Monday, 11 June 2018    11:00 - 13:00
Modeling and discretization approaches for slender continua and their interaction I
Minisymposium organized by Christoph Meier, Damien Durville, Olivier Brüls, Johannes Gerstmayr and Joachim Linn
Room: Gala 2
Chair: Joachim Linn
Geometrically exact finite element formulations for highly slender beams and their interaction: Kirchhoff-Love theory vs. Simo-Reissner theory
Christoph Meier, Alexander Popp, Maximilian J. Grill and Wolfgang A. Wall

Revision of beam modeling with large rotations
Anthoula Panteli and Konstantinos Spiliopoulos

A multibody dynamics approach for the transient simulation of ropeway systems
Johannes Gerstmayr and Robert Winkler

Strain invariance in geometrically exact 3D beams: relationship between approaches on two different configuration manifolds
Maja Gacesa and Gordan Jelenic