Thursday, 14 June 2018    08:30 - 10:30
Real-time simulation, visualization and image processing in engineering science I
Minisymposium organized by João M. Tavares, Renato N. Jorge, Yongjie Jessica Zhang, Adrian R.G. Harwood, Petra Wensich, Timoleon Kipouros, Mark Savill and Alistair J. Revell
Room: Staffa CPH
Chair: João Manuel R.S. Tavares
CoChair: Adrian Harwood
Semi-automatic segmentation of both lumens in aortic dissection CT images (Keynote Lecture)
Pedro Morais, Joao L. Vilaça, Sandro Queiros, Jan D‘hooge and Joao M.R.S. Tavares

Application of Fourier and Wavelet Methods to Analysis of Positron Emission Particle Tracking Data
Aminou Halidou, Daramy Kallon, Andre Nel, Indresan Govender and Aubrey Mainza

High-Performance Interactive Flood Simulations
Christoph Ertl, Florian Mintgen, Nevena Perovic, Hao Zeng, Michael Manhart and Ralf-Peter Mundani

Use of gaming and affordable VR technology for the visualization of complex flow fields
Eleonora Seu, Sam Hewitt and Lee Margetts

Digital Volume Correlation using Quartic FEM Interpolation and Global Optimization
Nico van Dijk, Dan Wu, Cecilia Persson and Per Isaksson