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Number of visits: 105005

Sunday, June 25

17:30 - 19:30
Pre-Registration & Icebreaking Drink

Monday, June 26

08:00 - 09:00
Registration & Opening Ceremony

09:00 - 09:50
Plenary Lecture
Room: Rosmini
Chair: Pedro Diez

Towards a better use of the Kolmogorov n-width in Reduced Basis Approximations
Y. Maday

10:00 - 11:00
MS - Adaptive computational techniques for parametrized PDEs I
Invited Minisymposia organized by Gianluigi Rozza
Room: Rosmini
Chair: Gianluigi Rozza

Optimal H2 Norm Model Order Reduction for LPV Systems by Global Galerkin Projection
X. Cao, S. Weiland, J.M.L. Maubach and W.H.A. Schilders

Efficient Sampling Strategies in Hybrid Full-Order/Reduced-Order CFD Models
A.  Scardigli, H. Telib and C. Canuto

Adaptive localized model reduction for parabolic problems
M. Ohlberger, S. Rave and F. Schindler

MS - AdMoRe Session I
Invited Minisymposia organized by Antonio Huerta and Pedro Diez
Room: Monastero
Chair: Antonio Huerta

Verification and validation for fast simulation of acoustics and electro-magnetics including data assimilation.
S. Vermiglio, P. Díez, D. Borzacchiello and F. Chinesta

Parameterised Stokes flow using the proper generalised decomposition in OpenFOAM.
V. Tsiolakis, R. Sevilla, M. Giacomini, C. Othmer and A. Huerta

A combined HDG-PGD approach for the solution of a parameterized Oseen flow.
L. Borchini, M. Giacomini, R. Sevilla and A. Huerta

11:00 - 11:20
Coffee Break

11:20 - 13:00
MS - Adaptive computational techniques for parametrized PDEs II
Invited Minisymposia organized by Gianluigi Rozza
Room: Rosmini
Chair: Gianluigi Rozza

Greedy Controllability of Reduced-Order Linear Dynamical Systems
L. Iapichino, G. Fabrini and S. Volkwein

Dimension reduction in heterogeneous parametric spaces
M. Tezzele, F. Salmoiraghi, A. Mola and G. Rozza

A Reduced Basis technique for Turbulent Flows
T. Taddei, Y. Maday and A.T. Patera

A posteriori error analysis and adaptive sparse grid algorithm for random PDEs
D. Guignard and F. Nobile

Active Subspaces in PDEs with Many Input Parameters
P. G. Constantine

MS - AdMoRe Session II
Invited Minisymposia organized by Antonio Huerta and Pedro Diez
Room: Monastero
Chair: Pedro Diez

Towards an hp finite element approach for the numerical simulation of 3d eddy current problems of relevance to MRI scanners
M. Seoane Chouciño, P.D. Ledger, A.J. Gil and M. Mallet

Damage identification using data assimilation and machine learning techniques
G. Quaranta, E. Lopez, E. Abisset-Chavanne, J.L. Duval and F. Chinesta

On the Construction of Constitutive Manifolds from Experimental Data
R. Ibáñez Pinillo, D. Borzacchiello, J. V. Aguado, E. Abisset-Chavanne, D. Gonzalez, E. Cueto and F. Chinesta

Influence of the residual stresses in reshaping operations of large aeronautical parts
R. Mena, D. Deloison, J. V. Aguado and A. Huerta

Towards a reduced order modelling for coupled acousto-magneto-mechanical problems with application to MRI coil design
G Barroso, A.J. Gil, P.D. Ledger and M. Mallett

13:00 - 14:00
Lunch Break

14:00 - 14:50
Plenary Lecture
Room: Rosmini
Chair: Simona Perotto

State of the art and perspectives on reduced order methods in computational fluid dynamics
G. Rozza

14:50 - 16:10
MS-Advances in shape optimization: algorithms, simulations and applications I
Invited Minisymposia organized by Matteo Giacomini
Room: Rosmini
Chair: Matteo Giacomini

Shape Optimization for additive manufacturing; From micro to mezo structures
O. Pantz, P. Geoffroy and G. Allaire

PDE-constrained shape optimization with FEM-tailored discretization of diffeomorphisms
P. E. Farrell, A. Paganini and F. Wechsung

Various Optimization Techniques in Shape Spaces
K. Welker, V. Schulz and M. Siebenborn

A Framework for Aerodynamic Shape Optimization in Automotive Applications
A.  Scardigli, R. Arpa and H. Telib

CS - Error estimation MoE1
Room: Monastero
Chair: Suzanne Shontz

Recovery of equilibrium from compatible finite element models of plates
E.A.W. Maunder and J.P. Moitinho de Almeida

Constitutive Relation Error Method (CRE) for linear problems solved using Isogeometric Analysis
P. Thai, L. Chamoin, C. Ha-Minh and X. H. Nguyen

