25/7/2014    09:00 - 11:00
Numerical Approximation of MHD Flows I
Minisymposium organized by Eric Cyr, Santiago Badia and John Shadid
Room: Sala E2
Chair: Eric Cyr
On the development of a scalable implicit FE solver for 3D resistive MHD with integrated adjoint capabilities
John N. Shadid, Eric C. Cyr, Roger P. Pawlowski, Paul T. Lin, Tim Wildey and Luis Chacón

Investigation of MHD turbulence in a pipe flow
Xavier Dechamps and Gérard Degrez

Recursive block preconditioners for multiphysics problems: Application to incompressible MHD
Ramon Planas, Santiago Badia and Alberto F. Martín

Structure-preserving and energy-stable Finite Element Methods for MHD systems
Kaibo Hu, Xiaozhe Hu, Yicong Ma and Jinchao Xu

Multigrid Smoothers for Magnetohydrodynamics
James H. Adler, Thomas R. Benson, Eric C. Cyr, Scott P. MacLachlan and Ray S. Tuminaro

Scalable fully implicit solvers for extended magnetohydrodynamics
Luis Chacón