25/7/2014    09:00 - 11:00
Advances and Applications in Generalized/Extended Finite Element Methods IV
Minisymposium organized by Angelo Simone, C. Armando Duarte, Sergio P. B. Proença and Haim Waisman
Room: Sala H 1
Chair: Angelo Simone
Generalized finite element method (GFEM): Accurate and efficient computation of the solution of interface problems (Keynote Lecture)
Uday Banerjee, Kenan Kergrene and Ivo Babuska

Extra-dof-free and linearly independent enrichments in GFEM/XFEM
Rong Tian

Extended-Finite Element Method with 3D quadratic elements: Integration and conditioning issues
Marcel Ndeffo, Patrick Massin and Nicolas Moës

A simple recovery-based error estimator for the stable generalized finite element method (SGFEM)
Rafael Marques Lins and Sergio P.B. Proença

Efficient reduction of approximation errors by means of multiple enriched basis functions
Adriaan Sillem, Angelo Simone and Lambertus J. Sluys

A partition of unity method for a class of fourth order elliptic variational inequalities
Susanne C. Brenner, Christopher B. Davis and Li-yeng Sung