Efficiency analysis of patch size and type for Error Estimates based on implicit residual and local Dirichlet patch problems.
P. Bonilla, P. Kerfriden and A. Kundu

A new equilibrated residual method: improving accuracy and efficiency of flux-free error estimates in two and three dimensions
N. Parés and P. Díez

16:10 - 16:30
Coffee Break

16:30 - 17:15
Poster Blitz
Room: Rosmini
Chair: to be confirmed
Poster Presentation: Towards a reduced order modelling for coupled acousto-magneto-mechanical problems with application to MRI coil design
Guillem Barroso

Poster Presentation: Influence of the residual stresses in reshaping operations of large aeronautical parts
Ramiro Mena

Poster Presentation: On the Construction of Constitutive Manifolds from Experimental Data
Rubén Ibáñez Pinillo

Poster Presentation: Damage identification using data assimilation and machine learning techniques
Giacomo Quaranta

Poster Presentation:Towards an hp finite element approach for the numerical simulation of 3d eddy current problems of relevance to MRI scanners
Marcos Seoane Chouciño

Poster Presentation: A combined HDG-PGD approach for the solution of a parameterized Oseen flow
Luca Borchini

Poster Presentation: Parameterised Stokes flow using the proper generalised decomposition in OpenFOAM
Vasileios Tsiolakis

Poster Presentation: Verification and validation for fast simulation of acoustics and electro-magnetics including data assimilation
Simona Vermiglio

Poster Presentation:Topology and shape optimization for structural applications
Tommaso Ferri

Poster Presentation: Data assimilation driven by hierarchical isogeometric model reduction
Yves Antonio Brandes Costa Barbosa

Poster Presentation:Creation of a Hexahedral Mesh for a Subsoil Model
Gérald Nicolas

Poster Presentation:A reduced basis method for an inverse problem in electroencephalography.
Juan Luis Valerdi Cabrera

Poster Presentation: Modelling and Adaptive Backstepping Control of a Two-Axis Motion Bed Subject to High Speed Motion and External Disturbances
Jahng Hyon Park

17:15 - 18:15
MS-Advances in shape optimization: algorithms, simulations and applications II
Invited Minisymposia organized by Matteo Giacomini
Room: Rosmini
Chair: Matteo Giacomini

Multi-scale Stiffness Optimization of Laminates
P.G. Coelho, J.M. Guedes and H.C. Rodrigues

Volumetric shape gradient of the compliance in linear elasticity via the pure displacement and the dual mixed formulation
M. Giacomini, O. Pantz and K. Trabelsi

Additive layer manufacturing in space applications - Thales Alenia Space

MS-Model Order Reduction Techniques and Applications I
Invited Minisymposia organized by Iciar Alfaro, Domenico Borzacchiello, Antonio Huerta and Pedro Diez
Room: Monastero
Chair: Domenico Borzacchiello

Towards Global-Local Separated Representations in Arbitrary Non-Cartesian Domains
C. Sandino, J. V. Aguado and F. Chinesta

The Reduced Basis-Hierarchical Model Reduction Approach for nonlinear PDEs and kinetic transport equations
J.  Brunken, M. Ohlberger and K. Smetana

Real time simulation of tissue tearing during surgery
I. Alfaro, C. Quesada, D. Gonzalez, F. Chinesta and E. Cueto

18:30 - 20:00
Welcome Reception

Tuesday, June 27

09:00 - 09:50
Plenary Lecture
Room: Rosmini
Chair: Simona Perotto

Simplifying V&V procedures by means of model reduction techniques
L. Chamoin

09:50 - 10:50
MS-Mesh generation and mesh adaptivity: methods and applications I
Invited Minisymposia organized by Suzanne Shontz, Josep Sarrate, Franck Ledoux, Cécile Dobrzynski and Thomas Toulorge and Youssef Mesri
Room: Rosmini
Chair: Franck Ledoux

Adaptive inexact semi--smooth Newton methods for a contact between two membranes
J. Dabaghi, V. Martin and M. Vohralik

The Feasible Set Method for Rezoning in Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian Methods
M. Berndt and M. Shashkov

An adaptive algorithm for the time dependent transport equation with anisotropic finite elements and the Crank-Nicolson scheme.
S. Dubuis and M. Picasso

MS-Model Order Reduction Techniques and Applications II
Invited Minisymposia organized by Iciar Alfaro, Domenico Borzacchiello, Antonio Huerta and Pedro Diez
Room: Monastero
Chair: Iciar Alfaro

Numerical Model Reduction with Error Control for FE^2 Analysis of Transient Heat Flow
F. Ekre, F. Larsson and K. Runesson

PGD for Constrained Parametric Space with a Non-intrusive Implementation
X. Zou, M. Conti, P. Dı́ez and F. Auricchio

