Friday, 15 June 2018    11:00 - 13:00
Isogeometric boundary element methods I
Minisymposium organized by Robert N. Simpson, Jon Trevelyan, Panagiotis Kaklis, Trond Kvamsdal and Jon Vegard Venas
Room: Jura CPH
Chair: Robert Simpson
A comparison of nearly singular integrals evaluation method for isogeometric boundary element method (IGABEM)
Yanpeng Gong, Gabriel Hattori, Jon Trevelyan and Chunying Dong

A couple-stress formulation for the isogeometric boundary element method (IGABEM)
Gabriel Hattori, Panos Gourgiotis and Jon Trevelyan

Isogeometric boundary element analysis of underground excavations
Christian Duenser, Gernot Beer and Benjamin Marussig

IGA-BEM for 2D lifting flows
Constantinos G. Politis, A.-A.I. Ginnis, Konstantinos V. Kostas, P.D. Kaklis and S. Chouliaras

Shape Optimization and inverse problems in heat transfer employing an IGA-BEM approach
Konstantinos V. Kostas, Alexandros-Alvertos Ginnis, Constantinos G. Politis and Panagiotis D. Kaklis

Extended isogeometric boundary element method using the numerical steepest decent method
Jon Vegard Venås, Trond Kvamsdal and Trond Jenserud