21/7/2014    14:00 - 16:00
Advanced Methods for the Analysis and Design of Tensile Structures II
Minisymposium organized by Falko Dieringer, Roland Wüchner and Kai-Uwe Bletzinger
Room: Sala C3
Chair: Benedikt Philipp
Numerical simulation of structural behaviour of membrane restrained elastic gridshells
Elisa Lafuente Hernández and Christoph Gengnagel

Different determination procedures for stiffness parameters of woven fabrics and their impact in the membrane structure analysis
Jörg Uhlemann, Natalie Stranghöner and Klaus Saxe

Simulation and Experiment Research on 2D Open Membrane Structure
Xiaoying Sun, Tianyang Wang, Yue Wu, Roland Wüchner and Kai-Uwe Bletzinger

Aleatoric & espistemic uncertainty in the analysis of tensile structures
Peter Gosling, Nicola Bartle and Ben Bridgens

Testing and isogeometric structural analysis of membranes subject to large deflections
Maitane Narezo Docampo, Steven Zalek and Dale Karr