Monday, 11 June 2018    16:30 - 18:30
Discrete simulations of granular materials II
Minisymposium organized by Stefanos-Aldo Papanicolopulos, Daniel Barreto, Kevin J. Hanley and Thomas Shire
Room: Boisdale 1
Chair: Kevin Hanley
The deformable discrete element method
Jerzy Rojek, Nikhil Madan, Szymon Nosewicz and Aleksander Zubelewicz

Polyhedral discrete element method modelling of natural sand under uniaxial compression
Vasileios Angelidakis, Stefano Utili and Vasilis Sarhosis

Discrete element modelling of shear deformation of rough particles
Sadegh Nadimi, Ali Ghanbarzadeh, Mojtaba Ghadiri and Anne Neville

Flowing characteristics of spherical particles with restrained rotation
Behzad Soltanbeigi, Thomas Weinhart, Stefanos A. Papanicolopulos, Stefan Luding and Jin Y. Ooi

Discrete Element Method for the modeling of Lithium Ion Battery cathodes and an approach for more general particle shapes
Verena Becker, Oleg Birkholz, Yixiang Gan and Marc Kamlah

Improving algorithms for particle simulation on modern GPUs
Hermann Kureck, Nicolin Govender, Stefan Enzinger, Srdan Letina, Alexander Korsunsky and Johannes G. Khinast