24/7/2014    16:30 - 18:30
Structure-preserving and Polyhedral Discretizations II
Polyhedral, Differential Forms, and Variational Integrators Session

Minisymposium organized by Lourenco Beirao da Veiga, Annalisa Buffa, Alexandre Ern, John A. Evans, Marc Gerritsma, Gianmarco Manzini and Giancarlo Sangalli
Room: Yasmin B
Chair: Lourenco Beirão da Veiga
Generalization of Finite Element Methods to polygonal and polyhedral meshes
Vitaliy Gyrya, Konstantin Lipnikov and Gianmarco Manzini

BEM-based finite element method with prospects to time dependent problems
Steffen Weißer

A family of arbitrary order mixed methods for heterogeneous anisotropic diffusion on general meshes
Daniele A. Di Pietro and Alexandre Ern

Compatible discrete operator schemes for stokes problem on polyhedral meshes
Jérôme Bonelle and Alexandre Ern

Mimetic least-squares: A least-squares formulation with exact conservation properties
Pavel Bochev and Marc Gerritsma

Stabilized Galerkin methods for the advection of differential forms with discontinuous velocity fields
Ralf Hiptmair, Siddhartha Mishra and Cecilia Pagliantini

Variational integrators for nonvariational PDEs
Michael Kraus and Omar Maj