24/7/2014    16:30 - 18:30
Advanced Numerical Methods IV
Room: Tramuntana 2
Chair: Juan Carlos Cante
Development of a new calculation software for large deformation problems
Vinzenz Sattinger, Daniel Supanz and Ioan Turcin

Introducing a finite difference element method for thin elastic shell
Daniel Choï

Statistically weighted maximin distance design with kernel density function
Junyong Jang, Su-gil Cho, Minuk Lee and Tae Hee Lee

Inter-belt analysis of nonlocal linear elastic theory
Zheng Yao, Changliang Zheng and Wanxie Zhong

Triangular-fan-based algorithm for computing the closure conditions of planar linkages
Rubén Vaca and Joan Aranda

Rare event anticipation and degradation trending for aircraft predictive maintenance
Stephane Alestra, Christophe Bordry, Christophe Brand, Evgeny Burnaev, Pavel Erofeev, Artem Papanov and Cassiano Silveira-Freixo