24/7/2014    16:30 - 18:30
Advanced Techniques for Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow and Transport in Porous Media II
Minisymposium organized by Florin A. Radu and Vitoriano Ruas
Room: Sala C3
Chair: Florin Adrian Radu
Domain decomposition preconditioning for non-linear elasticity problems
Eirik Keilegavlen, Jan Ole Skogestad and Jan Nordbotten

Numerical implementation of a new consistent velocity approximation for variable-density flow and transport in porous media
Xavier Albets-Chico and Stavros Kassinos

A mixed hybrid finite element method for the coupling Stokes-Darcy flow
Iury Igreja, Cristiane O. Faria and Abimael F.D. Loula

Hermite finite elements with normal flux continuity
Vitoriano Ruas

Flow under retaining structures: A new application of network method
Pablo Ortiz, Iván Alhama , Emilio Trigueros and Francisco Alhama

Effects of operating conditions on the flow through a porous wall in dead-end capillary membrane during backwash
Hussam Mansour, Anik Keller, Rolf Gimbel and Wojciech Kowalczyk