22/7/2014    16:30 - 18:30
Innovative Numerical Approaches for Multi-physics Problems I
Minisymposium organized by Anna Pandolfi, Laurent Stainier and Kerstin Weinberg
Room: Sala de prensa I
Chair: Laurent Stainier
A computational framework for polyconvex large strain electromechanics (Keynote Lecture)
Antonio J. Gil, Rogelio Ortigosa and Javier Bonet

A computational framework for polyconvex large strain electromechanics. Applications
Rogelio Ortigosa, Antonio J. Gil and Javier Bonet

On constitutive relationships and design optimization of electroactive polymers
Kerstin Weinberg, Philipp Gaida and Anna Pandolfi

Modelling of ball bearing loading by DEM for electromechanical coupling
Charles Machado, Mohamed Guessasma and Emmanuel Bellenger

MEMS energy harvesters based on aeroelastic phenomena
Raffaele Ardito and Rocco Musci

Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Coupling in the Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere (LAI) System Associated with the Seismogenic Process
Lanbo Liu, Qinghua Huang, Yanbin Wang and Qiao Wang