21/7/2014    16:30 - 18:30
Applications of Error Estimation and Model Adaptation in Computational Mechanics III
Minisymposium organized by Ludovic Chamoin, Pedro Díez, Fredrik Larsson and Kris Van der Zee
Room: Mare Nostrum E
Chair: Ludovic Chamoin
On adaptive control of fine-scale errors in two-scale finite element analysis (Keynote Lecture)
Kenneth Runesson and Fredrik Larsson

A discontinuous Galerkin local orthogonal decomposition method for elliptic multiscale problems
Daniel Elfverson, Emmanuil Georgoulis, Axel Målqvist and Daniel Peterseim

Adaptive discretization, regularization, linearization, and algebraic solution in unsteady nonlinear problems
Daniele A. Di Pietro, Eric Flauraud, Martin Vohralik and Soleiman Yousef

An adaptive multiscale method for the Stokes problem in porous media
Assyr Abdulle and Ondrej Budac

Efficient modeling of random heterogeneous materials with an uniform probability density function
Daniel A. Paladim, Pierre Kerfriden and Stéphane P.A. Bordas

Modal-based goal-oriented error assessment and adaptivity for structural dynamics
Francesc Verdugo, Núria Parés and Pedro Díez

Phase-field driven goal-oriented model adaptivity for blending schemes toward optimized multiscale modeling
Timo M. van Opstal, Pablo Seleson, Kristoffer G. van der Zee, Serge Prudhomme and Qiang Du