Monday, 11 June 2018    16:30 - 18:30
Design optimisation with multiscale or multiphysics considerations II
Minisymposium organized by Xiao-Yi Zhou and H. Alicia Kim
Room: Dochart 1
Chair: Gregoire Allaire
Tailoring structural and material topologies under thermal and mechanical loads using level set topology optimization (Keynote Lecture)
Xiaoyi Zhou, Zongliang Du and H. Alicia Kim

Sensitivity analysis as a tool for optimal material design
Wojciech Kijanski and Franz-Joseph Barthold

Material design with predefined elasticity tensor
Tristan Djourachkovitch, Nawfal Blal, Nahiene Hamila and Anthony Gravouil

Topology optimization of modulated and oriented periodic microstructures by the homogenization method in presence of singularities in the orientation field
Perle Geoffroy-Donders, Grégoire Allaire and Olivier Pantz

Optimization of the porous material described by the Biot model
Daniel Hübner, Eduard Rohan, Vladimir Lukes and Michael Stingl

Optimization of 3D Phononic Band Gap Lattice Structures
Fabian Wein and Michael Stingl