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About ICCB

The International Conference on Computational Bioengineering is a conference series initiated in Spain on 2003. Originally conceived by Manuel Doblaré, Helder Rodrigues, and Miguel Cerrolaza, the series is now steered by an international scientific committee that include also Jean-Louis Coatrieux, Harry van Lenthe, and Marco Viceconti.

The conference series is up to its fifth edition:

• The First issue was held in Zaragoza (Spain), on September 24-26, 2003, organised by Manuel Doblaré.

• The Second issue was held in Lisboa (Portugal), on September 14-16, 2005, organised by Helder Rodrigues.

• The Third issue was held in Island of Margarita (Venezuela), on September 17-19, 2007, organised by Miguel Cerrolaza.

• The Fourth issue was held in Bertinoro (Italy), on September 16-18, 2009, organised by Marco Viceconti.

• The Fifth issue was held in Leuven (Belgium) on September 11-13, 2013 , organised by Harry van Lenthe and Hans Van Oosterwyck.

• The Sixth issue will be held in Barcelona (Spain) on September 14-16, 2015 , organised by Miguel Cerrolaza and Sergio Oller.

ICCB conferences usually have 150-200 participants, and are designed to favour as much as possible the informal networking between researchers in addition to the exchanges in the scientific sessions.

Beautiful locations, great food, an easy-going atmosphere are the landmark features of these events, which contribute to create a social environment that favours the development of collaborations and exchanges.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
iccb2015@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47

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