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Number of visits: 149945

A Multimodal Nonverbal Human-Robot Communication System
S. Saleh, M. Sahu, Z. Zafar and K. Berns

A Proper Orthogonal Decomposition with Interpolation-Based Approach for Real-Time Modelling of the Heart
R. Rama, S. Skatulla and C. Sansour

A System to Evaluate the Measurements of the Soles Pressures, an approach to the Mathematical Model
W. Auccahuasi and J.P. Bravo Marcatoma

Blood Flow Analysis of STA-MCA Anastomosis using CFD
S. Takayama, M. Watanabe, H. Takao, D. Chihebeddine, H. Mamori, Y. Murayama and M. Yamamoto

Blood Flow Simulations in Patient-Specific Aorto-Coronary Bypass Models: The Role of Boundary Conditions
A. Jonasova, J. Vimmr and O. Bublik

Computation of Sensitivity Derivatives for Pediatric Ventricular Assist Device using the Adjoint Method
J. Lima, J. Isler, E. Volpe, B. Carmo, X. Mao and I. Cestari

Computational Fluid Dynamics of a Pediatric Ventricular Assist Device
J. A. Isler, B. S. Carmo, J. R. Meneghini and I. A. Cestari

Database Mammographic Images under Peruvian Cases and Detection of Microcalcifications based on Fractal Characteristics Programmatically GPGPU
W. Auccahuasi and D. Urbina

Dental Implant Numerical Modelling using Pile Modelling Scheme in Civil Engineering Field
Y.M. Lim, H.S. Moon, J.S. Choi and H.C. Noh

Development of Multi-Layered Cellular Automata Model to predict Nerve Axonal Extension Process
A. Nakayama, T. Yamamoto, Y. Morita and E. Nakamachi

Effect of Wave Propagation and Heat Transfer in Skull-CSF-Brain System Exposed tp Electromagnetic Wave
H. Andriamiharinjaka, F. Razafimahery and L. Rakotomanana

From Individual to Collective Rules in Emerging Trail Pattern Formation in Argentine Ants
M. Vela-Pérez, M. A. Fontelos and S. Garnier

Heterogeneous Materials based on Aperiodic Structures for Bone Tissue Substitutes
M. Sniechowski, J. Kaminski, J. Tarasiuk, J. Haberko and S. Wronski

Identifying mRNA sequences and Proteins by use of BCH Codes
M. Duarte-Gonzalez and R. Palazzo

Investigation on Risk Factors for Cerebral Aneurysm Recanalization After Coil Embolization Using CFD
S. Fujimura, H. Takao, M. Watanabe, D. Chihebeddine, H. Mamori, Y. Murayama and M. Yamamoto

IVUS Image Conditioning for In-Vivo Characterization of Arterial Tissue
G. D. Maso Talou, J. M. Pérez Zerpa, P. J. Blanco, A. Canelas and R. A. Feijóo

Modeling Approaches on the Lumbar Spine Biomechanics - A Comparative Study
S. Faria, P. Fernandes and J. Folgado

Numerical Simulation of 2D Multi-Species Bacterial Biofilm Growth using the Combined TDG-FIC Finite Element Method
D. Feng, I. Neuweiler and U. Nackenhorst

Pattern Activities Identification in the Framework of Medical Nursing Home using Infrared Sensors
P.A.C. Aguilar, C.M.A. Carvalho, D. Istrate, J. Boudy, T.  Guettari, P. Doré and R.M.C. Andrade

Predictive Models for Age-Related Bone Time-Dependent Mechanical Properties at the Micro Scale
S. Jaramillo Isaza, P.-E. Mazeran, K. El-Kirat and M.-C. Ho Ba Tho

Stochastic Analysis of the Size of Gene Families in the Genome at any Time of the Evolutionary Process
E.M. Ortega, J. Alonso and X. Li

The Use of the Coefficient of Variation for Comparison of Force-Time Curves from Handgrip Tests
J. Marques Novo Jr., R. de Souza Lima Jr. and C. Sadao Medeiros Komino

Variance Reduction for a Multiscale Tumor Growth Simulation
A. Lejon, D. Roose and G. Samaey

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