POD with collocation on the fly
M.-L. Rapun, F. Terragni and J.M. Vega

CS-Data-driven engineering problems and applications TuM3
Room: Casana
Chair: Matteo Giacomini

Distributed active vibration control of elastic beams
M. Lobrovic, A. Jokic and M. Jokic

Uncertainty modeling of spatially invariant distributed dynamical systems
M. Jokic, B. Dogancic, A. Jokic and M. Lobrovic

Multiphysical simulation of vascular streaming potential and verification
D.W. Yang, Y.H. Lee, J.M. Kim, S.M. Jung, B.G. Jo, J.W. Lee and J.H Hong

10:50 - 11:10
Coffee Break

11:10 - 12:50
MS - Mesh generation and mesh adaptivity: methods and applications II
Invited Minisymposia organized by Suzanne Shontz, Josep Sarrate, Franck Ledoux, Cécile Dobrzynski and Thomas Toulorge and Youssef Mesri
Room: Rosmini
Chair: Suzanne Shontz

Generation of high-quality meshes with optimal geometric accuracy
E. Ruiz-Gironés, J. Sarrate and X. Roca

Computing two- and three-dimensional cross fields\\ A PDE approach based the Gizburg-Landau theory
J.-F. Remacle, J. Lambrechts, F.  Henrotte and P.A. Beaufort

HDG NEFEM with degree adaptivity for Stokes flow
R. Sevilla, K.N. Suresh and A. Huerta

Efficient generation of high-order boundary layer meshes
T. Toulorge, A. Johnen and J.-F. Remacle

MS-Model Order Reduction Techniques and Application III
Invited Minisymposia organized by Iciar Alfaro, Domenico Borzacchiello and Antonio Huerta
Room: Monastero
Chair: Antonio Huerta

HiMod reduction for parameter dependent problems
S. Perotto

PBDW: a non-intrusive Reduced Basis Data Assimilation method and its application to outdoor Air Quality Models
J.K. Hammond, R. Chakir, F. Bourquin and Y. Maday

Accuracy control and non-intrusive implementation of Model Order Reduction based on Greedy Sampling for elasto-dynamics
X. Du, A. Kundu and P. Kerfriden

Reduced Order Models for Electromagnetic Transients Simulation in Transmission Lines with Frequency Dependent Parameters
M. H. Malik, D. Borzacchiello, F. Chinesta and P. Diez

MS-Fictitious Domain Methods and Applications
Invited Minisymposia organized by Ernst Rank, Juan José Ródenas and Enrique Nadal Soriano
Room: Casana
Chair: Ernst Rank

A Higher-Order Fictitious Domain Method using the Marching Volume Polytopes Algorithm.
A. Byfut and A. Schröder

Stress-based femur fracture risk evaluation from bone densitometry
J.J. Ródenas, J.J. Sánchez-Taroncher, E. Nadal, A.  Alberich-Bayarri and L. Martí-Bonmati

Contact model for preoperative patient-specific dental implant simulations using Cartesian grids
J. M. Navarro-Jiménez, M. Tur, J.J. Ródenas and J. Albelda

H-adaptive mesh refinement process for structural optimization processes based on sensitivity analysis
O. Marco, J.J. Ródenas, E. Nadal, J. Albelda, M. Tur and F.J. Fuenmayor

Adaptivity, contact and fictitious domain methods
T. Bog, N. Zander, S. Kollmannsberger and E. Rank

12:50 - 14:00
Lunch Break

14:00 - 15:40
MS - Mesh generation and mesh adaptivity: methods and applications III
Invited Minisymposia organized by Suzanne Shontz, Josep Sarrate, Franck Ledoux, Cécile Dobrzynski and Thomas Toulorge and Youssef Mesri
Room: Rosmini
Chair: Franck Ledoux

Crack propagation in brittle materials via generalized Ambrosio-Tortorelli models
N. Ferro, S. Micheletti, S. Perotto and M. Signorini

An error-estimate-free mesh refinement and coarsening method for the phase field approach to fracture
Y. Li, W. Lai and Y. Shen

An interpolation-free approach to exploit mesh adaptation within the ALE framework
B. Re, C. Dobrzynski and A. Guardone

Scalability, determinism, and state-of-the-art methods: key features of the Omega_h open-source Mesh Adaptation Library
D. Ibanez

A parallel variational mesh quality improvement method
S. Shontz, M. Lopez and W. Huang

MS - Goal-oriented error estimation and applications I
Invited Minisymposia organized by Serge Prudhomme
Room: Monastero
Chair: José Paulo Moitinho de Almeida

Multiscale computations based on MsFEM: model reduction and goal-oriented a posteriori error estimation
F. Legoll and L. Chamoin

