ECCOMAS is a scientific organization founded in 1992, grouping together European associations with interests in the development and applications of computational methods in applied sciences and technology. The mission of ECCOMAS is to promote joint efforts of European universities, research institutes and industries which are active in the broader field of numerical methods and computer simulation in Engineering and Applied Sciences (i.e. Computational: Solid and Structural Mechanics, Fluid Dynamics, Acoustics, Electromagnetics, Physics, Chemistry, Applied Mathematics, and Scientific Computing), to address critical societal and technological issues with particular emphasis on multidisciplinary applications and disseminate innovative research in the fields of ECCOMAS.
ECCOMAS has as its main objectives the following:
- exchange scientific and technical information concerning basic and applied research;
- support the development of mathematical models, numerical and computer methods, simulations and numerical data bases;
- promote advanced research for industrial applications;
- promote European achievements in the fields of ECCOMAS on a worldwide scale;
- support the cooperation on a European level of universities, research institutes, and industries engaged in the fields of ECCOMAS;
- stimulate and foster the education in the fields of ECCOMAS;
- act as an advisor to the European Commission for identifying and coordinating innovative research directions;
- establish advisory committees in strategic areas in the fields of ECCOMAS;
- organise forums and meetings for the dissemination of knowledge.
The previous ECCOMAS Congresses were held in Brussels (1992), Paris (1996), Barcelona (2000), Jyvaskyla (2004), Venice-Lido (2008), Vienna (2012). The ECCOMAS Congress includes invited lectures, Invited Special Technological Sessions (STS), contributed papers from Academy and Industry as well as Minisymposia on thematic topics.
ECCOMAS also organises large conferences devoted to structures and fluids. European Conferences on Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems (ECCM) were held in Munich (1999), Cracow (2001), Lisbon (2006), Paris (2012).
The ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics Conferences (CFD) were organized in Stuttgart (1994), Athens (1998), Swansea (2001), Egmond aan Zee (2006), Lisbon (2010).
These series of ECCOMAS global meetings are complemented with more focused thematic conferences on state-of-the-art topics in computational sciences and engineering organised with the support of ECCOMAS.
Proceedings of the ECCOMAS events are widely disseminated in Europe via the website of ECCOMAS and by indexing in SCOPUS database system with links to the full texts of the presented papers.
Several committees operate within ECCOMAS in scientific areas such as: Solids and Structural Mechanics and Coupled Problems, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computational Applied Mathematics, Scientific Computing, Industrial Liaison Activity Committee. The main objective of the ECCOMAS Committees is to promote the organization of thematic conferences, workshops and minisymposia in specific scientific and technological fields.