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Number of visits: 65009

ID Title Authors St.Time End Time

DAY-1: October 21 2010

  Welcome: registration, check-in, poster posting   08:30 09:00
  FUTURE AND PLANNED MISSIONS (chair: Salvatore D'Addio)      
143 The PARIS Ocean Altimeter Manuel Martin Neira, Salvatore D'Addio 09:00 09:20
103 The ACES GNSS Subsystem and its Applications for Remote Sensing A. Helm, M-P. Hess, M. Minori, A. Grikov, S. Yudanov, A. Granget, O. Montenbruck, G. Beyerle, L. Cacciapuoti, S. Feltham, R. Much, R. Nasca 09:20 09:40
139 An overview of the COSMIC follow-on mission (COSMIC-II) and its potential for GNSS-R L. Cucurull, D. Ector, E. Cardellach 09:40 10:00
112 GNSS-R mission planning aboard the research aircraft HALO R. Stosius, G. Beyerle, M. Semmling, M. Markgraf, O. Montenbruck, R. Rivas, S. Ribó, E. Cardellach, A. Rius, et al. 10:00 10:20
  Coffee break   10:20 10:50
  APPLICATIONS: ALTIMETRY (chair: Stephen T. Lowe)      
131 Bistatic collection and processing of modernized GPS signals. H. Müntzing, E. Horacek, D. Akos, V.U. Zavorotny 10:50 11:10
127 PARIS Interferometric Technique Proof-of-Concept O. Nogués-Correig, S. Ribó, J.C. Arco, E. Cardellach, A. Rius, E. Valencia, J.M. Tarongí, A. Camps, R. van Bree, B. Altena, H. van der Marel, M. Martín-Neira 11:10 11:30
133 User Oriented Application Based on GNSS-R A. Egido, L. Romero, A. Repucci, M. Caparrini 11:30 11:50
117 GNSS-R open-loop difference phase altimetry in a bridge experiment BAI WEIHUA, SUN YUEQIANG 11:50 12:10
122 The refractive delay of L1 and L2 reflections and its significance for altimetry M. Semmling, G. Beyerle, R. Stosius, G. Dick, F. Fabra, S. Ribo, E. Cardellach, A. Helm, S. Yudanov, S. d‘Addio 12:10 12:30
   Lunch break   12:30 13:30
  RECEIVERS AND SYSTEMS (chair: Martin Unwin )      
100 Adapting the TriG Receiver for GNSS-Reflections Science T. Meehan, S. Esterhuizen, G. Franklin, J. Tien 13:30 13:50
121 The SGR-ReSI GNSS Remote Sensing Instrument MJ Unwin 13:50 14:10
123 GNSS Antenna Comparison for Bistatic Applications J. Norberg, D. Akos 14:10 14:30
125 PARIS in Orbit Demonstrator RF Front-End, BeamFormer and DownConverter X. Ballesteros, R. Vilaseca 14:30 14:50
129 GSOC‘s GNSS-R Instrument for the ZOIS Experiment R. Rivas, A. Grillenberger, M. Markgraf, R. Stosius, G. Beyerle, M. Semmling, J. Wickert 14:50 15:10
104 The GPS Reflectometer Instrument for PAU: architecture and applications overview E. Valencia, A. Camps, X. Bosch-Lluis, N. Rodriguez-Alvarez, I. Ramos-Perez 15:10 15:30
105 PAU-SARA: A L1-GPS band radiometer and reflectometer with digital beamforming and polarization synthesis X. Bosch-Lluis, N. Rodriguez-Alvarez, A. Camps, E. Valencia, I. Ramos-Perez 15:30 15:50
  Poster Presentations (chair: Salvatore D'Addio) (max. 2'/poster). Sorted by abstract reception time.      
106 Land retrievals: the SMIGOL-reflectometer and the interference pattern technique N. Rodriguez-Alvarez, X. Bosch-Lluis, R. Acevo, E. Valencia, I. Ramos-Perez, A. Camps, A. Aguasca, M. Vall-llossera 15:50 15:52
107 The PAU/PARIS End-to-end Performance Simulator (PEPS) H. Park, E. Valencia, X. Bosch-Lluis, N. Rodriguez-Alvarez, I. Ramos-Perez, A. Camps 15:52 15:54
109 StarGym: An End-to-end GNSS-R simulator M. Garcia-Fernandez, S. d‘Addio, J. Márquez, A. Egido, C.M. Ray, J. Acedo 15:54 15:56
111 Reflected signals in GNSS Radio-Occultation data E. Cardellach, S. Oliveras, A. Rius 15:56 15:58
114 On-board real-time parallel processing for GNSS-R Instrument GOLD-RTR Yi Guo, A Rius, S Ribò, C Ferrer 15:58 16:00
115 PAU: a hybrid microwave radiometer/GPS reflectometer to improve the sea surface salinity estimates from space A. Camps, J.F. Marchán, E. Valencia, I. Ramos, X. Bosch-Lluis, N. Rodríguez, H. Park, A. Alcaide, M. Angulo, A. Rius 16:00 16:02
120 GOLD-RTR Mining: A Data Server of Experimental GNSS-R Campaigns A. Rius, E. Cardellach, F. Fabra, O. Nogués-Correig, S. Oliveras, S. Ribó 16:02 16:04
142 On-ground test and measurements of the passive advanced unit - Synthetic Aperture (PAU-SA) I. Ramos-Perez, X. Bosch-Llui, A. Camps, E. Valencia, N. Rodriguez-Alvarez, M. Vall-llossera, G. Forte 16:04 16:06
145 Experience with the GNSS-based tide gauge at the Onsala space observatory J.S. Löfgren, R. Haas 16:06 16:08
  Coffee break   16:10 16:30
  Poster, Demos and Exhibit Session   16:30 18:30
  End of Sessions DAY-1     18:30

