Wednesday, 13 June 2018    08:30 - 10:30
Strength, fatigue and stability of composite structures II
Minisymposium organized by Giovanni Garcea, Raimund Rolfes, Martin Ruess, Kaui-Uwe Schröder, Claudio Balzani, Eelco Jansen Jansen and Raimund Rolfes
Room: M2
Chair: Claudio Balzani
CoChair: Raimund Rolfes
Probabilistic strength analysis of fiber composite structures using lamination parameters (Keynote Lecture)
Benedikt Kriegesmann and Jannik Manderla

Residual strength prediction for multi-directional composites subjected to arbitrary fatigue loads
Marc Möller, Jochen Blaurock, Gerhard Ziegmann and Alfons Esderts

An adaptive algorithm to accelerate the critical plane identification for multiaxial fatigue criteria
Michael Wentingmann, Pablo Noever-Castelos and Claudio Balzani

Numerical simulation of LCF of structure material with inclusions
Yury M. Temis, Khakim K. Azmetov and Alexey A. Lazarev

Layer-based fatigue damage modelling and experimental validation for carbon fibre reinforced plastics under different stress ratios
Martin Brod, Gordon Just, Eelco Jansen, Ilja Koch, Raimund Rolfes and Maik Gude

On the enhanced ductility of 3D composites under compressive loading
Jim M.J. Schormans, Lucas R. Meza, Joris J.C. Remmers and Vikram S. Deshpande