Greetings from the UKACM
The UK Association for Computational Mechanics (UKACM) is the body which represents the UK in ECCOMAS and IACM. The Association was originally formed in 1992 with the name ACME-UK, which we changed to UKACM in 2015. Professor Olgierd C. Zienkiewicz himself was instrumental in setting up the Association and was its Honorary President until his death in 2009. UKACM exists to both promote research in computational mechanics within the UK, and to establish formal links with similar organisations in Europe and worldwide.
We are very pleased that ECCOMAS has selected Glasgow as the venue for its joint 6th ECCM & 7th ECFD conference. The conference organising committee has been working very hard both to secure the conference, and then even harder to put in place an outstanding programme of academic and social events which play to the strengths of Glasgow and Scotland. I am sure you will not be disappointed.
UKACM fully supports the conference and hopes it will be successful, raising the profile of computational mechanics and CFD beyond the delegates, to the wider UK scientific
While recent events in the UK may have made it seem that we want to move away from the rest of Europe, this is diametrically opposite to the views of most UK academics, and certainly does not extend to the wonderful interactions we are looking forward to with our colleagues from the rest of Europe and beyond at this conference.
Charles Augarde
President of the UK Association for Computational Mechanics (UKACM)