21/7/2014    16:30 - 18:30
Higher Order (Generalized) Finite Element Methods for Problems with Singularities I
Minisymposium organized by Christopher B. Davis, Hengguang Li and Victor Nistor
Room: Tramuntana 2
Chair: Christopher Davis
Convergence analysis of configurational forces for brittle cracks modeled through Ck-generalized FEM
Diego Amadeu Torres, Clovis Sperb de Barcellos and Paulo de Tarso Mendonça

On Global-Local Enrichments for Evolution Equations
Sa Wu and Marc A. Schweitzer

Finite element error estimates on the boundary for elliptic boundary value problems with Neumann boundary data
Johannes Pfefferer

A nonconforming Finite Element Method for an acoustic fluid-structure interaction problem
Susanne C. Brenner, Aycil Cesmelioglu, Jintao Cui and Li-yeng Sung

Collocated Enrichment for Isogeometric Analysis of Elliptic Boundary Value Problems with Singularities
Hae-Soo Oh, Jae Woo Jeong and Hyunju Kim

Bridging singularities across scales
Julia Plews and C. Armando Duarte