22/7/2014    16:30 - 18:30
Advances in Numerical Methods for Linear and Non-linear Dynamics I
Minisymposium organized by Alexander Idesman and Gregory Hulbert
Room: Mare Nostrum A
Chair: Gregory Hulbert
CoChair: Alexander Idesman
Accurate modelling of wave propagation problems in homogeneous, composite and functionally graded materials (Keynote Lecture)
Alexander Idesman

A weakly-intrusive coupling scheme in space and time for localized effects in explicit dynamics
Omar Bettinotti, Olivier Allix, Benoît Malherbe and Victor Oancea

A new high-order spatial Galerkin discretization based on Fourier Continuation methods
Oscar P. Bruno and Andrés Prieto

High-order hybrid methods for elastic waves
Thomas Hagstrom

Applications of smoothness-increasing accuracy-conserving (SIAC) filtering for the Discontinuous Galerkin approximation to nonlinear hyperbolic equations
Jennifer K. Ryan and Xiaozhou Li