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Number of visits: 146200

Confirmed Plenary Lecturers

Joerg Galle
Leipzig University, Germany
Multi-scale modeling of epigenetic regulation of stem cells
Christian Gasser
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
The relevance of vascular biomechanics simulations in the clinical decision making process. Case study abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair indication

Natalia Nuño
École de Technologie Supérieure, Canada
Numerical modeling of porous metallic materials for orthopedic applications
Marie Oshima
University of Tokyo, Japan
A computational study of the effects of carotid artery surgery on cerebral circulation
Aleksander Popel
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Systems biology of angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in health and disease
Sandra Shefelbine
Northeastern University, USA
Using computation models to explore skeletal adaptation
Nicolas Smith
King´s College London, UK
Can a clinician learn anything from a computational model of the heart?
Jos Van Der Sloten
KU Leuven (University of Leuven), Belgium
Patient-specific implant design: image information and musculoskeletal modeling


International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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