DAY-2: October 22 2010

  APPLICATIONS: SCATTEROMETRY (chair: James L. Garrison )      
137 Ocean surface roughness reflectometry with GPS multistatic radar from high-altitude aircraft V.  Zavorotny, D. Akos, H. Muntzing 09:00 09:20
138 Recent Experiments on the Inter-Comparison of GNSS-R with Microwave Radiometery J Garrison, J Voo, M Grant 09:20 09:40
126 Processing techniques for a GNSS-R scatterometric remote sensing instrument P. Jales, M. Unwin, C. Underwood 09:40 10:00
124 What do reflected GPS signals tell us about the ocean waves? A numerical study MP Clarizia, M Di Bisceglie, C Galdi, C Gommenginger, M Srokosz 10:00 10:20
  Coffee break   10:20 10:50
136 Towards superresolution Delay-Doppler Maps M.P. Clarizia, M. di Bisceglie, C. Galdi, C. Gommenginger, R. Iacoviello, M. Srokosz 10:50 11:10
113 From Delay-Doppler Map to Ocean Surface Mapping E. Valencia, A. Camps, N. Rodriguez-Alvarez, I. Ramos-Perez, X. Bosch-Lluis, H. Park 11:10 11:30
  APPLICATIONS: LAND, CRYOSPHERE, ATMOSPHERE (chair: Valery Zavorotny)      
102 Soil Moisture, Snow, and Vegetation Sensing Using Geodetic GPS Receivers K. Larson, E. Small, J. Braun, V.  Zavorotny, M. Williams, F. Nievinski 11:30 11:50
119 GNSS-R for Land Bio-Geophysical Parameters Monitoring; The LEiMON Project A. Egido, M. Caparrini, L. Guerriero, N. Pierdicca, S. Paloscia, M. Brogioni, N. Floury 12:10 12:30
128 Theoretical simulations of GNSS reflections from bare and vegetated soilds R GIUSTO, L GUERRIERO, S PALOSCIA, N PIERDICCA, A EGIDO, N FLOURY 11:50 12:10
   Lunch break   12:30 13:30
135 Comparison of different correlation approaches between GNSS-R and ground soil moisture data over the Valencia Anchor Station site during the SMOS Validation Rehearsal Camping 2008 A Buil, V Ruano, F Fabra, E Cardellach, A Rius, E Lopez-Baeza 13:30 13:50
130 GNSS-R for Studies of the Cryosphere F. Fabra, E. Cardellach, O. Nogués-Correig, S. Oliveras, S. Ribó, A. Rius, M. Belmonte-Rivas, M. Semmling, G. Macell oni, S. Pettinato, R. Zasso, S. d‘Addio 13:50 14:10
110 Bistatic remote sensing of the atmosphere and surface using GNSS occultations signals A.G. Pavelyev, K. Zhang, S.S. Matyugov, Y.A  Liou, C.S. Wang, O.I. Yakovlev, I.A. Kucherjavenkov, Yu. Kuleshov 14:10 14:30
  SIMULATORS AND SIMULATIONS (chair: Georg Beyerle )      
101 Simulations of Advanced Signal Processing Techniques for Remote Sensing S. Lowe, R. Treuhaft 14:30 14:50
132 Observation performance of a PARIS altimeter in-orbit demonstrator S. d‘Addio, M. Martin-Neira 14:50 15:10
140 Simulation of Bistatic Scattering of Digital Signals of Opportunity J. Garrison 15:10 15:30
141 On the Use of C-band for GNSS Reflectometry A. Schmitz-Peiffer, A. Helm, M.-P Hess 15:30 15:50
134 A Feasibility Study for Ship Detection using GNSS Reflections F. Soulat, P. Fabry, J.P. Malardé, J.J. Valette, F. Maussang, G. Hajduch, O. Germain, J.D. Desjonquères 15:50 16:10
  Coffee break   16:10 16:30
  Discussions and Workshop Conclusions (chairs: M. Martín-Neira, S. T. Lowe, V. Zavorotny) 16:30 17:30
  End of WORKSHOP     17:30

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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