
Thursday, 14 June 2018 16:30 - 18:30
Mathematical and computational modelling of fluid flow and transport in the brain and spinal cord I

Minisymposium organized by Marie E. Rognes and Kent-Andre Mardal
Room: Shuna CPH
Chair: John C. Vardakis
CoChair: Kent-Andre Mardal

Cerebroventricular fluid complexity in the early stages of Alzheimer‘s disease (Keynote Lecture)
John C. Vardakis, Liwei Guo, Dean Chou and Yiannis Ventikos

Uncertainty Quantification methodology for blood flow in elastic vessels
Marco Petrella, Svetlana Tokareva and Eleuterio F. Toro

Assesment of "glymphatic" system using DTI, CSF tracer and finite element computation.
Lars Magnus Valnes, Geir Ringstad, Per Kristian Eide and Kent-Andre Mardal

Striving to overcome the (blood-brain) barrier: models for intrathecal drug delivery and infusion into brain tissue
Edoardo Sinibaldi

Friday, 15 June 2018 11:00 - 13:00
Mathematical and computational modelling of fluid flow and transport in the brain and spinal cord II

Minisymposium organized by Marie E. Rognes and Kent-Andre Mardal
Room: Shuna CPH
Chair: Paolo Zunino
CoChair: Kent-Andre Mardal

A computational model for vascular fluid balance at the microscale (Keynote Lecture)
Luca Possenti, Giustina Casagrande, Simone di Gregorio, Federica Laurino, Maria L. Costantino and Paolo Zunino

Upscaling mass transfer in brain capillary networks
Vincent Doyeux, Yohan Davit, Michel Quintard and Sylvie Lorthois

Cardiac and respiratory effects of intracranial pressure gradient pulsatility on cerebrospinal fluid flow
Vegard Vinje, Geir Ringstad, Per Kristian Eide, Kent-Andre Mardal and Marie E. Rognes

Finite element analysis of pores design and tissue differentiation in cementless hip prosthesis
Hassan Mehboob, Faris Tarlochan, Sami Alkhatib, Ali Mehboob and Seung Hwan Chang