Wednesday, 13 June 2018    16:30 - 18:30
Direct and inverse methods for cardiovascular and pulmonary biomechanics III
Minisymposium organized by Wolfgang A. Wall, C. Alberto Figueroa, Marek Behr and Raoul van Loon
Room: Staffa CPH
Chair: Wolfgang A. Wall
A systematic comparison of 3D solid, shell and membrane formulations for the simulation of arterial wall mechanics
Miquel Aguirre, Rogelio Ortigosa, Nitesh Nama, Antonio J. Gil and C. Alberto Figueroa

Computational model of a droplet generator using the VOF method
Jose A. Monterrubio Lopez, Nathan J. Quinlan and Ronan J. MacLoughlin

A patient-specific somputational study of right coronary artery flow in pulmonary hypertension
Christopher J. Arthurs, Miguel Silva Vieira and C Alberto Figueroa