Tuesday, 12 June 2018    14:00 - 16:00
Model reduction, big data and dynamic data-driven systems IV
Minisymposium organized by Francisco Chinesta, Elias Cueto, Charbel Farhat, Matthew J. Zahr and Pierre Ladeveze
Room: Forth
Chair: Elias Cueto
CoChair: Matthew Joseph ZAHR
An accurate and generic framework for real-time finite element method simulation of soft robots using model order reduction (Keynote Lecture)
Olivier Goury, Felix Vanneste and Christian Duriez

On the thermodynamic admissibility of data-driven computational mechanics
Ruben Ibañez, David Gonzalez, Francisco Chinesta and Elías Cueto

A combined HDG-PGD approach for the solution of parameterized elliptic problems
Luca Borchini, Matteo Giacomini, Ruben Sevilla and Antonio Huerta

Towards a general stabilisation method for conservation laws using a multilayer Perceptron neural network: 1D scalar and system of equations
Maria Han Veiga and Rémi Abgrall

Towards a reduced order modelling approach for coupled acousto-magneto-mechanical problems with application to MRI scanners
Guillem Barroso, Antonio J. Gil, Paul D. Ledger, Michael Mallet, Antonio Huerta and Sergio Zlotnik

Verification and validation for fast simulation of acoustics and electro-magnetics including data assimilation
Simona Vermiglio, Alberto García, Pedro Díez, Domenico Borzacchiello and Francisco Chinesta