Wednesday, 13 June 2018    16:30 - 18:30
Non-newtonian fluid flows: numerical methods and applications III
Minisymposium organized by Monica S. N. Oliveira, Robert J. Poole, Manuel A. Alves, Nigel Mottram, Markus Rütten and Olaf Wünsch
Room: Gala 1
Chair: M Rütten
CoChair: O Wünsch
Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids in flexible straight vessels (Keynote Lecture)
Philipp Dörner, Michael Klaas and Wolfgang Schröder

Effect of non-newtonian behaviour of blood and structural abnormalities of arterial wall on blood flow in circle of willis
Aria Alimi and Olaf Wünsch

Towards a realistic model of blood viscosity and coagulation in membrane oxygenators
Clemens Birkenmaier and Lars Krenkel

Flow simulation of a natural polymer in a syringe-needle delivery device
Ioanna M. Syntouka, Philip E. Riches, Grahame Busby and Asimina Kazakidi

Microstructural effects on the rheological behaviour of nanofluids
Marco Ravina, Anthony C. DeFilippo, Sonia Fereres and Mauricio Zurita-Gotor

Influence of the viscoelasticity on cavitation in bearings
Sultan Sinem Eren, Daniele Dini and Luca Biancofiore