23/7/2014    14:00 - 16:00
Nonlinear Computational Stability Analysis I
Minisymposium organized by Herbert Mang and Yeong-Bin Yang
Room: Sala C3
Chair: Herbert Mang
Numerical solution of linear eigenproblems containing derivatives of the tangent stiffness matrix with respect to the load parameter (Keynote Lecture)
Xin Jia and Herbert A. Mang

Koiter asymptotic analysis in technical applications
Antonio Madeo, Giuseppe Zagari, Giovanni Zucco, Raffaele Zinno and Raffaele Casciaro

Numerical approach for visualization of the buckling sphere by means of resolving the consistently linearized eigenproblem
Stefan Pavlicek, Xin Jia and Herbert A. Mang

Buckling behaviour of friction stir welded stiffened aluminium panels
Rui M.F. Paulo, Pierpaolo Carlone, Robertt A.F. Valente, Filipe Teixeira-Dias and Gaetano S. Palazzo

The buckling sphere - A symbiosis of mechanics of solids and spherical geometry
Herbert A. Mang, Xin Jia and Stefan Pavlicek

Nonlinear analysis of hybrid steel-concrete beam with interlayer slips
Pisey Keo, Mohammed Hjiaj, Quang Huy Nguyen and Hugues Somja