevin J. Hanley and Thomas Shire
Room: Boisdale 1
Chair: Stefanos-Aldo Papanicolopulos

Experimental testing and modelling of expanded glass granules under high compression
Christian Woitzik, Mohsin A. Chaudry, Peter Wriggers and Alexander Düster

Numerical modelling of collision of particle-filled structures
Mohsin A. Chaudry, Christian Woitzik, Christian Weißenfels, Alexander Düster and Peter Wriggers

On the impact of cohesion on the bulk properties of a powder bed in Additive Manufacturing using Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations
Sina Haeri, Duncan Bailey, Matthew Calder, Brendan Clark, Allan Rogalsky and Ehsan Toyserkani

Dynamics and energetics of a vertically stirred mill: a validated discrete element method (DEM) model via positron emission particle tracking (PEPT)
Domenico Daraio, Jose Villoria, Andrew Ingram, Alessio Alexiadis, Hugh Stitt and Michele Marigo

Dense flow avalanche pressure on obstacle studied with DEM
Michael Kyburz, Betty Sovilla, Johan Gaume and Christophe Ancey

Modeling crack propagation for snow slab avalanche release with discrete elements
Gregoire Bobillier, Johan Gaume, Alec Van Herwijnen and Jurg Schweizer

Monday, 11 June 2018 16:30 - 18:30
Discrete simulations of granular materials II

Minisymposium organized by Stefanos-Aldo Papanicolopulos, Daniel Barreto, Kevin J. Hanley and Thomas Shire
Room: Boisdale 1
Chair: Kevin Hanley

The deformable discrete element method
Jerzy Rojek, Nikhil Madan, Szymon Nosewicz and Aleksander Zubelewicz

Polyhedral discrete element method modelling of natural sand under uniaxial compression
Vasileios Angelidakis, Stefano Utili and Vasilis Sarhosis

Discrete element modelling of shear deformation of rough particles
Sadegh Nadimi, Ali Ghanbarzadeh, Mojtaba Ghadiri and Anne Neville

Flowing characteristics of spherical particles with restrained rotation
Behzad Soltanbeigi, Thomas Weinhart, Stefanos A. Papanicolopulos, Stefan Luding and Jin Y. Ooi

Discrete Element Method for the modeling of Lithium Ion Battery cathodes and an approach for more general particle shapes
Verena Becker, Oleg Birkholz, Yixiang Gan and Marc Kamlah

Improving algorithms for particle simulation on modern GPUs
Hermann Kureck, Nicolin Govender, Stefan Enzinger, Srdan Letina, Alexander Korsunsky and Johannes G. Khinast

Tuesday, 12 June 2018 11:00 - 13:00
Discrete simulations of granular materials III

Minisymposium organized by Stefanos-Aldo Papanicolopulos, Daniel Barreto, Kevin J. Hanley and Thomas Shire
Room: Boisdale 1
Chair: Stefanos-Aldo Papanicolopulos

A computational model for multiple collisions of rigid bodies: An extension of A-CD2 method
Roberto León, Luis Salinas and Claudio E. Torres

Characterising spherical packings by principal component analysis
Tingting Zhao and Y.T. Feng

Numerical assessment on shear wave propagation through narrowly gap-graded packing
Masahide Otsubo, Reiko Kuwano and Catherine O‘Sullivan

Verification of Trapdoor Test Simulations using Discrete Element Method
Umair Ali, Masahide Otsubo and Reiko Kuwano

Effects of void ratioand rate of mass removal in DEM modelling of tunnelling-induced settlements
Lorin Bosoc, Daniel Barreto and Mohamed Rouainia

Tuesday, 12 June 2018 14:00 - 16:00
Discrete simulations of granular materials IV

Minisymposium organized by Stefanos-Aldo Papanicolopulos, Daniel Barreto, Kevin J. Hanley and Thomas Shire
Room: Boisdale 1
Chair: Thomas Shire

A multi-scale approach to characterizing fluid contribution to conductive heat transfer in dense granular systems
Andrew M. Hobbs and Jin Y. Ooi

Packing dynamics of spherical and nonconvex equiaxed dendritic grains sedimenting at low Stokes number
Antonio Olmedilla, Miha Zaloznik, Bernard Rouat and Hervé Combeau

Softening and melting modeling of iron ore particles using the CFD-DEM method
Mehdi Baniasadi, Maryam Baniasadi and Bernhard Peters

CFD-DEM simulation of a continuous tablet coating process at different scales
Peter Böhling, Stefan Mohr, Frederik Detobel, James Holman, Matthew Metzger, Laura Wareham, Sean McClure and Johannes G. Khinast