Numerical and experimental research of new methods for wall interference reduction in wind tunnels of transonic and low supersonic velocities
Sergey L. Chernyshev, Alexander I. Ivanov, Evgeny V. Streltsov and Anastasia O. Volkova
Experimental heat release rate imaging during flame-wall interactions by simultaneous CH2O/OH-PLIF measurements
Hidemasa Kosaka, Florian Zentgraf, Benjamin Böhm and Andreas Dreizler
Scale-resolving modeling of convective heat transfer in impinging and separating flows accounting for near-wall turbulence
Benjamin Krumbein and Suad Jakirlic
Near-Wall Modelling of LES for non-equilibrium turbulent flows in an inclined impinging jet with moderate Re-number
Yongxiang Li, Florian Ries, Kaushal Nishad and Amsini Sadiki
Entropy production in near-wall turbulent flow inside a generic air-to-air plate heat exchanger
Florian Ries, Yongxiang Li and Amsini Sadiki
Turbulent flows over rough walls: DNS and modelling
Pourya Forooghi, A. Stroh, F. Magagnato and B. Frohnapfel