Refinement indicators and adaptive schemes for goal-oriented error estimation
S. Prudhomme, K. Kergrene, D. Guignard, D. Pardo and V. Darrigrand

Goal-oriented adaptivity for the Generalized Multiscale Finite Element Method.
S Pollock, E. T.  Chung, W. T.  Leung and S. M.  Pun

Adaptive optimal control of contact problems.
K. Rosin and A. Rademacher

Space-time variational formulations and a posteriori error estimation of transport equations
J.  Brunken, K. Smetana and K.  Urban

MS - Innovative techniques for inverse analysis
Invited Minisymposia organized by Ludovic Chamoin
Room: Casana
Chair: Ludovic Chamoin

Reconstruction of a piecewise constant conductivity via shape optimization in electrical impedance tomography
E. Beretta, S. Micheletti, S. Perotto and M. Santacesaria

Reduced order modeling of Bayesian Inverse Problems for PDEs
A. Manzoni and S. Pagani

Parameters identification for thermal building models by a goal-oriented inverse method
Z. Djatouti, J. Waeytens, P. Chatellier and L. Chamoin

A consistent Bayesian approach for stochastic inverse problems
T. Wildey, T.  Butler and J. Jakeman

16:00 - 23:00
Excursion to Borromean Islands & Conference Dinner

Wednesday, June 28

09:00 - 09:50
Plenary Lecture
Room: Rosmini
Chair: Pedro Diez

Active Subspaces: Emerging Ideas for Dimension Reduction in Computational Science and Engineering Models
P. G. Constantine

09:50 - 11:10
MS - Mesh generation and mesh adaptivity: methods and applications IV
Invited Minisymposia organized by Suzanne Shontz, Josep Sarrate, Franck Ledoux, Cécile Dobrzynski and Thomas Toulorge and Youssef Mesri
Room: Rosmini
Chair: Thomas Toulorge

Parallel Three-Dimensional Constrained Delaunay Meshing
A. Chernikov, C. Tsolakis and N. Chrisochoides

Parallel anisotropic mesh adaptation with DMPlex and Pragmatic
N. Barral, M.G. Knepley, M. Lange, M.D. Piggott and G.J. Gorman

Adaptative method for numerical simulation of fluid flow based on point clouds & applications to urbans environnements
S. Santoso, T. Coupez and L. Rocha

Using grid adaptation to understand ship flow instability
J. Wackers, E. Guilmineau and M. Visonneau

MS - Goal-oriented error estimation and applications II
Invited Minisymposia organized by Serge Prudhomme
Room: Monastero
Chair: Serge Prudhomme

Unconventional Error Representations for Goal Oriented p-Adaptivity and its Applications
V. Darrigrand, D. Pardo, A. Rodríguez-Rozas, I. Muga, A. Romkes and S. Prudhomme

Goal Oriented Time Adaptivity Using Local Error Estimates
P. Meisrimel and P. Birken

A posteriori modeling error estimation for thermal building applications
J. Waeytens, R. Chakir and L. Chamoin

Some considerations on the implementation of FE models imposing strong forms of equilibrium
J.P. Moitinho de Almeida and E.A.W. Maunder

11:10 - 11:30
Coffee Break

11:30 - 13:10
MS - Mesh generation and mesh adaptivity: methods and applications V
Invited Minisymposia organized by Suzanne Shontz, Josep Sarrate, Franck Ledoux, Cécile Dobrzynski and Thomas Toulorge and Youssef Mesri
Room: Rosmini
Chair: Thomas Toulorge

Very large scale unsteady simulations: massively parallel unstructured mesh adaptation and multigrid solvers
H. Digonnet, T. Coupez and L. Silva

Topology Optimization Assisted by Mesh Adaptation: Motivation and Numerical Validation
N- Ferro, S. Micheletti and S. Perotto

Hex-dominant meshing for CAD models with boundary-alignment constraints
F.  Ledoux, B. Lévy, N. Ray and D. Sokolov

Realistic geometric modeling of fracture networks.
P. Laug, G. Pichot and J.R. de Dreuzy

Variational h-adaption for coupled thermo-mechanical problems
R. Pethe, T. Heuzé and L. Stainier

CS- Advanced modeling WeA2
Room: Monastero
Chair: Tommaso Taddei

A Multi-rate Numerical Method for Systems of Partial Differential Equations
T. Faney, S. Yousef, L. Delpopolo, L. Bonaventura and A. Scotti

Simulation of compressible flows over opening wing-flap configurations through continuous boundary modification
L. Cirrottola, B. Re and G. Quaranta

Towards a big data-enabled virtual experimentation framework for sustainability-oriented, large-scale infrastructure planning
D. Mavris, M. Balchanos, W. Sung and O. Pinon

Coupled atomistic-continuum methods for the study of complex fluids and micro-fluidics
W. Ren

13:15 - 14:30
Farewell Lunch and Closure