Tuesday, 12 June 2018    16:30 - 18:30
Numerical Methods For Multi-Material Flows I
Minisymposium organized by Nathaniel R. Morgan, Mikhail Shashkov and Andrew Barlow
Room: Boisdale 2
Chair: Nathaniel Morgan
Relaxation of high-order curved meshes in the remesh phase of BLAST
Veselin Dobrev, Tzanio Kolev, Patrick Knupp, Robert N. Rieben and Vladimir Tomov

High Order direct ALE methods for multi-phase flows
Walter Boscheri, MIchael Dumbser and Maurizio Righetti

The Effect of an Isentropic Correction on a Collocated Lagrange-Remap Scheme
Christina Paulin, Jean-Philippe Braeunig and Renaud Motte

Consistent high resolution interface-capturing finite volume scheme for compressible multi-material flows
Qiuju Wang and Ralf Deiterding

Thermodynamical effects of the GRP solver and its application for compressible multi-fluid flows
Jiequan Li, Jin Qi and Yue Wang