Wednesday, 13 June 2018    16:30 - 18:30
Computational experiment in aeroacoustics (MINI-CEAA) II
Minisymposium organized by George N. Barakos, Charles Hirsch, Sergey Karabasov, Tatiana K. Kozubskaya and Ulf Michel
Room: Carron 1
Chair: Tatiana Kozubskaya
CoChair: George Barakos
Numerical simulation of sound scattering using immersed boundary method for compressible flows
Ilya Abalakin, Tatiana K. Kozubskaya and Natalia Zhdanova

Towards precise prediction of flow patters of resonators under grazing flows by using cartesian-mesh cfd
Tsuabsa Iwafune, Daisuke Sasaki, Hidemi Toh and Tatsuya Ishii

Understanding transonic weapon bay flows
Gaetan J.M. Loupy and George N. Barakos

Simulation of aerodynamics and aeroacoustics of helicopter main rotor on unstructured meshes
Ilya Abalakin, Pavel Bakhvalov , Vladimir Bobkov, Andrey Gorobets and Tatiana K. Kozubskaya

Acoustic assessment of twin-engined turboprop layouts
Giulia Chirico, George N. Barakos and Nicholas Bown