Monday, 11 June 2018    11:00 - 13:00
Moving interface problems in computational fluid dynamics I
Minisymposium organized by Jooyoung Hahn and Robert Kloefkorn
Room: Dochart 2
Chair: Jooyoung HAHN
CoChair: Robert KLOEFKORN
A level-set method for interfacial heat or mass transfer in two-phase flows (Keynote Lecture)
Néstor Balcázar, Óscar Antepara, Joaquim Rigola and Asensi Oliva

Liquid vapor phase transitions: modeling, Riemann solvers and computation
Christoph Zeiler

Numerical study of a pressure-swirl atomizer using LES/VOF
Erkki Laurila and Ville Vuorinen

An arbitrary lagrangian eulerian approach with exact mass conservation for the numerical simulation of the 3D rising bubble problem
Cagatay Guventurk and Mehmet Sahin

Flow simulation inside packaging machines: moving interface problems
Fabian Key and Stefanie Elgeti

Level-set based numerical simulation of bubble growth in a droplet
Seongwook Cho and Gihun Son