Thursday, 14 June 2018    16:30 - 18:30
Computational methods for inverse problems: theory and applications III
Minisymposium organized by John C Brigham, Ankush Aggarwal and Wilkins Aquino
Room: Boisdale 2
Chair: Ankush Aggarwal
CoChair: John Brigham
Bayesian Estimation of the parameters of packed-bed drying process of biomass
Zbigniew Buliński, Helcio R.B. Orlande, Tomasz Krysiński, Łukasz Ziółkowski and Sebastian Werle

Multilevel Monte Carlo methods for Bayesian inverse problems
Kody Law

Simple Bayesian updating using functional approximation of random fields
Jaroslav Vondrejc and Hermann G. Matthies

Unsupervised Machine Learning Based on Non-Negative Tensor Factorization
Velimir Vesselinov

Assessing identifiability of dynamical systems for inverse problems: classical sensitivity functions and information gain
Sanjay Pant

Validation of differentiated programs and their application to data assimilation
Yasuyoshi Horibata