Monday, 11 June 2018    11:00 - 13:00
Design optimisation with multiscale or multiphysics considerations I
Minisymposium organized by Xiao-Yi Zhou and H. Alicia Kim
Room: Dochart 1
Chair: Xiaoyi Zhou
Multi-objective optimization of a morphing aerofoil’s active internal structure (Keynote Lecture)
Florian Dexl, Andreas Hauffe and Klaus Wolf

Topology optimization of geotechnical designs involving ultimate limit states
Stijn François, Wannes Stalmans and Mattias Schevenels

Optimization based analysis of the effect of particle spatial distribution on the elastic behaviour of PRMMC
Lorenzo Gentile, Dario Giugliano, Enrico Cestino, Giacomo Frulla and Edmondo Minisci

Stochastic topology optimization in high-performance computing clusters using adaptive mesh refinement algorithms
Joan Baiges, Jesús Martínez-Frutos, David Herrero-Pérez, Fermín Otero and Àlex Ferrer

Optimization of frame structures: Topology, shape and sizing
Alexander Keller, Ingo Münch and Werner Wagner

Reduced-Order Model and Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis for Geometrically Nonlinear Topology Optimization Problems
Yi Zhang, Dirk Munro, Xiaoqian Chen and Fred van Keulen