23/7/2014    16:30 - 18:30
Uncertainty Modeling and High Performance Stochastic Methods for Computationally Intensive Calibrations, Predictions and Optimizations IV
Minisymposium organized by Tan Bui-Thanh, Thomas Carraro, Marko Laine and Ernesto E. Prudencio
Room: Mare Nostrum E
Chair: Ernesto Prudencio
Selection, Calibration, and Validation of Coarse-Grained Models of Atomistic Systems in the Presence of Uncertainties.
Kathryn Farrell and J. Tinsley Oden

Comparision of alternative approaches for the stochastic finite element analysis of structures with elasto-plastic damage behavior
Philipp-Paul Jablonski and Udo Nackenhorst

Accounting for aeroelasticity model-form uncertainty in a Bayesian framework
Christian T. Nitschke, Jean-Camille Chassaing, Paola Cinnella and Didier Lucor

Reliability analysis of structural dynamic characteristics based on a reduced physical model
Ping Yi, Linlang Feng and Yongke Li

Bayesian updating of numerical models with subset simulation
Iason Papaioannou, Wolfgang Betz and Daniel Straub

Identification of elastoplastic material properties in a Bayesian setting
Bojana V. Rosic and Hermann G. Matthies

Accounting for uncertainties on the modeling of an RCC DAM construction
Ana Gaspar, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi and António Gomes-Correia