Thursday, 14 June 2018    08:30 - 10:30
Computational Multi-Fluid Dynamics Models for Multiscale and Multiphysics Problems: Methods, Algorithms, Challenges and Perspectives II
Minisymposium organized by Jeff Gomes, Marcus Bannerman and Jos Derksen
Room: Castle 3 CPH
Chair: Dany Sanchez Dominguez
Two-phase flow modeling for gas-solid granular mixtures with dense and dilute concentration (Keynote Lecture)
Alexey Serezhkin and Igor Menshov

A numerical investigation of stochastic and deterministic upscaling methods for permeability fields; using an SVD model
Babatunde Lashore and Jefferson Gomes

Investigating fluid-particle interactions in expanded beds using CFD-DEM
Victor Koppejan, Guilherme Ferreira, Dong-Qiang Lin, Haibin Wang and Marcel Ottens

Validation of a multiscale coupling algorithm by experimental tests in TALL-3D facility
Antonio Cervone, Andrea Chierici, Leonardo Chirco, Roberto Da Vią and Sandro Manservisi