Thursday, 14 June 2018    08:30 - 10:30
New challenges on computational contact mechanics and interface models II
Minisymposium organized by Alfredo Gay Neto, Alexander Popp, Ajay Banga Harish, Peter Wriggers and Evgeny Petrov
Room: Lomond Auditorium
Chair: Alfredo Gay Neto
Large deformation contact computation with moving nodes using VEM (Keynote Lecture)
Wilhelm T. Rust and Peter Wriggers

Truly variationally consistent mortar-based contact formulation for finite deformation solid mechanics
Michael Hiermeier, Wolfgang A. Wall and Alexander Popp

Mortar contact formulation using smooth active set strategy applied to 3d crack propagation
I. Athanasiadis, Z. Ullah, Lukasz Kaczmarczyk and Chris J. Pearce

Iterative solver for solving large-scale frictional contact problems
Thierno Diop, Michel Fortin and Jean Deteix

Bi-cubic Hermite enrichment of FE contact surfaces
Francesco Cosco, Jakob Fiszer and Wim Desmet

Optimization of static contact pressure for frictional contact problems
Hansotto Kristiansen, Niels Aage and Konstantinos Poulios