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Number of visits: 146231

List of Minisymposia

The confirmed list of Minisymposia follows:

Advances in Computational Heart Modelling
Mariano Vázquez, Jazmín Aguado-Sierra, David Nordsletten, Blanca Rodríguez and Vicente Grau

Biomaterials for Implants, Prosthesis and Medical Devices
Everling Dávila and Miguel Cerrolaza

Biomechanics and Mechanobiology of Tendons
Hanifeh Khayyeri, Hanna Isaksson and Mark Thompson

Biomechanics applied to the Human Being: How can Engineers help Doctor? A View from both Sides
Javier Bayod López

Biomechanics of Human Movement
Josep M. Font  and Javiera Valdivia 

Biomedical Imaging and Visualization
Joao Tavares

Computational Bio-engineering in Developing Nations
Sudesh Sivarasu 

Computational Biomechanics for Bone-Implant-Systems
Michael Roland and Stefan Diebels

Computational Cardiovascular Modeling and Blood Flow Simulation
Eduardo Soudah, Michele Conti and Ferdinando Auricchio

Computational Modelling of the Temporomandibular Joint 
Michel Mesnard and Antonio Ramos 

Coupling Multiphysics and Biophysical Phenomena in Soft Tissue Modelling
Jerôme Noailly

Dental Biomechanics
Estevam de las Casas and Renato Natal

From Molecules to Vascular Networks –  Integrated Modeling of Angiogenesis
Alexsander Popel and Katie Bentley

Functionally Imaging the Retina 
Shuliang Jiao and Rong Wen

Finite Element Constitutive Modeling for Biological Tissues 
Sergio Oller,Ester Comellas, Hanifeh Khayyeri, and Hanna Isaksson

Humanoid Robotics 
Khalid Addi

Investigations on Spinal Devices and Treatments 
Lucca Cristofolini

Modeling Growth of Biological Tissues  
Sandra Shefelbine and Diego Garzón

Multiscale Analysis of Experimental Data in Complex Biological Systems 
Raúl Benítez

Optimization Methods in Biomedical Engineerings 
Jose Madeira, Joao Folgado and H.C. Rodrigues

Uncertainty in Computational Bioengineering
Marie C. HoBaTho and Tien Tuan Dao

Understanding Microcirculation through Numerical Modeling
Yi Sui and Xiaobo Gong

Verification and Validation of Computational Bone Mechanics
Zohar Yosibash and Ernst Rank

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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