
Tuesday, 12 June 2018 14:00 - 16:00
Development and design of open scientific software libraries I

Minisymposium organized by Łukasz Kaczmarczyk and Garth N. Wells
Room: Castle 2 CPH
Chair: Lukasz Kaczmarczyk
CoChair: Garth N. Wells

Designing and programming the ExaHyPE
Dominic E. Charrier, Benjamin Hazelwood and Tobias Weinzierl

Application of symbolic and automatic differentiation frameworks to multi-physics problems
Jean-Paul Pelteret, Isuru Fernando, Andrew McBride and Paul Steinmann

An efficient edge based data structure for a comprenssible navier-stokes solver
Semih Akkurt and Mehmet Sahin

Mixed-dimensional coupled finite elements in FEniCS
Cécile Daversin-Catty and Marie E. Rognes

Bringing academic software to the users
Florian Lindner, Miriam Mehl and Benjamin Uekermann

MuPIF: Multi-Physics Integration Platform
Bořek Patzák, Vít Šmilauer and Martin Horák

Tuesday, 12 June 2018 16:30 - 18:30
Development and design of open scientific software libraries II

Minisymposium organized by Łukasz Kaczmarczyk and Garth N. Wells
Room: Castle 2 CPH
Chair: Garth N. Wells
CoChair: Lukasz Kaczmarczyk

OOFEM.org - project status, challenges and needs
Bořek Patzák, Mikael Öhman, Martin Horák, Vít Šmilauer, Milan Jirásek, Filip Kolařík and Edita Dvořáková

INMOST - a software platform for distributed mathematical modelling
Kirill Terekhov, Alexander A. Danilov, Ivan V. Kapyrin, Igor Konshin, Kirill D. Nikitin and Yuri Vassilevski

OpenLSTO: An open-source code for level set method based topology optimization with applications on multiscale structural design
Xiaoyi Zhou and H. Alicia Kim

Accommodating researcher and end-user interest inside an all-purpose open-source software: the example of code_aster
Thomas De Soza and Ionel Nistor

Hierarchical and heterogenous approximations on heterogenous meshes - implementation in MoFEM
Lukasz Kaczmarczyk and Chris J. Pearce