Wednesday, 13 June 2018    08:30 - 10:30
Model reduction, big data and dynamic data-driven systems VI
Minisymposium organized by Francisco Chinesta, Elias Cueto, Charbel Farhat, Matthew J. Zahr and Pierre Ladeveze
Room: Forth
Chair: Antonio Huerta
CoChair: Francisco Chinesta
Optimal materials and processes constructors based on the kinetic theory and model learners (Keynote Lecture)
Emmanuelle Abisset-Chavanne, Jean-Louis Duval, Francisco Chinesta and Elias Cueto

Diagnostics of actuation system faults from dynamic data
Pier Carlo Berri, Matteo D.L Dalla Vedova and Laura Mainini

Reduced order modeling of subsurface multiphase flow models using deep residual recurrent neural networks
Nagoor Kani Jabarullah Khan and Ahmed H. Elsheikh

Geometrically nonlinear modes for model reduction in structural dynamics
Olivier Bruls, Valentin Sonneville and Vladimir Martinusi

Model order reduction in viscoplastic flow modelling using proper orthogonal decomposition and neural networks
Ekaterina A. Muravleva, Ivan V. Oseledets and Dmitry A. Koroteev

A multiphase approach to the construction of POD-ROM for flows induced by rotating solids
Antoine Falaize, Erwan Liberge and Aziz Hamdouni