21/7/2014    14:00 - 16:00
Evolutionary Algorithms and Metaheuristics in Civil Engineering and Construction Management I
Minisymposium organized by Jorge Magalhaes-Mendes and David Greiner
Room: Xaloc
Chair: Jorge Magalhães-Mendes
CoChair: David Greiner
On Dedicated Evolutionary Algorithms for Large Non-linear Constrained Optimization Problems in Application to Residual Stresses Analysis
Janusz Orkisz and Maciej Głowacki

Multiobjective optimization of time-cost using a multi-mode genetic algorithm
Jorge Magalhães-Mendes

Optimum design of shallow foundation using finite element analysis
Alex Spetz, Ola Dahlblom and Per Lindh

A comparison of minimum constrained weight and fully stressed design problems in discrete cross-section type bar structures
David Greiner, José M. Emperador, Blas Galván and Gabriel Winter

Hybrid approach to identification of elastic thin plate parameters applying GWM and ANN
Ewa Pabisek and Zenon Waszczyszyn