Thursday, 14 June 2018    08:30 - 10:30
impact of Surface Imperfections on the Transition Process of Laminar Boundary Layers I
Minisymposium organized by Heinrich Luedeke and Ulrich Rist
Room: Gala 2
Chair: Heinrich Luedeke
On allowable step heights - lessons learned from the ATTAS and F100 flight tests (Keynote Lecture)
Geza Schrauf

Effect of humps and indentations on boundary-layer transition of compressible flows using the AHLNS methodology
Juan Alberto Franco Sumariva, Stefan Hein and Eusebio Valero

Numerical investigation of localized suction as a means for reducing the impact of surface imperfections on boundary layer transition
Johannes Zahn and Ulrich Rist

Optimal transient growth behind distributed roughness elements on a spherical re-entry capsule
Alexander Theiss, Stefan Hein and Antonio Di Giovanni